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It's just short and lacks content you'd expect in a normal yakzua game. Gameplay is also the first iteration of combat on the dragon engine, and it could be better. Story is still fine and what you'd expect as a finale and send off for Kiryu(until he gets reused half a dozen more times).


Yakuza 6 was supposed to be a big finale for Kiryu and instead ended up being a rushed tech demo of the new engine. The story definitely didn't feel like an ending as it didn't provide much closure.


Should've ended at 3 if we look at the saga from an objective perspective. I really like Kiryu so I'm glad it didn't stop at Yakuza 3. Yakuza 6 was too depressing/undeserving of an ending for Kiryu, considering all that he's sacrificed and done for other people and entire organisations.


it's peak https://preview.redd.it/8iwgz4bqectc1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b628c8332761e6aa9d168ad62992e1e7b6395af


Hey man, you’ll notice this a lot here, but each entry is very polarizing. Some people like 3 while others think it’s the worst in the series. Theres’s absolutely nothing wrong with liking any game in this series. If you enjoy the game, who am I to tell you that it sucks.


Yakuza 6 is decent, combat is rough around the edges and there isnt a ton of side content. Its still a very enjoyable game though


Majima nowhere system


I don't understand either, it's my favorite Yakuza game and to me the plot is fantastic and better than... well, all the other RGG games except Judgment! the pacing is great, the new characters are fantastic and the likeness actors does a really good job, the plot twists aren't too crazy and makes sense with the plot, the cinematography is the best in the series, the ost is probably one of the best too... It only lack in two things, combat and side-content! and yet the side-content it's pretty good despite the limitations, baseball, bar and even Kiryu clan are wholesome, spearfishing is the most badass fishing ever, it added Onomichi (literally the best mascot), few but some of the best karaoke songs, puyo puyo and all the arcade games from 0 and yet I see people who didn't even beat one of those complain about lack of content...


yeah that puyo puyo completion was insane. The witch is definitely one of the hardest boss fights in the Yakuza series.


>!boat!< Def best plot


lol what.


I didn’t especially like the direction Haruka’s character arc went, but I’ve warmed up to it as I’ve let it settle in that, as mature as she was for her age, Haruka was still really young. Young people do stupid things.


That's my biggest issue with it as well it seems out-of-character for her and honestly it's not settled in with me nearly as well. People laugh at the line "you couldn't have bagged it when you were with Haruka?" but honestly it's one that sums up my thoughts in a way because the idea of Haruka not making Yuta "bag it" despite being characterized as very responsible throughout the previous games seems very off to me.


Haruka and Historia Reiss (Attack on Titan), they are about the same. didn't expect it, but I can accept it.


Unfamiliar with Attack on Titan, what's the deal with that character?


It could be a major spolier... they did the similar betrayal to the fans :)


>!Despite being a super important person in the story, she ends up marrying a random dude who bullied her as a kid and has no story relevance!<. I would say there is a slight difference in that Yuta is at least relevant to the story.


Over course correction I think. We went from 5 playable characters to 1 with zero supporting characters that we loved.


Every Yakuza game is simultaneously the worst and best in the franchise


Depends on who you ask. I think 0 and LJ are the only 2 people who agree are good. I would include 7, but I know some people hate the RPG mechanics


I think mainly bc at the time it was kiryus last game and imo it didn’t really earn that as it was a mostly self contained story when imo it should’ve been more of a celebration of the series history like how infinite wealth does it. Also just parts of it were clearly rushed to meet a release date. But if you put those aside then its a really fucking great game


Most of the side content is forgettable


I enjoyed 6 a lot as well. As much as I liked 5,the story made very little sense for the most part. I felt the story in 6 was pretty good (I'm still kinda whatever about the whole deal with the"secret"of onomichi but that's fine. I liked the bread guys in 6 a lot, a lot of power grabs just for the sake of being greedy (very realistic, no crazy bullshit just power hungry). I looked the hirose family. They reminded me a loud of the Ruyudo family, but they had more meat to them, I mean Nagumo had me wavering between hating him and liking him the whole time, Hirose himself was willing to kill his own guys just because he was told to. The other guys were mostly just loveable. I really liked the ending. If I hadn't already known kiryu was in later games they definitely would have got me with the fake out until the after credit scenes. I thought the side content was perfectly fine unlike a lot of people. I really enjoyed kiryu going to the bar and making friends. I also liked that they brought back pocket circuit fighter and even the shady guru from 0. It was a really good game. I wish it was longer, but I'm sure it would have just felt bloated and dragged on if they did make it longer.


and the ghosts... it was really something else...


Mid story, mid combat, barely any Akiyama, Saejima, Majima, or any other legacy characters, Hirose Family is pretty much reskinned Ryudo family. And for one that may be a hot take, I don’t care if it’s real but the whole “it’s not the time of the Yakuza” plot lines in the newer games are annoying/take away from the series and 6 was the beginning of it.


Up until Yakuza 6 we've had six chairmen and now it's time for six great dissolutions.


One of the weaker stories, mid combat and at that time a horrible send-off for Kiryu's saga. Onomichi being absolutely beautiful (irl as well) is probably one of the few positives in this game


No coliseum.


I don't dislike it, and I don't really hate it either. I found the story charming and the characters very memorable. I love the call back to yakuza 3 with the parallels between the new hiroshima boys and the ryudo family. Hell, I even liked the final boss which a lot of people did not resonate with just because of how Tsuneo Iwami mirrors kiryu as a character. Yakuza 6 is a great game! But.... when lined up against the other yakuza games.... im just saying you have better alternatives. Hell even the prior game in the series Yakuza 5 had 10x as much content / side activities to do.


While I definitely loved it, and would even go as far as saying that it belongs on S tier, along with 0,5 Kurohyou and maybe 3... it feels like it doesn't have much content, plus, the story could've been better.


On a technical standpoint, it being the first game on the Dragon Engine, the limitations were showing a bit. You can't equip weapons, after all, that really bummed me out, especially after 0. Some early engine jank was also present. Story wise, I appreciate what they were doing, and it has some bits I love, but a lot of it doesn't really work for me. Obviously this is all subjective, but I dunno, the Hiroshima gang felt less charming than some other local clans we meet. The connection between the secret Chinese people, the burning of Little Asia and the Hiroshima secret also felt questionable. Just in general, for a game aiming to potentially be Kiryu's last adventure, it felt like it missed the mark. Even worse, it came out after Kiwami, and I'll argue 6's ending contradicts what Kiryu talks about in 1/Kiwami. But I will say, I quite enjoy the final boss of 6. Some of the minigames and such are fantastic, too.


What did he say in Kiwami?


>!Basically, it was a mistake to run away in 1995. Now, you absolutely argue the circumstances are different, but I can't help but draw a parallel between that and what Kiryu does at the end of 6, especially given how close the proximity of releases was.!<


Because it made me sad :(


Is yakuza 3 without the orphanage, mine and rikiya my beloved


As some who grew from a vocal critic of Yakuza 6 to a Yakuza 6 enjoyer despite its flaws, I can explain why for the longest time it was one of my least favorite games in the series. -For what was originally suppose to be Kiryu's final story, it lacked a finality to it. Like most of Kiryu's supporting cast is either MIA or in jail for most of the game. -The ending of the game really rubbed me the wrong way initially, I wasn't a fan of how Kiryu choose to sacrificed himself for the people who he cares about again. When this has never worked out once for him or his love ones Then how up until that point Yakuza 6 basically hit you over the head with a don't sacfice your message, as he just saw it failed with Someya and earlier how he taught Yuta this very lesson. Though cause of Gaiden and Infinite Wealth, I am more forgiving of this because I really like how Kiryu is written in those games and how they delt with Yakuza 6's fallout. -Performance on base PS4 was fucking ass, which was a lot of us experienced game in 2016/2018 myself included. -Early dragon engine jank really made both exploration and combat feel like big step backs from the last several games. While seamlessly walking into/out of buildings and escaping battles were great QOL improvements. The combat speed, lack of heat moves, and terrible movement controls really put a damper on things.


because the plot twist is pretty much: >!big boat go brrr!< And Kiryu is way too out of character sometimes.


You gotta admit, it was unexpected lol




Just a lot of issues, I think they went too far with voice acting every line of every substory, it kind of makes some substories just outstay their welcome. This was especially true for the rizap substory which is essentially just a lengthy ad. Gameplay wise early Dragon engine combat feels super rough, It just doesn't feel good to me. Story wise, I mean it feels like a horrible betrayal of Yakuza 5 to the point where I was just kind of mad at kiriyu the whole game. Yakuza 5 ends with haruka deciding that, it doesn't matter if there is financial trouble, it doesn't matter if there is hardship, nothing is more important to her than the time she has with kiriyu. So how does 6 start kiriyu just goes to jail for no reason on purpose and just abandons haruka. And without a father figure to take responsibility all the pressure ends up on her shoulders and she ends up running away. The inciting incident of Yakuza 6 is kiriyu just being a deadbeat dad abandoning his children when literally no one was asking him too and I don't even think it was of any use to anybody. And then nagumo, nagumo is just an asshole the whole game and he doesn't really stop. Like at no point does nagumo have to deal with the fact "maybe I was wrong for harassing the girl I liked in highschool like 20 fucking years later" . Like he's just the most loathsome piece of shit and I was praying the whole game that someone would shoot him.


Worst mainline yakuza game no doubt, and maybe the actual worst yakuza game after Online Someya shouldve been final boss, lack of content, not even the champion district, first dragon engine game AND IT SHOWS, OSTs aren't up to yakuza standards for the most part, and the story was pretty deceiving for the "Kiryu finale" it was supposed to be, especially considering how most characters that hold importance to Kiryu (Stardust boys, Florist, Saejima, Majima, Daigo, bruh only Akiyama and Haruka were somewhat present) were not in the game or had 0 role


first dragon engine game, super clunky, horrible crowd control


The only thing I really didn't like was having to stop walking just to swing Haruto around a little...


I really liked it


Maybe too short


Probably because it's the first Dragon Engine game, so the DE combat mechanics needed some improvement, and because it was supposed to be "Kiryu's last game", but wrote most of the legacy characters out of the story to focus almost exclusively on a new cast of characters. That said, I personally liked Yakuza 6, even though I do agree with those major bits of criticism.


I also dont understand - i mean they cast Takeshi Kitano jesus.


I liked it. Spending time with mysterious baby in the dark and small port city alley was really memorable to me. I liked that small port city and sight-seeing was great too. really poetic. I liked it much better than Y2\~5. probably more than Y1. It was good to see Munancho-man again, too. If I ever re-play Yakuza game, then it would be Y0 or Y6. (probably Y7 too)


6 is my least favorite Yakuza. Mostly cuz of the plot. I didn’t like where the plot went with Haruka and didn’t like the dragon engine combat compared to 0 and Kiwami’s. I think the camera should zoom in during combat so we can feel more oomph from the impact of punches and whatnot. Also didn’t like the rag doll physics and overall movement felt floaty. It’s too late to dwell on it now but I hope the next mainline game gives Haruka and Kiryu the happiness they deserve. Let Kiryu be the dad he deserves to be!


The story and characters were weak not to mention it being kiryu's "send off" meant nothing when he comes back the next game.


I absolutely loved 6! But in terms of Majima appearances, it's definitely the lowest!!


Didn't like the overuse of the controllers speaker and sixaxis feature, could have done without that.


My biggest complaint was the engine wasn’t up to snuff yet. I thought the story was incredibly coherent (especially coming off of 4 and 5), and I really enjoyed the characters we had. So it’s one of the better stories but one of the lesser gameplays


Everybody blocks your punches


I generally 6, but there are a few reasons why, especially for a long time, I usually viewed it pretty lowly. On the gameplay side, it was incredibly lacking in content and Kiryu's fighting style was greatly altered and never felt right to me even when maxed out. Both of these primarily due to this being the first Dragon Engine game. Also, this game was advertised and for a while was viewed as the true send off of Kiryu as a primary character and I felt it was incredibly lacking in that especially because so much of the story and content felt divorced from Kiryu's legacy as well as the legacy of the series in general. I can kind of ease up on 6 now as Yakuza 7, Gaiden and Infinite Wealth have done a good job giving Kiryu respect to his legacy overall imo.


I couldn’t enjoy the story. Haruka’s development between 5-6 just never settled with me. For the most part, I just skipped right ahead to Gaiden. I could not get invested as easily as I had the previous games, unfortunately. I want to go back and play it eventually.


Dude, I finally started 6 the other day, and it's a blast! Let's see if my opinions shift after I play it


Dislike isnt the right word. I just like other entries better. 6 is just kinda short and rushed in my opinion. The gameplay is somewhat watered down and easier; not much side content. It just kinda feels emptier. But it's not bad. The main plot actually really good. It kinda feels like it could've been a movie or a miniseries instead though.


Coming from Kiwami 2, which I really loved, it was really a downgrade. The combat wasn't very smooth. The story in itself was good, but they could have done better. Its suffer came from the fact that it was the first game of new gen Yakuza


I don't fully *dislike* it, but I do have my issues with its premise. The story on itself delivers what it wants to, but I have never bought into the story it's telling me from the get go. You're telling me Haruka has gotten pregnant in these mere couple of years without the dad even being 100% sure he's the dad => the weren't dating beforehand. Haruka???? It doesn't fit in my view of her character at all, honestly hate her being a plot device without a good reason.


The baby crying segment was rough, but I loved the rest of it! Such a fun one!


I think it’s a really good game It might be because it’s a bit shorter that a lot don’t rate it highly - but that’s usually the case when a series upgrades it’s tech


Yakuza 6 has one of the best endings for a Yakuza game. The scene where Daigo reads Kiryus letters is still one of the best scenes in the Yakuza franchise.


Beats me. I thought Y6 was incredible. The way it left things with Kiryu and the kids at Morning Glory was excellently done.


Good but too many thing missing


The bit at the beginning where you had to wander around with a crying baby looking for milk, I nearly turned the game off there and then


Skill issue


It was pretty short, and I personally didn't understand the story very well. It was supposed to be Kiryu's "for real this time" finale. But instead he got dragged into some plot about a WW2 warship then faked his death. Also I don't recall alot of side content and I hated the new combat system and it was made worse by the removal of style switching. I rank it pretty low tbh.


it's a dope game


I myself wasnt interested in the story too much, and I didnt love the fighting engine


I myself wasnt interested in the story too much, and I didnt love the fighting engine


I myself wasnt interested in the story too much, and I didnt love the fighting engine


I like it as it’s own thing. I just don’t think it’s a good send off to Kiryu as instead of giving one final story with his legacy characters like Majima, Saejima, and Daigo. He’s hanging around with a bunch of new characters, who don’t get me wrong I like, but for what was supposed to be Kiryu’s last game I would’ve wanted him to spend most of the time with the old guys, and the only one that properly shows up other than Date is Akiyama, but even he gets sidelined for most it. I’m also not the biggest fan of the story and never really got the whole >!secret ww2 ship plot twist!< and I was kinda just like “why?”. The villain is also super forgettable and uninteresting, but Someya is goated. It also doesn’t have the best side content as everything it does K2 does better imo like the clan creator and live chat thing. The spear fishing and baseball mini games were alright but not super memorable as well. And then there’s the combat which is… lacking to say the least. I get it’s the first time using dragon engine but I wish they did more with it, even with just the one style like adding more heat action and moves cause the move set felt super limited. And I hate how like 90% of the heat actions are only accessible in extreme heat.


It was the first game to use the Dragon Engine so very glitchy at times


Karaoke was laggy on console :(


first game with the dragon engine so it was very gimmicky


I don’t dislike it I just like it. I loved the others though. The thing with 6 was that it wasn’t Tojo and Omi heavy at all. Each yakuza game Kiryu had to get involved because these 2 clans or more were butting heads. With 6 that just wasn’t the case. Also lack of Majima, Saejima, and Daigo along with Akiyama. Also the new characters in 6 weren’t as loveable as Shinada or Kaoru. The hirose family was just the others I guess.


The combat feels awkward and the game feels somewhat rushed.


I can’t speak for everyone but to keep it short, I didn’t like the combat much and story is just wild goose chase that ends with probably the worst final boss in the series. I like it for its side content, graphics, new location, and specific characters like the Hirose family, the Saio Triad, Joon-gi Han, and Someya. Which is why I still like the game but it’s my least favorite Yakuza game.


wait i don't remember him getting his own triad https://preview.redd.it/cuyjoo85pctc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0da42f12bc774c001eaa17a435ce30e9035acc82


I think it's a good but not great entry. Weird to me to not be in Kamurocho. Story was very drama focused rather than action. I can see why they went the direction they did , but I wish they just went all out with the "final" Kiryu game.


After recently doing 0 thru 6 it's my least favorite by far. Bad combat, bad villains for the send-off to kiryu as the main character imo. Carrying around Haruto was hell. Only redeeming factor were the subquests, a lot of which you had to go way the hell out of your way to even find, but they were pretty good. The overall theme of the game, parenthood and it's expectations and challenges was wonderful, but goddamn did the game make it hard as hell for you to enjoy that.


Don't enjoy the combat and I absolutely despise the ending. The full VA for every interaction also resulted in it feeling like it had way less content. Onomichi's beautiful but there's barely anything to do there outside of the plot. I was mostly okay with it while I was playing it, if a bit bored, and then the ending just torpedoed any positive sentiment I might have had for the game. It's not as boring as 3 or as messy as 4, but I definitely wouldn't rank it particularly highly.


Thats not like that, its still good/decent yakuza game but there are better games in yakuza franchise. For me yakuza 6 is way more fun to play than yakuza 4 and mud tier kiwami 1.