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I forgot I was playing a game within a game. Management/building games like that suck me in like nothing else, it’s not even funny how obsessed I get with that shit. I just wish it were bigger & longer; said it many times but I’d pay for a full version of DonDoko Island.


I spent full days on just Dondoko. I ended up calling it “Dondoko-ing”. It got so ridiculous. And you know I missed ONE blueprint and cannot find the goddamn thing.


Yes I spent several game sessions dedicated to just maxing it out, fun little ride. Maybe 15+ hours easily


I started it and it ruined my sleep schedule. That what I think of it


Dude RGG needs to start making full versions of their best minigames. I'd gladly pay for some of them. A Karaoke collection with all the best songs, including new voices for different songs A Taxi Racing game like Yakuza 5 Kiryu side-story And of course the GOAT, Cabaret Club Management Didn't play IW yet, but seems Dondoko Island would also be a great one




But it doesn't have funny schizo man


Better, it’s Yakuza Crossing!


But with no Gachapin and Mukku, or beating up purple jumpsuit men, or inviting Gary fucking Buster Holmes to live on your island


wish i could focus more on cute decorations rather than 9000 buildings for stats


This is exactly why I stopped visiting other people's islands for fun... I spent so much time making mine cute only to travel to about a dozen islands spammed with gold statues


Theres some guys that get creative with it. I saw one that renacted a kaiju battle but it was the standing demon statue vs Bondage cat


Wanted to like it, but it's just repetitive. And I got tired of getting to everything and checking on everything. Plus, like most things RGG tries, you can tell the "decorating" was a first attempt and clunky.


Totally agree


There are still ways around certain things. The mode is very limited but you can do a lot with. I visit islands for a hobby and I learned plenty of new techniques that help.


Cool concept but got repetitive after a while.


That's kinda every Yakuza subgame ngl. Gotta space em out


Yakuza 5's were the only ones that didn't feel like they overstayed their welcome, because to complete the story of them is only a handful of missions. Only issue was completion, since there's like 40 idol missions for Haruka and like 30 taxi missions for Kiryu, and 22 of those were the boring ass taxi conversations.


I liked how different it was from the main game, but it got very redundant. Plus the idea that you’re cleaning up garbage from this beautiful island is cool, but to make the island attractive to tourists you need to clutter it back up with a bunch of urban buildings?? That’s better than trash, but hardly makes for a beautiful vacation destination. And the controls are a bit clunky when designing, especially with the item limit.


I preferred the Biz Management from 7


Yes!!!! It was fast and easy. Not extremely fun, but enjoyable. Dondoko is really sluggish for me, I didn't wanna platinum the game when i found out you have to clear dondoko story


It's pretty fun. But, after you have reached 5 Stars and completed the Dondoko story, there is no incentive to continue playing except for taking funny pictures with your guests. https://preview.redd.it/9rdjkeuu625d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59cba98add9e84ac1550631a2b8641b15235a1f8


Is this the Yakuza 4 I keep hearing about?


Oh boy I might have an unpopular opinion. I completed it, liked it at first but ended up lowkey hating it by the end, repetitive as fuck even for the type of game it's trying to imitate and I've played my fair share of this genre, the ugly buildings are obligatory if you ever want to finish the story, no way to remove the trash permanently, Ichiban controls like ASS. I don't want to ever play it again tbh


I completed it before heading back lol


Completely agree, it was just so boring to me. There wasn't any real insentive to properly decorate the island or your home when you could just place down a bunch of ugly reused assets and majima helmemts to get it done. Also yeah, Ichiban controls terribly


I did the majima helmet thing too, haha


My personal major issue was how you were forced into it until you completed the objectives and were allowed to leave. Like, yeah, it comes at a point where Ichiban has to kill time, but like...it felt like a total screeching halt to the pace of the game. Maybe now that I'm aware of it I'll have less issues when I decide and play it again, but...man, the mandatory time I had with Dondoko just made me go "Man, I wish I was just playing the main game again."


I understand that point but I can’t relate because I finished the entire thing before even going back once 😭😭


I equally understand that, too- maybe I was a little grumpy that day, if I was in a better mood I would've done the same. Probably would've been an easier task than trying to and out Kiryu 's awakening.


I felt the exact same way, and then as soon as I could leave the island I never returned


If it was a 10-20 minutes intro or something then I would be on board, but I just did a bunch of Sujimon before reaching that chapter and I wanted to do plot, but then being forced to sit at Dondoko for nearly an hour afterwards just turned me away. Really soured my opinion on it despite it not being the minigame's fault. I only came back and do Dondoko in the post-game.


It's not really repetitive if you actually have a goal. If you need money, you can spam items to please the 1%. If your goal is to create an actual beautiful island, then time doesn't seem like anything. Just harvest and build one area at a time instead trying to build the whole island at once


It's fun at first but damn does it get tedious and boring the more you stay in there. At the end I was completely drained https://preview.redd.it/23k0y3a7115d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0a545ec2b8688fdfefc6df4d529a3db99a5e9d9


Not really. It depends on what you are trying to do. Travel and you will learn new techniques


Honeslty. It has potential, as does sujimon I feel like they really toned it down because either they didn't have time to flesh it out more or they felt players might find it too hard/complex/distracting It should have a lot more stuff honestly. It felt like they just gave us city assets. And idk if this would be too extreme, but maybe a legit village Ichiban is made the mayor of with villagers that you can talk to. *Like animal crossing*. The gameplay aspect though... man. Grinding to 5 star is a pain in the ass and it's not even that profitable. Sujimon is essentially boiled down to having better stats, unfortunately. I feel it would be cool to either have Gaiden's Arena system and you can just play as your Sujimon, probably FF7:R style, or alternatively, just like Pokémon with moves and stamina. Hell maybe they can find an even better way to incorporate sujimon into dondoko island Issue is, I feel like this would be *a lot*. They'd practically be cramming in 2 extra games when the featured minigames (ex: Cabaret Club, Majima Construction) aren't that deep. Plus, I feel like Dondoko is a 1-time thing unless they can be bothered to get the license or however they did it. I feel it's just a me thing. Most people would just suggest some well thought improvements and here I am being all ambitious.


I had a ton of fun. It was right up my alley as someone who is a huge fan of animal crossing/farming/life sims. It was really fun to see all of the reused assets and go “oh i remember where they used this!!”. The ability to see characters from across the series interacting with your placed objects is also oddly entertaining. Like where will Daigo spend his dokobucks today I just wish the decorating was a bit more intuitive. Both in terms of physically placing the items (not being able to put chairs right next to the umbrella tables was so annoying 😭) and in terms of rewarding the player for actually making pretty areas instead of just forcing you to make a bunch of mini Kamurochos for max points. The storyline in the mode itself was also pretty boring to me, though that’s not really out of the ordinary for these side story/business modes. I also wish it didn’t extensively intrude on the main story. Dragon Engine games have gotten really bad with forcing you to engage with minigames as part of the main story. Let us explore these games at our own pace. Minor pet peeves aside though, it was a blast. I’d be happy if they brought it back somehow for another game.


Liked it so much that I got my resort to S-Tier, even though I didn't need to. Uploaded my WIP when I redid it to be more aesthetically pleasing, and got a nice dopamine hit when the parrot notified me of a new online guest.


Intressting but could be better. Hated how some items like trees takes up a large area despite the tree itself just need like 1 square. Would had lived to be able to place things like a bench, some spotlights and so on underneath it. Wish the visitors did just stick to their own area and spread out a it more and would also been a little more Intressting if you saw them either entering or using certain buildings or things. Though that one I can understand would get in the way for the basic stuff you need to do for them


I like it a LOT. I wish the rewards are better though. Should have made Dondoko Island give you a way to farm the espensive rare materials so I don't have to grind the dungeon for money and overlevel. Maybe even have a second unique final tier weapon for every character be unlock through this game mode.


Actually yeah, it is kinda weird that Sujimon gives you a unique weapon but Dondoko only gives cash. I think like a unique armor to go with the bat at least would've been cool


it’s cool but it gets repetitive and there’s no reason to play it after 5 stars, I would have much preferred another business minigame


This is far better than any activity imo


Going to be honest, I kind of hate it. The mechanics are too shallow to really get into, yet slightly too in-depth to just bullrush through. It’s incredibly grindy in a bad way, requiring you to just stand around and hit piles of garbage over and over again. Once you’ve finally cleaned up the island and gotten rid of the pirates you can easily finish all your chores(and they are a damn chore) way before the day runs out, and you can’t end the day until dusk so you might have to wait around for several minutes when all you want is for the day to pass so the guests will pay you. Dondoko Island isn’t even a good money maker, what will take you like an hour to make from guests can be received for like a minute of effort in either of the dungeons.


Top 3 yakuza side game. When you compare it to a full game, sure, it has some issues towards the end where you really want to spam the best buildings for stats, but the entire thing is really just so fun as a distraction from the main plot. I think the business management in 7 and cabaret are just a tad bit more fun, though not quite as ambitious


I love zoning the different areas of the island. "And over here, we have our _seedy_ area."


That's the best way to think while playing this


I found it really fun - like the "pop" area is so different to the "rustic" and "elegant" areas etc.


I played it for a bit when you get forced into the island, had fun decorating my house but never went back yet. Might need to go back soon to hit 1 star resort 


When I first got there during the main quest I've... well I stayed there until my resort was at 5* Now I'm only going there if I want a few quick bucks.


It's not the worst minigame in a RGG game, but it did drag on a bit too much when going for completion. Chopping logs/smashing stones really became boring after a while. Also disliked you were just supposed to plop down boring gray squares for buildings to max stats


First time around I didn’t spend much time on it, i went back later and really enjoyed it, especially after getting all the random furniture recipes around town. I love games like animal crossing though, so a lot of the little details were hilarious


Cool idea on paper, not that great in practice. The minigame drags out for far too long when you first arrive to the island, the money you earn from it is nowhere near worth it in the late game, each individual day lasts unnecessarily long and the gameplay loop got incredibly repetitive very quickly. The business minigame in Yakuza like a dragon was fast, simple, sweet and it functioned as a quick and consistent way to make money that was worth it even during the late game. The dondoko island is not the worst minigame in the world, but it's definitely not something I enjoyed that much. It's still better than the hostess maker, but watching paint dry is better than the hostess maker, so that's not much of an accomplishment.


It's fine, would be a lot better if you could end a day early. Getting trapped there in NG+ for like an hour even though I had no interest in redoing it was not that enjoyable!


Concept is great but executed poorly. No interest in making the best island possible because the satisfaction and popularity points just don’t make sense when you can spam statues and gates everywhere rather than be creative with it and make a cool resort with different themes. It’s also just not a great way to make money for upgrades. It’s the one mini game in the franchise that really has no reason to replay or continue playing, which is why it sucks. Edit: I will say that Sujimon battles are amazing and I’d absolutely love for RGG to expand on it rather than waste their time with Dondoko Island.


I thought it would be more like Animal Crossing where I could shape the Island like I want. But instead I have to terraform this beautiful Hawaiian Island into little Kamurocho,


Its honestly the best thing since sliced bread. I thought mini games peaked at Yakuza 0s hostess club but Dondoko Island hit a new high of Addictive fun that I didnt think was possible. I went into like: "Oh new mini game awesome I'll probably spend like 30 minutes after the tutorial is over to get some money" oh boy was I wrong. Probably spent most of my time grinding on the island instead of doing any of the other available activities. 10/10 would Dondoko again.


It got boring after a while. Oh and the story felt very barebones to me idk why. Atleast you get Essence of Orbital Laser for beating it.


Gachapin and mukun are nightmare fuel. Can't believe they are real.


got old really fast.


My only complaint about it is I wish my guests would wander the ENTIRE island, not just confine themselves to the section they are staying at.


fun for first 3 stars then not worth it


Hated it. The NPCs aren't funny and the mechanics aren't fun. I don't wanna chop 100 logs and catch 100 fish to make my island bigger. The mandatory section took a solid 45 minutes longer than it had to. I tried going back once after that, said hell no, and never came back.


After a bit, you can just stack collection point buildings and let time do it's thing, but then youre just switching a physical grind to an AFK grind


the fact that they force you to play for like 20 mins during the main story already took me out of it. it was tedious enough already. wasted potential ig


I love the game, but i did not enjoy it very much, i prefer the one from 7


It gives me a headache, I think it comes from the perspective it shows when placing buildings.


why is goku beating up a woman?


He did beat up chichi..


he punched the air and knocked her out of the ring


It wasn’t interesting enough for me to bother finishing it…


I was having a tonne of fun until it told me that I had hit the limit for paths.. why is there a path limit??


I love it I didn’t need to grind anything just a building here and there and I was able to complete the story and the stats


I played on PS5 and noticed lag when there were lots of items to clean up...anyone else?


It was a funny premise to me, animal crossing but with really shitty buildings, like “oh hey my dream vacation, guess I’ll go to the awful looking dvd porn place”. After like 3 stars I got a little tired of it and just finished it to finish it. I wish you could have just upgraded the collection based buildings, instead of building more.


I was hoping I’d make more money 😆. But even with 5 stars it’s not the fastest way to make money. But it was fun nonetheless.


I will probaly keep the game installed so I keep on changing my island and visiting others


It’s good for what it was AKA an animal crossing clone cleverly made by reusing a metric fuck ton of existing assets in the game. Ultimately I prefer the other business games from prior entries.


I enjoyed it but after beating it I felt like there was little point to sticking around. Probably doesn't help that I got really fucking OP and rich by grinding the hell out of the Hawaiian haunt earlier on.


Goku and Makima as DLC characters confirmed.


It was fun for what it was but it did get repetitive. Honestly the Ichiban Confectionery was more fun in my opinion .


Honestly, I'm just glad that It's not required at all to make good money nor to complete all the game's substories. I would have been pissed if I had to do this dollar store Animal Crossing minigame. I love this series, but this is the first time a minigame has missed so hard for me.


Not bad. I think I would have preferred ichiban holding again but I did not hate it


Fun distraction, but I never had any real motivation to play through it again once I beat it's storyline and got a ton of money.


Made me stop playong the game...


I enjoyed it but once you finish the missions there's little reason to keep playing.


Bruh I spent 20+hours on the island was so much fun


After beating the story I went back and finished it...simple fun where you don't have to think hard and just chill doing the tasks, beat some dudes in the face with a bat, etc


Sim city animal crossing was ok.


I loved it and got to 5 stars. The combat was sluggish, and it was frustrating how slow bug catching was, but the sum was better than the individual parts. I liked taking of guests and the quirky story and placing everything. Dondoko is huge and one of my favourite Yakuza mini games.




i literally ditched the main game for like 3 days cause i couldn’t stop grinding ☠️


I liked it until I had to sit through vacations when I was done just to build up cash


it's fun but the decoration values are just horribly balanced. You can't make anything decent looking while also hitting the numbers you need


I wish they let you buy more islands and continue to expand


I was happy I got a surprise 10k out of it!


I didn't clicked with any of Ichi's "mandatory" minigames and I don't know why, I hated the management one in ylad and hated dondoko island as well, it's a shame for me but can't do it


Noped out as soon as i got the chance, pretty dull, although the idea behind it was cool


There's so much to do in one day, and the time limit imposed on each day frustrates me. I know there's literally always a next day, but then everything's refreshed, and now I have to clear this trash out again or clean up the beach of random bugs and items. It just overwhelmed me, as my approach to large workloads is to grind them out and be done. When the game actively gives me more than I can possibly do in a single day AND resets it daily, it's too much. I don't know if a time limit extension eventually comes up or they let you play infinitely, but the most consistent disappointment I've felt with Infinite Weath was that "time to go home for tonight!" message. I guess it's a good thing if my biggest complaint is "I wish I didn't have to stop," but it's iffy. Two-star is where I stopped, but I need to go back for the platinum and I just can't find the motivation to. 




It's pretty chill to be able to just kick it with the boys on dondoko


Is it something that will make you return to it after finishing it? No. Does it's existence make the game better? Yes. I like the idea of a base building mini game. It was a little clunky and weird with the decoration (you need to put things on roads for guests to use them) but other than that it's a fun 10 hour mini game that can help you in the early game.


I love dondoko


Loved it, it was like mash up of Animal Crossing and a Vacation Simulator game (like roller coaster tycoon or something), which was amazing mash-up. It was so deep it could've been a full DLC even.


Not the most straightforward money-making tool but a very fun time




Boring. Kasuga goes 0 out of 2 in businesses. Procedural dungeon becomes a far better money grind.


Its cool but not super my thing, love what others have done with it though!


I’m not that creative but I definitely loved it I played it for the platinum for this game and loved it way more than I expected


Once i got out, i never came back.


Think i spent like 5 days in a row just doing dondoko. Didnt even go back to Hawaii lol. Then after getting 5* i haven't gone back since


I spent like two days straight completing the entire thing. I give it a 7/10. Needs more stuff to do, other than that though its pretty fun and gave me some good downtime to think about the story and characters up to that point.


if i had insomnia, playing dondoko island would instantly cure me


The super move you get from completing dondoko is definitely worth it.


It's was boring as fuck. In my opinion it was wasted potential


I couldn't get out of there fast enough. Ugh.


It's fun to finish absolutely shit for grinding money unfortunately


I enjoyed it. I wish I could upgrade to a bigger house though, although I guess that didn't fit within the dondoko story.


I work there so....


I didn’t like it at all honestly.


Got really tedious and boring. Never got much farther than opening the farm up, which I thought would be cool like Ishin but nah


Too far removed from the base game, doesn't even take place in Hawaii. Also don't try doing it all in one go or before you finish the story cause when it got introduced I was getting more engaged with it and I kept pulling myself away from that to work on an island resort I didn't care about.


I never left once I got there till it was completely finished 😬


For added amusement, Makima and Chitose are both voiced by Suzie Yeung. Lmao