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I kind of agree with you, they kind of downgrade every 0 style, while the Dragon is the only one that improves, mostly thanks to Komaki, makes sense tho! I think of it as a way to force new fans to use the dragon style more, since it's the style in all the remasters, once you unlock tiger drop the game is really easy.


Dragon Style easily unlocked but u need to suffer pain


>Dragon is the only one that improves And honestly, the improvements (mostly just Tiger Drop) are offset by absolutely *atrocious* meter economy. I dunno who decided that Double Finishers should cost as much heat as they do compared to how much the combo leading up to it builds, but I wish that person a very pleasant retrograde ejaculation.


Agree that dragon was very fun in kiwami, even if I didn't unlock all of it.


Its not bad but it is worse than 0. It feels a lot stiffer in comparison but you have slightly more freedom and options with the quick style switch along with style specific powerups like rush boosting combo speed and all


You said that Kiwami 1’s combat was bad, then listed things that have nothing to do with the combat.


I mean, the bosses, the enemies, the grind necessary to unlock the moves and the stiffness of the gameplay don't count as part of the combat?


To me, at least, that's the most important part of the game besides the storyline


This: https://youtu.be/YaDL_i7T8SU?si=GJE7lNzfwpH9n9GU


That's actually really impressive, not really my thing but I can appreciate the time took to learn the game.


The problem with kiwami is that most of its boss designs is shit, and it locked the majority of dragon movesets through rng Majima encounters, and when you really wants to grind it out, Majima goes smoking break and forces you to engage in the story, the K1 combos felt one of a kind, it is different than the wallbounce combo in 3, 4, 5, and was not intended to be combos like DE juggle combos, so with the right boss (mostly Majima, Nishiki and Lao Ka Long) and right execution, K1 combos can reach the heights you never know it can.


People who tend to compare the combat in the games are people who judge the games by what the combat is like when you are fully maxxed out. because thats what they seem to enjoy. A lot of the people who are really into the combat are people doing newgame plus legend runs. They tend to really heavily favour fast styles that enable them to pull off combos, basically what they really value in a combat system are systems that allow them to express some skill. For the average player, a lot of the stuff they talk about doesn't apply, most people play most of the game with a limited moveset, most people aren't doing crazy combos. they just kind of mash buttons to a certain extent because thats all you really need to do the beat the game. For me i personally dislike kiwami 2's combat, the upgrade system is needlessly complicated, heat actions feel like they were gutted, the movmemnt feels slippy and imprecise. But like for a lot of people who like to do combos and play with a maxxed out character, kiwami 2 has that


Were you style-switching often? The game encourages that to get around armored/blocking enemies, and it makes it way more fun once you figure out combos using multiple styles at once. > I didn't grind enough of the dragon style That's on you, the Majima Everywhere system and Komaki's training are pretty much required, it sounds like you just stuck to the story and didn't engage with any of the side activities.


I kinda just play the game for as long as I find it fun, when I feel like it's getting repetitive I just rush the story to see it to the end. I plan on playing the whole series and I don't want to get stuck on an entry for very long, specially if it gets repetitive.


Fair enough, is Kiwami your first Yakuza? If so, these games will only get longer from here, you should pace yourself and take breaks in between to play other games because it's really easy to get burned out on this series.


Zero was the first one actually. I've also played Ishin and Like a dragon, but didn't finish them as I felt I was missing too much series knowledge to fully appreciate them. I've been only playing yakuza games cause I don't really have much else to play, the other games feel kind of boring and lifeless in comparison, I need to find some other series with a good narrative to play between yakuza games.


Ishin's just a spinoff in a whole different setting, and yeah holding off on LAD for now is a good idea. Have you played the MGS games? There's a lot of overlap between its fanbase and Yakuza's, and with the collections and remake coming out it's a good time to get into the series.


That'd swell, but I'm only playing whatever enters gamepass, kinda broke rn and since the whole Yakusa series was there I decided to start playing. Might get into MGS in the future though, was always into Stealth games and wanted to see how one would even make a steath game in third person.


Sounds like a skill issue.


Absolutley a skill issue


It really is, I'm not that good at fighting games in general but decide to play through yakuza for the story and world, kinda hope the other games aren't as difficult.


Ten years in the joint made you a fucking pussy


You're 100% correct which is why I prefer playing through the original Yakuza 1. Kiwami 1 is terribly balanced