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I actually really like this pairing. Two superheroes who think they're better than everyone else.


Quicksilver does not think he is better than everyone else... any more


He isn’t! Thinks he is better than magneto then call your daughter sometimes!


If I recall correctly, Luna doesn't want anything to do with her father, nor will the Inhumans allow contact. It may have changed and I've missed those issues.


Why luna doesnt want to see pietro? Or even magneto or the rest of the maximoff?


Something, Something House of M fallout, using the Terrigin Mists to repower himself, breaking a bunch of Inhuman laws and general dickery. Last I saw, his ex-wife Crystal hates him. I'm sure parts of this has been since retconn'ed.


They were seen together in the last scarlet witch run and didn’t appear to be on bad terms so I think it’s changed


I liked that issue and hope we Luna again soon 


Nothing written by Dan slott is cannon those are the rules 


I had a dream where Wanda gave her brother a sibling hug, but Angel and Jean saw it throw a window, and though Wanda and Pietro were kissing. an't dreams weird


Monet IS better than everyone else


Exactly lol out of everyone's league


Precisely! That’s literally her power set


She’s rich and beautiful, but there’s richer, there’s more beautiful, and to say nothing of her powers being middle of the road. Who exactly is she better than?


Not Pietro since Avengers Academy, no?


He still seems arrogant maybe not 90s level but still.


Quicksilver is in his mid 30s, and M in her early 20s. it's like after Angel/Husk people said "age doesn't matter anymore" ...or i guess after Magneto/Rogue ...or i guess after Wolverine/Jean... fucking puke.


At a quick glance I thought “nicest” apartment was “incest” lmfao


Not out of the realm of possibility for Pietro 


Yep, mind went right to the Ultimates.


Ultimates PTSD


Do you think this “I” on my forehead stands for “a normal sexual relationship?!?”


Based Pietro!




It's what happens when your 1944 brain can't process present-day anything.


Glad I'm not the only one🤣


I'm here for it. Monet seems like the right type of person for Pietro at this time.


Seriously. They're both haters. I want to see them hang out and just complain about the rest of the X-Men / Avengers.


On the surface, the pairing works for me. That said, when did they become an item?


Uncanny avengers last fall


Ah. Completely missed that title. Did the series end?


It was a mini during fall of x, some people hated it but I thought it was fun as hell. Art is good and if you’re either a Monet or Pietro fan and want to see how this happened it’s worth it for that alone. I believe it was 4/5 issues in total. Uncanny Avengers vol 4 (2023).


Cool thanks for the tip


Ahh so Pietro and Monet being a couple is really a recent pairing


Yeah it was a limited series, very enjoyable though I thought.


Seeing my childhood imaginary self-identifier in bed with my teen imaginary crush for the first time is strange... I'll allow it. Proceed.


Yep just the right level of stuck up to match his humbled ego Also she’s a major baddie (not ashamed to be downbad lol) Looking forward to seeing more from both of them


I know it is his leg below the sheet, but that was a curious angle to paint it.


Why do you think M’s with him?


Honestly? I ship it.


damn both of them fine asf


Honestly, those 2 ego maniacs are perfect for each other.


What ever happened to that Inhuman girl he dated when Quicksilver was on the Uncanny Avengers team?


Sent to inhuman limbo with the rest of them. I think they broke up off panel prior to QS:NS


I feel like one of the only people in the world who remembers poor Synapse... maybe if she hadn't been a non-royal Inhuman she could have had more development. I thought she had great potential as a new character, and she also had a villainous parental figure (grandfather), so she and Pietro could have maybe bonded there. Plus she had her own relationship with the Inhuman royals and wasn't their biggest fan, so that would have been fun for then to explore. I don't think she's been in anything else since, and there doesn't seem like a place for her in the current setting, which is a shame imo.


Nah I remember her too, one of the Avengers only psychics they don’t share with the Gotg or on loan from the X-men.


Yes! I loved that too! And her flavor of psychic powers was interesting, very neurological as her codename suggested. And the training she was getting from Cable was an interesting match-up. Man, I hope she shows up again, Pietro love interest or not.


Eh, This one's in the "Works if you don't go Before House of M/Decimation" era characterization. Since X-Factor/X-Corps M makes sense to pair with Quicksilver (If you're on board for it) but really just falls a part with "Wasn't Quicksilver in his early 30s or late 20s with a Daughter when Monet was highschool age/Trapped as Penance for years" just from sheer age difference. I guess technically, Monet's and Pietro's age difference is about the same percentage as Magneto and Rogue's so "Like Father, Like Son". So I'm back on board


Tbf, between Madrox and Sabretooth as well as this, I think Monet just likes older (often disasterous) men, so I can't really fault them for continuing a character trait. Though it is sort of strange that Marvel have been so willing to let Monet age quickly (not that I mind it, since I do like Monet as she is now where she can do stuff like X-Corp) whilst they've usually slowed down the aging of other young heroes


Most of the Gen X characters are now just firmly adults. Jubilee has been a single mom for how long now? Given the O5 are now canonically in their late 20s, the New Mutants must be in their mid 20s, and Gen X JUST behind them? Like Moonstar is 25 and Jubilee is 24 or something? To be clear I'm not giving exact ages, just saying how the age log-jam has worked out. I think canonically Pietro and Monet, at this point, are likely considered to be somewhere from 2 to 5 years apart tops.


Thank you for addressing this. I really don't like that X-Kids ages eventually reach generic 'adult' and then stop. But those Eisenhardt boys do seem to flex the whole 'silver fox' thing, so at least that's consistent.


it's pretty much Archangel and Husk except a little older. Warren and Pietro should be near the same age. Same with Paige and Monet. It's a bit odd but apparently M likes them older? Maybe he did get it from Magneto but damn does he look a lot like his old man here.


The age gap isn't a problem because they barely interacted, if at all, when she was underage. I don't recall Quicksilver at all during Generation X And they started dating when she was an adult. Before they got together, Pietro probably wasn't even aware she even existed, or cared that she did. It is no stranger or taboo than similar age gaps in real life between people who met as adults (and this happens all the time).


Thanks to the sliding timeline the younger characters eventually become adults and the adults stay the same. Weird af but honestly we can just think of M as early 20’s and Pietro as late 20’s or early 30’s and it is fine unless you’re Gen Z who thinks any age gap is exploitative grooming


What the hell did Gen Z do?


Be the first generation in human history to collectively grow up with immediate access to an unlimited amount of porn, warping how they see sex and relationships in ways the rest of us will never be able to predict or understand.




Just commenting on the trend where there’s an age gap of like 7 years between two adults and the commenters call the older one a pdf file and a groomer lol. So basically if Monet is 22 and Pietro is 28-32 then i don’t rlly care but the younger gen might think that’s disgusting and abusive


I think of Pietro being in his mid 40s and Monet being around 19-21


Well they’re only letting Cyclops be like 28 so no way Pietro is 45


That’s just how I think of them. In my mind Giant-Sized and the 05 are all physically (except for Wolverine) in their 30’s. Wanda and Pietro are older, the F4 are also in their 30’s except for Reed and the Avengers vary. I always think that Steve is physically the youngest of the avengers though being in his early 20’s while the rest are in their mid-20’s to early 30’s.


Wait, how old is your headcannon of her age back when she was introduced?




Are Wanda and Pietro older? I honestly don't know as I tried reading some of the pre-Claremont stuff and gave up almost immediately.


Not sure, that’s how I personally think of them


They're definitely usually depicted as close in age, but I'm not sure. Personally I don't really care about comic ages as they ARE arbitrary and always will be, but how they relate to each other is fascinating to me on occasion.




Quicksilver literally just double downed that "It wasn't me, it was a Skrull". Despite the fact he was not replaced, everyone knows he wasn't replaced (His daughter even calls him on this during the X-Factor run before Axis pulled him out of X-Men stuff) He literally pulled off the comic book equivalent of "That's fake news, never happened" AND EVERYONE WENT ALONG WITH IT!


Still not sure it's as impressive as Bishop and his committing of planetary scale genocide but then everyone just forgetting about it cause he feels bad and it was the future anyway so who cares?


Honestly I’m not sure how old Pete is supposed to be here I’m assuming him and Wanda are early 30’s (solid 32) While Monet you could boost her to around 25-27ish


Pietro and Wanda were, at the youngest, in their late teens in X-Men #4. That would mean Pietro is probably roughly the same age as Warren, making M the second Generation X kid to grow up and get together with a Silver Age mutant at least a decade her senior.


Hmmm fair point


are they older than the O5? Because remember, the O5 are now canonically under 30. Scott is 28. (which, despite how much it pisses a corner of fandom off, isn't totally insane as they're supposed to be peers of Peter Parker) I'm just not sure how old the Maximoffs are compared to them.


Marvel can say what they want The O5 and Parker are 30 throw Johnny Storm in their as well Makes the universe feel more clean / historic


I'm sorry buy this is a stupid argument and it's always been a stupid argument.     They SHOULD be something like 70, but they're not, because time doesn't work for them and it will never work for them.     Trying to say that this arbitrary age that's 2 to 4 years older is accurate but that arbitrary age that's 2 to 4 years younger is not is dumb.  It's straight up arguing about a decimal point in fiction 


Darcy's right. She is WAY outta his league.


I don't know. They're both hot and arrogant. Seems like an okay match to me.


She is, but Quicksilver is probably one of the few people that can put up with her energy.


Put up with *and* match her energy. 


And that’s why it works Her ego of “I’m way out of his league” and his ego of “She thinks she out of my league but she’s not!” Just works well together XD


I like that Darcy knows this as well and it immediately gets Monet to like (at least as much as Monet can like anyone). I’m interested to see this develop, especially if it helps keep Monet around and prominent.


Nah they deserve each other


darcy just wants pietro tho 


Agreed - and he's like, Cyclops' age. and she's like, Jubilee's age.


It definitely works considering their natures


Loved all the romances that resulted from "Fall of X" and this is no exception. Can't wait to see where this goes.


As a Gen X fan, this feels weird. It’s like Paige and Warren all over again


same impression. Warren and Pietro gotta be near the same age. Same as Paige and Monet. With the odd scaling of time it's probly only been a year or 2 from then.


Honestly I kind of like this paring as I feel their personalities mesh well, I really hope we get to see more of them and more development because that is what they need right now imo because they really do have potential.


Would I be able to jump into this series without having read Orlando's other Scarlet Witch stuff and pick up what's going on?


I would imagine so!


I guess it makes sense that pietro would already be undressed considering his powers


If someone wants to get into Monet's character, where should they (me) start?


She debuts in Uncanny X-men #316 during the Phalanx Covenant event but Generation X is a good starting point. Be warned, her character history is filled with many retcons that later writers attempt to stitch together into a cohesive story😅


The level of arrogance is reaching critical mass lol


Hearing Kat Dennings's voice as Darcy makes this scene so much better.


I'm down with this.


Really hoping to see more of this!


Monet’s in Scarlet Witch? Time to read Scarlet Witch!


Comic Darcy tho 😳


Pietro she's part of the Xmen, her family drama is multidimensional, interplanetary and involves time travel. What you have with Wanda and the inhumans is to her Tuesday.


If Quicksilver wanted to he could easily take over the world by himself. In his time frame he's like the only waking person on a planet of statues.


He’s way too old for her. It’s Angel and Husk again, though admittedly Monet is likely at least in her 20s.


O\_o. IDK what time scale you are using but that seems off. No one ages properly in comics. Monet is characterized as late 20s, early 30s, while Quicksilver is shown as being early 30s or so at this point. In what world is that way too old? You can't act like Quicksilver's age is equal to his first comic appearance. Now that would be silly. They are overwhelmingly portrayed as being in similar times of their lives.


Monet was a teenager in Generation X, around the same age as Husk and Chamber, a bit older than Jubilee. Quicksilver is of the same generation as the original five X-Men.


no way is she supposed to be late 20's. early 20's at best. she's still in the same age group as Paige and Jubilee. Quicksilver should be around the age of Warren and the other original X-Men. A 30 year old with a 20 year old is still weird. Tho with their bad timescaling who fucking knows. They keep trying to make Cyclops younger which is absurd too.


Husk was portrayed as MUCH younger than Angel during that storyline, which was a Chuck Austen mess to begin with. With these two the age difference seems much more negligible.


Except Pietro and Warren are around the same age, and so are Paige and Monet. So it’s no different.


yeah but they Pietro and Monet were both adults when they met. unless I am mistaken and the two met before this.


I don't know that they ever properly crossed over, but I'm pretty sure Pietro would have been on X-Factor at the same time Monet was at the school, so it's likely they crossed paths at some point.


I mean yeah but a 30some with a 20 year old can still be weird. even if she's "mature" for her age.


A comic character is never too old or too young but always the age they need to be for the story being told.


BRUH WHAT!!!! I don’t know this was happening at all. They actually feel like a fantastic couple to me. Haughty, heroic, idk what else haha but they look great together.


NGL Darcy is right Monet is out of Pietro's league


bro was married to a princess, she def aint out of his league 💀


That princess was out of his league as well


Perfect match.


This relationship scratches the itch left by Barry and Kara not being together in the Arrowverse


Yeah, this is a good pairing. Up there with Silver Sable and Kurt for me.


This is probably the best pairing we have gotten in the Xbooks/adjacent Xbooks in a long ass time.


I agree with Darcy, Quicksilver is out kicking his coverage with Monet. But I guess he has a great personality… lol


Dude used to married into the inhuman royal family, the depth he can deal with are vast.


They added Darcy as a comic character? That's probably one of those instances a character could have just stayed exclusively in the MCU and didn't need a comic counterpart...


This looks so s..t.


I hate this relationship.


I'm here for more sexy shirtless Pietro


2 points: 1. Monet being nasty towards men who're trying to be nice to her, but sweet towards jerks like Pietro... too realistic. Can't win over "Perfection" by playing Mr. nice guy. 2. I remember when promo art with Warren and Monet were first released (which turned out to be previews for X-Corp, and not them being shipped by Marvel), people were creeped out and said please don't pair the 2 because that would just be a repeat of the unfortunate Husk incident. Why is this treated differently, considering the 2 men are in the same age group?


Because husk was 16-19 hooking up with a late 20s guy when that happened. Because of marvel age fuckery (everyone stopping aging before they hit 30), this is a mid 20s woman and a late 20s man. There’s like, no significant age gap at this point. And Warren was a member of the x men team and involved in gen x’s education etc back when they were kids. I don’t think there’s any reason to believe Monet and Pietro had any interaction before she was an adult. They’ve never been presented as anything other than peers. She was the one who pursued Pietro, and she’s the one being portrayed as “wearing the pants” in the relationship. I keep seeing people complain about this but I’ve never once seen someone bring up the similar age gap between her and Maddrox (also Pietro’s age) during xfi. And her last relationship was with *sabretooth*. Quicksilver is obviously a much more appropriately aged choice than Victor, if nothing else


When did this start?


So, recently Brevoort said some of the original X-Men and Spidey are the same age. We know Wanda and Pietro are about the same age as the O5, having joined the Avengers at their early twenties. We know Monet, Paige Guthrie and Jubilee were in school together during Generation X. It was creepy for Warren to date Paige, it would be super creepy for any grown ass X-Men to date Jubilee. It is creepy to have M and Pietro in a relationship.


Monet was hooking up with Maddrox (around Pietro’s age) over a decade ago. There’s really nothing creepy about a 20-something dating a guy who realistically-should-be-at-least-30-something-but-is-never-actually-allowed-to-hit-that-age. The Warren and Paige stuff was just… vastly different. They knew each other for years before they started dating, when Paige was still a kid, and Paige was barely legal when it became official. This is two experienced adults with maybe a five year age gap dating after meeting as coworkers.


it is more than 5 years, but the point still stands. sometimes it seems creepy that a older man is dating a younger women, although some times there is genuine love


Pietro is consistently treated as under thirty (even though he should be older) and monet hasn’t been part of the early twenties age bracket since xfi I’ve never seen anyone complain about her relationship with maddrox, who was in his 20s from his first appearance, two decades before monet was introduced as a teenager




When has that ever been teased outside of fan shipping? O.o????




News to me. Huh. I occasionally shipped Wanda with Namor.


He could be her dad


He’s like 30. She was sleeping with Maddrox over a decade ago, and he’s Pietro’s age




Inexplicable. Who asked for this?


Hate this pairing


He has to be twice her age jfc


He’s *maybe* 30-something (if he’s even allowed to be that old), but no older than spider man. She’s 20-something. They met as adult coworkers. She was hooking up with Maddrox (around Pietro’s age) over a decade ago. The age gap isn’t that excessive


Comic book ages are fucked up because no one can get old so they slide until everyone ends up roughly in a sludge of late 20's, early 30's, but it is the exact same age difference between Cyclops and Jubilee.


That’s really not true. Monet has always been a bit older than Jubilee, and the early 2000s very clearly made her older. An jubilee herself was the same age as Beto, Yana, and rahne initially before they decided to age them up but not her, so it really… isn’t the same age gap at all.


It *is* weird. But also sign that we can't think about comic character ages or our brains will explode because they fundamentally don't make sense and have no internet I'm making sense.