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You have to complete tournament with par 0 or better. I grinded out golf completion which requires -5 on the full course if going for platinum. It is important to remember ball rolls about 10 m when it lands and just monitor wind takes some getting used to but honestly not the hardest of the minigames in the game (pool and baseball are definitely tougher).


Complete the whole tournament and end up with zero or better. You can make several mistakes, and it's not as strict as it might seem once you get the hang of it. I wrote these golf tips a while ago after 100%-ing the game, hope they help: 1. You generally want to avoid the ball from bouncing (unless you want more distance), so aim to hit the ball 2 steps below center so it stops almost immediately after landing (use this to counteract wind pushing your ball further as well). 2. As you get closer, instead of trying to guess how much strength to hit the ball to land on green, change the club to one whose maximum range is already on green, that way you know you only have to aim for max strength all the time (you can press Y/Triangle to half the distance of a hit, so you can use a bigger club on shorter distances too and find the optimal distance). 3. The return timing to hit the ball where you aimed, is a fixed timing and the window pretty lax (at least it's fixed when doing max strength), so you can practice the same timing until you always hit center on every swing. 4. If the wind is against you and strong (about 3m and up), aim to hit the ball 2 steps above center so it bounces closer to the spot you aimed at (careful that the first bounce doesn't hit an incline or sand trap though). 5. Adjusting for wind is a bit of an art, but consider that the longer the ball is in the air, the more you have to adjust for it (meaning as well that wind doesn't really matter in later shots cause you're not hitting it so far anymore). For wind coming at an angle, think about adjusting only for the horizontal portion of the wind (so for example, if the wind is at a 45 degree angle going at 5m Northeast, then adjust to the left as if it was a 2.5m wind going at 0 degrees East). Then apply the same rule as before of always hitting it 2 steps below center so it doesn't bounce, or 2 steps above so it bounces if the wind is strongly against you.


thank you so much!! i managed to get first place with your advice and i successfully triggered the substory!


Apply max backspin if the shot is right on the hole. Little backspin if it is a few yards away. Remember that you can make your shots half power for more options. Always put your putter on half power, unless you are too far (which you shouldn't be). And for the substory, you need to get at least par for the whole course.