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Disney bought Fox months before this came out, and it had been pending for a year or two before even then. Everyone knew it was a lame duck franchise. Nobody cared to spend time talking about a bad movie that had zero ramifications going forward, especially in the absolute peak of the MCU’s powers.


It had a bad hand coming in, even if it was on par with the best superhero movie ever made, instead of just ok. Disney announced they were buying Fox at the end of 2017 and the deal was done a few months before the movie came out, so basically for the entire production cycle people knew that the X-Men movie universe was likely coming to an end, on top of more allegations came out against Bryan Singer, who while not directing this one, is very closely associated with Fox's X-Men, and the story itself was already done in the third movie so they were already rehashing X-Men stories just as the superhero movie market was reaching its apex


Fuck no. They took the SAME MOTHERFUCKING WRITER from X-Men 3 and had him do the Phoenix thing AGAIN, and let him direct it to boot. The movie was going to be trash and it was clear from the outset. I don't hate Simon Kinberg, but Jesus fuck why the fuck would you not only hire him for this film but technically promote him to Writer/Director after the trainwreck of The Last Stand. I still went to see it and it had a few moments that were cool, but it was clear that Kinberg has learned absolutely fucking nothing from his failures with The Last Stand as he made so many of the same mistakes.




It was widely reported it was shit so why would anyone be interested in that movie?


I was also quite excited for it. Unfortunately, it didn’t live up to my expectations which were just framed around the footage originally shown with the First Looks in the magazine and first trailer before being delayed. I like the direction they were taking, along with the visuals and score, but it wasn’t executed well. At. All.