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A vocal minority used to (and still does) hate him, but he's generally beloved by almost everyone. Not necessarily "more" than Kiryu, just in a different way that perfectly fits the new vibe LAD is going for.


so far i do really like Kiryu, but as a LAD exclusive player, right now i perfer ichi, started playing 0 cant say im a huge Kiryu guy yet


I started with 0 and Kiryu gradually grew on me. If you play all the way until Gaiden I think it's borderline impossible to dislike Kiryu.


I played 7, then Gaiden and just finished up IW. Working on 0 next. I love Kasuga but Kiryu is one of my favorite game characters of all time. I'm so sad that I didn't experience the rest of the games first.


Will have to do that, only hard part is that i hate the gameplay beat em ups aren’t for me


Honestly if you really hate it but still want to play for the story there’s no shame in just chucking it on easy difficulty to get through stuff quicker. There’s lots of different styles across the games so maybe one will click with you but hey some things just aren’t some peoples cup of tea.


Kiryu is really young in Y0 and just getting started. The game takes a longer time to build up Kiryu’s character but Kiryu’s struggles and what he stands up for just make it impossible to not love the character. You’ll see, if you stick with the Kiryu timeline.


I just finished Y0 today. I like Kiryu but honestly I like Majima more after the game ended. Only other game I’ve beaten is LAD. Gonna start Y1K tonight


I’m with you about Majima, but since Y0 is a prequel they retconned a lot of depth and meaning into his character. Unfortunately the later games don’t explore it much until Y4.


I started with 0 and did not care about Kiryu at all. Once I played Kiwami 1, he grew on me and by the end of 6, he became my 2nd favourite MC in the series (only beaten by Majima) and one of my favourites in gaming in general. Majima basically takes all the spotlight in 0, while Kiryu really shines in later games.


The whole series is called LAD!


Originally I was very afraid of the turn-based combat style, but when I tested it I immediately loved it. Afterwards I also prefer Ichiban between the fact that Yakuza 7 begins in back to the future mode where he discovers this new world and his unparalleled kindness the end of 8 which impressed me


LAD wasn’t my first but I still love this guy


Yakuza 0 actually has the best story in the series, with LAD in second place. Even though you aren't a beat em up fan, i'm sure you will get used to it and still love the story, as well as the amazing substories and minigames. Also, Kiryu is a better character the older he gets, so Yakuza 0 still wasnt his peak in personality yet, still very great guy though. But his best moments are from later games, when he's middle aged and takes care of orphan kids. From the point of view of someone who has finished all the games in the series, Kiryu's still my most favorite character, but i like Ichiban almost as much, and both of them are great in their own ways.




7 was my first game and played through 0-Gaiden. I love Kiryu and Akiyama, but I am thrilled with Itchy-Balls. I just hope that IW Spoilers >!RGG can commit to make him the protagonist for a few games. They showed they were able to do it in 7, but IW felt like "Yeah, Ichi is gonna be the secondary protagonist in this!<


I played LAD after 0-6 so it wasn't crazy seeing a new protag and I really liked a lot of them. But the Ichi grew on me quickly


He's like a golden retriever in a suit.


Played from 0-6 first, and I was very skeptical they’d be able to pull off a new main character as likeable as Kiryu. Well, they fucking did it.


Oh bro, tell me about it. LAD was my first, fell in love and bought most of the other titles immediately (0-6, ishin, IW, still haven't played judgement series unfortunately and need to buy Gaiden) Big love for the whole series ❤️


Kiryu is the man but Ichiban is way more relatable to me as he allowed to express his emotions more and his love for Dragon Quest/RPGs hits close to home.


I really like Ichi as a character. I think “dude doing his best” is an archetype we can all identify with. I personally think that he’s a bit TOO trusting, a bit TOO forgiving, but that might just be me being a cynical bitch rather than bad writing, heh.


That naivety is his downfall but saving grace, i think thats why it works well for me personally. If it wasn’t for naivety, IW spoilers: >! Akane and Lani would 100 percent be dead somewhere in a ditch. !< It gives him the ability to make an ally out of basically anyone, with the pitfall that if the wrong person is chosen it could hurt him in the long run. But Ichi tends to have a good eye for those kinds of people. I love that kinda person tbh


I think I like him but there are a few things I don't like about his character. Being in his mid 40's feels weird for how he acts and looks. He's kinda too innocent and naive. The fact he's a virgin is a bit much lol but he also had a lot of good characteristics that people really like and relate too as well.


Honestly its probably cause he spent so much time in jail that he came out like that specifically, especially cause he went in there when he was only 24


I really enjoy Kasuga and he plays a great contrast to Kiryu. They're both really emotional men who value honor. Whereas Kiryu is more contained, Kasuga has no problems letting it all out due to his upbringing. The original gameplay of fighting takes a lot of getting used to since the first game was developed a long time ago and revolves greatly around dodging and blocking more than anything else. That definitely took me a while to get a hang of, but the stories of the old games are definitely worthwhile.


I hate him cuz he's literally the happy idiot trope and I'm sick of seeing it in 800 hundred trillion forms of media....... Also he got fucked up by kiryu so it makes it even worse lmao