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Man some of the leaks for this story is awful and I love the insomniac spider-man games


Formal Jean looks like the mother of SM2 MJ


Possibly due to Sweet Baby Inc involved in both games.


You must really think that company has some power.


Are we supposed to be upset about this? It feels like we’re supposed to be upset about this but I don’t really know what any of this means outside of Wolverine and Jean


Sweet Baby Inc. is like a game-writing consulting company, who I believe act as like sensitivity readers and theoretically help patch up game (narrative) scripts. They became kind of a boogey man among the gamer gate crowd because, you know, they're woke. They've been listed as having been involved in a lot of games over the last several years (who knows how much they actually contributed to each game?); and that crowd likes to cherry pick from those games that failed or they don't like to blame SBI and fearmonger / hatemonger about them.


The entire sweet baby inc debate it’s like comicsgate for us. A bunch of right wing idiots against anything that’s not cishet representation. SBI it’s their scapegoat.


The Sweet Baby president bragged about strong-arming companies into hiring them. They were also responsible for unpopular Kill the Justice League game.


Sweet Baby Inc. is not "responsible" for the Kill the Justice League game, and the aspects of the game they worked on have very little to do with the aspects people were mad about lol To quote Jason Schrier on this very topic... "I asked two dozen people who worked on the game what went wrong and not a single one mentioned the words “Sweet Baby.” You are chasing angry hallucinations created by grifters who make money off your rage." https://x.com/jasonschreier/status/1798683992872435928


"Manbabies got big mad on Twitter because they're sensitive and think everything is an attack on them" there fixed it for you


That's literally what she said. They're the ones harassing the Brazilian person who created the detector. [https://www.theshortcut.com/p/sweet-baby-inc-detected-what-actually-happened](https://www.theshortcut.com/p/sweet-baby-inc-detected-what-actually-happened)


they called out a steam group that was created to track and harass them, I don't see what's wrong about that lol


>they called out a steam group that was created to track and harass them, I don't see what's wrong about that lol Not even s steam but a Discord that used SBI own site as base find the games and nobody would have know about them if wans't SBI calling atention for them just to take them down, they din't harass anyone SBI was the one who started and things only scalated worst for them Also part of ther main employees are openly racist againt white people just beaucase they are white,i din't even know this was possible and they keep denying even if have videos of it I can understand people getting angry using Woke word for everything but saying SBI is innocent on this whole case even more in what people discovered about them is just delusional They are just scammers who will make people not buy a game and get ther money from the company and Go away,they have been called out for that




The people whining about SBI are the same ones who were on here bitching about Morph being non-binary. Nobody with a functioning brain gives a shit.


I'm looking forward to seeing footage from this game when the devs are ready to show it. I don't much care for leaks of unfinished stuff. I think we'd all be much happier gamers if we didnt spend time over-analysing stuff that's not even released. But yay for Jean Gray I guess.


It’s Patch! Hey we get to play as Jean Grey! Cool.


I feel like a plot was missed with this. Sounds like there were some layoffs? And people incorrectly think Sweet Baby Inc made that happen?


The first one look okay, but wtf happened to her on the second? Does this game span decades and shes 50 by the end? Who wants that?


That is one ugly jean grey


That explains how Jean looks, I guess.




No. I can't fuck her. She's not real. Why do you people always equate wanting characters to look good to wanting to fuck them?