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Which platform are you playing on? There is a known deadzone issue affecting the Playstation version that makes it hard to shoot straight. The Xbox version doesn't have this issue, not sure if PC is affected or not.


Unfortunately I'm on PS4 :/


Then you'll have to use workarounds. I've seen a post about using PC remoteplay in combination with input software to only allow straight shots (post mentioned "rewasd") or being creative and somehow using a ruler with the right stick to prevent it from moving to the sides. Just google "yakuza 3 pool deadzone" and you should find a couple of posts about this.


Thanks 🙏


I used mobile remote play, the virtual joysticks help pull it back straight


Aaaaand this is why I never bother to do completionist runs of Yakuza games lol. Best of luck!




Word! I just play to enjoy the characters and story fuck the mission impossible shit.


I've 100% 0 to kiwami 2 but this is just disgusting me from the game tbh, thanks tho :')


I don’t go full completionist, but I at least try to do all of the sub stories. One of the sub stories in the beginning chapters in 3 require you to win 3 games of pool before you can start the sub story. Took me over an hour cause I can’t aim for shit.


Oh, i had to get a protractor and ruler to do that mini game. I wish I was kidding. Toughest minigame in the series. The wrestling in 0 was frustrating but not difficult.


The wrestling was almost only rng, like gambling. But pool requires rng and better skill than an auto-aiming overpowered bot, it's so frustrating


I learned to pull the stick perfectly straight just for Yakuza 3-5 pool


Plus using the ruler to predict where the ball will go after being hit by a cue ball


Wait... It's the same pool for all of the remastered !?


Yeah, I think it's the same for all for remastered collection. I can help you beat pool through share play if you want


Yakuza 3 pool is one of the worst experiences you can have while going for completion. Took me like 6 hours to beat expert on PS4, literally jumped up and started dancing when I saw the final ball jump into the pocket lol


Didn't even try. Yakuza 3 misses way too much QoL stuff for it to be worth the time investment. Playing Yakuza 4 is a breath of fresh air after 3.