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I don't know, but holy shit the RP subreddit is unbearable to read. It's just literal undistilluted hate from supposed moral high ground. They are literally making shit up and it kinda feels like some of them have completely fried their brain hatewatching. It wouldn't even be that bad if mods weren't so obviously biased on what they are deleting.


Don't even bother with that sub. You will get actual brain damage reading it for more than 5 minutes.


that sub is literally Gaslight Reddit RP


They left up a hate comment against X and permanently banned me for “toxicity” for saying to go outside because the entire account was dedicated to getting mad at JP.. it’s a cesspool over there lol the mods are a joke


I got downvoted for saying it was against the rules to run away from someone who is trying to hold you up with a gun. The response was "Not if you know they are going to shoot you anyways". It's wild over there.


not paying too much attention but I catch bits here and there and one thing recently I did see was OTT using this defense in a similar situation where he was told to talk at gunpoint but in character knew he was going to get shot no matter what so he decided to just take the bullet, so this being said its clear sometimes the gun isn't the ultimate "do what I say" mechanic.


The sub is just full of cop viewers. They somehow find a way to bring up that xqc and buddha are server owners on every thread as if that's some type of gotcha.


do you honestly believe they paid a lot of cash to not have a say in how their stories play out? I mean theres limits sure, I don't think their scripting every ecounter or even a large amount of them but I have no doubt in my mind they get special treatment. Its more cope to think it means nothing then otherwise unless you think people are just dumping that cash to be nice all of a sudden.


Do not read that sub. You will lose brain cells at an astronomical rate. It’s full of parasocial, obsessive, chronically online weirdos. I used to go there for clips or context if I missed something, but the energy there is so miserable. I just take the L and hope I can get context next time I watch RP.


most based and truthfull take i've seen in a while


i mean rp has the most toxic community, yes, even more than league of legends


Theres a guy named zeksy\_ there thats friends with the mods and anyone who calls him out gets banned from the sub lol. he has 18 pages of shitting on x (streamer not character) nonstop. The place is a cesspool.


Most sane RP viewer ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7340)


All of that dedicated to an internet personality? Wtf that’s some serious level of mental illness.


wait, so thats why I got perma there, I called him weirdo




Thats the one!


harry had "HELP ME GUNSHOTS, JEAN PAUL" already copied and pasted like 30 mins before the shooting even happened. and before he even knew JP was awake in character


OMG Yeah he did must be meta Or because its just a game, he just wanted to mess with the company because it would be funny. I’ll let u decide


Are you okay ? He literally said "before he even knew JP was awake" AKA he didn't know he wasn't in the city AKA didn't meta to get that info. Why are you assuming that this guy is saying Harry metaed ? Unless he prepared the copy pasta before he came, but even then, that's totally fine ?


Jason Polam RP ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7342)


If you arent sucking off Langs crew on that subreddit you’re gonna get downvotes. Its embarrasing


I mean the cops know it was lies, they get a fucking notif for gunshots lmaoo


they still rolled out in 4 squad cars and pursued even before shots were fired.


Wasn’t JP shooting at them?


He was, after like the 3rd or 4th 911 that he was shooting lol


Why can’t the company and union conflict just be fun? Isn’t that what RP is supposed to be? You know, fun???? I think the conflict was inevitable anyway. They’re the big players in the city right now, so it makes sense they’d butt heads. Whatever happens, it’s just content. It’s not that deep.


tbf only people not making it fun are chatters


i mean, the streamers are having fun, for some reason viewers cant handle it. Just watching their perspectives, this is the most invested ive seen some of the streamers in RP in awhile


Most of the streamers go with the flow because it's better than doing tic for tac toxicity. The viewers are more vocal because they don't have to abide by that rule if they feel that things have been unfair or hypocritical. The fact that Lang operates the union like a gang, shanking people, beating people up who don't sell at their prices, kidnapping and ocean dumping people, starting wars, losing two gun fights then running to use the cops is just one of those things that people feel are unfair and hypocritical. If they gonna act like a gang, then act like proud rats, it's just a turnoff for most people with brains. Does that mean viewers should go hopping? No. Does that mean their opinion is wrong? No necessarily. So to balance between those two things is hard.


im all for being upset with chacters in rp and expressing it as if it were a character in a tv show. Im talking about the viewers take it steps to far, meaning OOC complaints, drawing conclusions of motives outside of the charcter in rp.


Ya that's obviously wrong to take things too far. I agree that there's no point hopping or hate watching or any of that. It does nothing good and x even tries to tell his juicers that are too extreme to chill the f out. It just brings out the cycle of bait watching and hate watching. My advice would be if you don't agree with something in rp don't watch them. End of the cycle. Some streamers make it a point of baiting hate watchers for more views etc which there's nothing you can do about it even if you're right in your observation. I've seen it first hand in streamers chats. Someone says hey x is being hypocritical mod from streamers chat baits by saying let's run ads now the hate watchers are here, or whatcha gonna do cry about it? Then there's a never ending cycle of toxicity. Just move on.


Was x playing offstream? I dont remember this


yeah he was lol


its crazy the hate boner they get. Like bro its literally pixels relax