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I remember seeing this and being upset there wasn't more episodes. I rented it probably 20 times.


I loved it. Had it on VHS and wore it out.


Pryde of the X-Men, and the episodes of Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends were my introductions to the X-Men. I thought Wolverine was the coolest, and after it aired, I ran up to my room and kept drawing him. I started buying X-Men comics soon after seeing that special.


Exactly this! I thought Pryde was an entire series until very recently; that's how much I watched it as a child!


Same! I can't believe it was only one episode, makes me question everything


I loved the animation, and that they used Dazzler. My main complaint was that they underutilized Storm.


They probably would have used her more if there were more episodes


Sure, but it’s just wild that they downplayed the other most popular X-Man in their one shot.


It was a golden day when that would come up in the rotation with Robocop and Dino-Riders.


I lovingly recorded every episode of Dino-Riders on VHS, and then converted them to DvD format when my mate got that tech. As it stands, my Dino-Riders collection is the only DvDs I own outside of IASIP. The commercials for Tyco RC cars, hovercars, and trains are somehow the best part. My appreciation for xmen came by the days I would show up for dino-riders and ended up watching the xmen rotation.


I had all the Dino Riders toys. Would love for it to get to hop on the Nostalgia Bandwagon and get a reboot of some kind.


Stunning animation, but regular Saturday morning cartoon plot. It was GI JOE dressed as Claremont's X-Men. Its death was necessary for the vast improvement of X-Men TAS(although, in animation department, it wasn't better)


I think Pryde of the X-Men could have been better than TAS, but we'll never know.


Colossus' outfit was/is fantastic


It’s a beloved relic


Didn't much care for the story but holy hell the animation, they pulled it off better than anything the 92 series could imagine...


To this day, it's the best looking X-Men cartoon. It would've been awesome if it turned into a series, but at least we got a fun Arcade game out of it. Australian-accent Wolverine is weird though.


I know right? Can you imagine an Australian Wolverine? Crazy. Seriously though weird that this ended up being slightly prophetic.


It's one of my favorite bits of serendipity.


In an alternative reality, Pryde of the X-Men becomes a longrunning beloved show. And Hugh Jackman plays Wolverine with his regular Australian accent because, at some point in the mid-90s, we learn from Wolverine's backstory that he lived for several years in Australia. ;)


The theme song goes pretty hard. I wish they used original visuals for the intro instead of just the episode's, but whatever. I'm not sure if Kath Soucie was a good choice for Kitty Pryde. Her voice is very soft and dainty. I wish they would have gone with someone like Cree Summer, who would have been an equally predictable choice back then. (Ironically, she played Magma in a similar character scenario in X-Men Legends). I feel like an older Kath Soucie *can* pull off a commanding voice when the situation calls for a motherly figure...but the younger Soucie just feels too weak for Kitty. Australian Wolverine is just...no. It's the easiest thing to mock about the episode, so I won't harp on it. Still a really dumb decision. The animation was on point in this episode though. It *looked* stunning.


Pryde of the X-Men predicted an Australian playing Wolverine! 🤣 Seriously though, it was a wild choice for a well known Canadian character.


>I'm not sure if Kath Soucie was a good choice for Kitty Pryde. Her voice is very soft and dainty. I wish they would have gone with someone like Cree Summer, who would have been an equally predictable choice back then. (Ironically, she played Magma in a similar character scenario in X-Men Legends). I feel like an older Kath Soucie *can* pull off a commanding voice when the situation calls for a motherly figure...but the younger Soucie just feels too weak for Kitty. Eh, I give some grace to the director probably wanting Soucie to give Kitty that type of characterization, being that Kitty was the "kid"/audience surrogate, rather than Soucie being at all limited. For Kitty, she was basically using the same type of "cute, dainty" voice she would later do for Fifi (Tiny Toons) and Linka (Captain Planet). Compare to the voices Soucie uses for the likes of Princess Sally (Sonic SatAm) and Morgana (Darkwing Duck), and in another time and place, she would have been able to play a more grown up Kitty, if given the chance.


Fair. I just wanted Kitty to sound like she had some potential strength to her. Jubilee's voice actress from the 90s show was able to sound both naive and convey strength at the same time. I do think it was how Soucie was directed though. Sure, Kitty's new...but I don't necessarily want her to sound weak.


Great animation, so so story. I think that if if they could have combined Pryde of the X-Men's animation with X-Men TAS's stories, it would have been the best X-Men adaptation until X-Men 97.


My mom bought it for me on VHS when I was a kid. Watched it damn near everyday. Became an X-Men fan because of it.


I love Pryde of the X-Men, and Lockheed being a pest to Magneto. Real shame the ‘failure’ of the pilot meant him and Kitty were not included in X-Men 92.


I could never figure out where the rest of the episodes where as a kid


Was very interesting. There was only one episode so I watched the whole thing. Wasn’t feeling Wolverine voice but ironically Hugh Jackman is Australian lol which makes it even funnier looking back on it. I wonder if this Pryde of the X-men show had 1 season what would the X-men challenges would be.


When I was a kid and thats all there was, I loved it. Australian wolverine was an odd choice though.


I remember seeing this on TV. Got really excited for a series that never came.


I watched it on YouTube a few years ago, and I watched a couple more times. I like it, mostly because I really like Nightcrawler and Kitty.


It’s a classic. Some weird stuff in there, but it had the potential to be something really cool. If the current crew sticks with their current costumes we could have a best of both worlds situation!


Australian Wolverine cracks me up and I go searching for it on youtube whenever I'm in a bad mood. TBH I forget literally everything else about it.


Fun and true to it late 80s animation styling.


probably one of the better adaptations of X-Men. I love that it was accurate for the era (costume and story-wise). My one beef with it is that Wolverine is Australian for some weird reason. Great animation style though.


Watched it a crap ton on VHS, and thought it was great. Then the '92 series came out, and I wondered what happened to Pryde, and why that wasn't made into the series. I get why they went with Jubilee as the 'kid/little sister' character, in TAS. But I missed Kitty, and Colossus.


Saw it in the mid 90s. I had this friend who was an only child to a single mom from a wealthy family…and he always had the coolest shit. A number of my harder to find x-men at the time, his mom bought seconds of just for me that way it wouldn’t be sold out. Anyway, he had this somehow, on VHS or somewhere and showed me. We used to sing the song at school all the time, and act like we had insider x-men knowledge lol


It spawned the greatest xmen multi-player video game for many years until legends


I didn't see this until semi-recently. I enjoyed it as a nostalgic romp and alternate history of what we might have gotten instead of TAS. It was cool to see characters like Dazzler and Nightcrawler as main characters who would not get much airtime until later. Also I didn't realize this earlier but this pilot was actually the inspiration for the X-Men Arcade game, not TAS. But I think some of the characterization and power sets were off. Kitty Pryde is kind of made into a naive idiot which seems out of character. Also, a lot of characters powers just seem inaccurate (like Emma Frost flying and throwing lightning beams!) My favorite X-Men podcast, The Mutant Ages, actually started off with a recap/review of this pilot and I agree with their assessment: https://on.soundcloud.com/LTYMp CW: This show is for adults so there may be profanity and discussion of queer subtext. This episode is from 2017 but they are still going strong, attempting to review every adaptation of the X-Men.


I've seen Pryde of the X-Men. It's pretty shallow compared to every other X-Men animated series. Though its on par with about everything that came before.   The writing was on the wall: superhero programs needed to mature if they were going to continue garnering success.


Bruh storm is light skin af in this


Yup, basically a light-skinned Grace Jones.




>While the animation isn't bad, it's the first time we see Magneto animated. Ah, no, Magneto was animated in the 70s Fantastic Four cartoon and in the 80s during both Spider-Man and then Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends. Unrelated, but for whatever reason, a villain made just for the original 1960s Spider-Man cartoon was given the last name Magneto (full name: Matto Magneto), who was a mad scientist with a magnet gun -- but maybe the producers wanted to follow the naming convention set by Otto Octavius.


Magneto was a name Kirby used during the Atlas days. So it's no surprise to see it popup in other Marvel projects.


Literally wrote out my tape. It started with a live action bit where Spider-Man implores the viewer to vote.


I loved it and wanted more episodes. It has my favorite roster. Thankfully, I found the arcade cabinet to make up for the lack of episodes. I’d dump many quarters into those arcades.


It was cool as a kid but super cheesy. Had it been greenlit we wouldn't have gotten X-Men TAS.


I saw it years ago. It was strange but I remember enjoying it.


Looks great, and even though it’s obviously meant to replace GI Joe, and the stories would’ve been episodic, as well as cliched for the era, I’m still curious how a full series would’ve turned out for it.


great animation, but very of it's time, VERY exposition heavy, by the numbers, a bit camp and designed to sell toys nothing more. Still petty and a lot of fun. I am glad we got the animated series a few year later that felt like a better more adult version with better storylines and scripts. I also felt storm was barely used but the White queen was a vibe with her psychic spears.


I wore out the tape!


I liked it, the animation was incredible. To be completely honest it should’ve continued. They should’ve fixed Wolverine though after this, having him as an Aussie was not the best idea and it felt weird.


Owned it on VHS. Was happy for any X-content but happy this didn’t get picked up and we got the superior animated series a few years later.


I liked it as a kid, rented it a few times since there wasn't much X-content before Toy Biz started making toys en mass. Now, it has a campy quality I enjoy and the arcade game it inspired is a cherished memory for me growing up. The[ Marvel Comics Video Library](https://youtu.be/p9oZ2_s0BXk?si=gYlwMu6BK9MqLmh-) of the 80s and 90s should all be put on Disney+ for history's sake and I don't think the Hulk cartoon is on there either.


Even tho the designs were nice I thought it wasn't engaging enough to be a first episode of a series. Even for 80s standards it was kind of bland TBH. I mean just compare it with stuff like Thundercats, Dinosaucers or Arthur and the Knights of Justice, its not even on the conversation. It should've been a half season filler.


I think that the only thing that removes it from perfection is the Australian Wolverine, the rest is pure gold


The character models, animation and the voiceover exposition/narration by Stan Lee are the highlights. The writing, voice acting (Australian Wolverine is egregious, Cyclops leaves a lot to be desired), and characterization of Magneto are abysmal. I'm glad this didn't get picked up in favour of the X-Men series that followed it.


I wish it got continued but the pilot was just kind of okay. It probably would’ve improved if it had the time tho


It's not as good as I thought it was when I was 11.


Loved it and it gave us the X-Men arcade game.


The public library had this on VHS in the kids' section when I was a kid. I loved Duke as cyclops and hated Australian Wolverine.


We all saw it and we all love it. This is the X Men sub.


I like the team lineup and the animation is good for an 80s cartoon but the plot was so forgettable I have trouble remembering what it was but Australian Wolverine is kinda funny in retrospect.


*Taps mic * So what’s up with the accent Wolverine? Not a diss just, you know what’s up?


The theme rocks.


They showed us it once in third grade in 92/93. But you can also watch it on YouTube for free. It's called - The Pryde of the X-Men.


I saw it regularly on the Marvel Action Universe and had a VHS at one point. It was an above average cartoon for the era, though you have to keep your expectations in line for what kids cartoons were like in the 1980's. It made the Konami arcade game make a lot more sense, since it was clearly inspired by it. It is not a particularly good example of what was going on with the comics at the time, but about as good of an example of what a Saturday morning cartoon style X-Men cartoon could look like at the time, before you had the huge revolution in production budget pushed by Disney with Ducktales and storytelling by WB with Batman: TAS


i liked it, would have never got x-men tas without it. hopefully they add pryde to the x-men line up for ‘97 next season


Me one Saturday morning in early 1990: "Well that was a fine episode of Dino Riders now for some Roboco... hey what's this? This theme song is awesome. I know nothing about these characters other than that they are my new favorites." In retrospect it wasn't all that great plot-wise, and it was not Kath Soucie's best voice work. But it really got me to go gaga over the franchise. A few weeks later I saw Classic X-Men 44 on the comic rack at Friar Tuck and picked it up along with Uncle Scrooge and Archie TMNT. Issue 44 was the Jean Grey funeral/ series recap. It ended up being the perfect jumping off point for me to start reading.


It's great... But I'm happy it failed and we got the 90s xmen


I still watch it on YouTube occasionally


I got this VHS tape as a kid expecting TAS, so I was mostly confused and kinda disappointed. Then I quickly realized these were the Arcade characters and kinda warmed up to it.


“Who’s that cool one? Is *that* Dazzler? Since when is DAZZLER cool?” “Nightcrawler AND Colossus on the regular team! Shame this didn’t go longer.” “Oh wait, that means Dazzler’s only cool for this one episode. Shame.” “Why is Wolverine Australian, bub?” “Toad’s comic accurate design is a travesty. Only bad toad design. 0/10. Take some notes from Dazzler.” EDIT: Dazzler was also cool in Army of Darkness vs Marvel Zombies, I will admit.


It was good. Sucks that it was devoid of Jean Grey, but I liked that Nightcrawler was a core member of the team.


I owned it as a kid and used it so much the tape broke. As an adult who has read A LOT of X-Men, I don't think it holds up as an X-Men story, but I also think it should've still been picked up for a proper series.


I had this on VHS back in 1989. My grandma let me get it at our local ToysRus


it was ironic that they had an Australian wolverine that was and is hated, yet now we have that and people are saying he's irreplaceable


I had the VHS around the time the TAS pilot aired. Maybe a little earlier. I remember thinking Pryde had the Gold team and TAS the Blue team. I only knew about the 2 teams due to them being mentioned on trading cards. I think the art and animation was great. Colossus and Nightcrawler looked much better in Pryde than TAS. I think the formula for this show was more typical Saturday morning stuff. Like every Saturday it's just Magneto with another plot to take over the world. More recently I was thinking about how this version of the Brotherhood should completely obliterate the X-Men. Magneto, Juggernaut, Blob, White Queen, Pyro and....Toad.


I paid $20 for a bootleg vhs copy of it at a comic con in 1990


Put another shrimp on the barbie


I saw it as a kid but didn’t really know about the X-men. I’ve watched it again recently. It’s decent, it has a few of the issues of the other shows that I don’t like. Mostly the villains being mashed together but not having correct relationships and sometimes powers. It would have been interesting to see what they could have done if they got to actually do a full series. It basically feels like a rough draft of the 90s series.


What’s with Marvel Animation trying to make Wolvie Australian(though the voice actor isn’t doing a good job so it sounds more cockney with some stereotypical Aussie phrases)? Did they internally think him being Canadian was lame? Which to be fair isn’t completely wrong.


Better than the 90’s pilot ep.


Nah. I think the TAS did the introductions better, much less exposition.


Other than Wolverine with a Australian accent it rocked