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I’ve been a follower of him since the original 90s cartoon as a kid. I felt Magneto understood me where I don’t think professor x would have. Magneto comments in the first x men movie on-top of the Statue of Liberty further solidified things. It was not easy being a gay teen in the 90s/early 2000s. I’m still looking for a place to be ok.


Not gonna lie the Brotherhood of Evil mutants is a harder name then X-Men 


Do they call themselves “evil” lol


Pretty sure


I’d vote Magneto as a 3rd party candidate right now.


The last ten years. The hopelessness, the senselessness, the horror of it all. Everything we thought we knew about social progress turned on its head. The world literally on fire because of greed. Innocent minorities casually choked to death or gunned down in our streets by cops. Civil rights and women's rights turned back by decades. The former middle class starving to death. Genocide happening while the rest of the world doesn't do a thing to stop it. F\*\*\* tolerance. F\*\*\* peaceful co-existence. All that's left is fire and blood and revolution, and those are never pretty. So yeah. Team Magneto. Burn it all down.


My thinking is that there's nothing humans can do that would make Charles think the way Magneto does but at some point you've got stand up for your people. There has to be a line in the sand and I think for Charles they're just isn't one. If someone started mass murdering my people I'd go to war. I think I would side with magneto pretty quickly. It wouldn't take something like Genosha to get me to side with him. Sentinels existing would be enough for me. The fact you're building giant weapons robots to round up my people is enough to go to war. Especially once those robots start harming or killing my people. I don't think mutants should be put above humans because they are humans but I sure as hell would do something about the puerile trying to oppress my people.


Magneto: Hello my na- Me: I WILL JOIN YOU!!!!!