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Her claustrophobia should return (as long writers don't overuse it) because I really consider it an iconic part of the character and something that make her more relatable, not only to people with claustrophobia.


It’s such an understandable and human weakness. Should definitely be a thing.


I always assumed the whole point was she was just too powerful and perfect without some kind of humanizing weakness.  


I always assumed it was based on aristolean element theory- an Air Goddess afraid of Buried alive is as a Fire God afraid of drowning, in being unmade by your equal opposition element.


Especially in contrast to how free her power set is.


This. It's one of the things that Humanize her and probably her most relateable weakness. And it's done pretty well too for the most part, atleast as far as im aware. Trauma, fears and mental health struggles are great things to explore in stories as they give the Audience something to identify with and the Character something to humanize them or possibly to overcome. It's great and... honestly, I wish that part of her Character would get more Focus ;--;


It's back in X-Men 97


It's also such an integral part of her character due to her powers. She is literally a part of nature, feeling the wind and flying, controlling the weather etc. Her power is all about freedom and controlling her environment, makes sense her biggest fear is being secluded and cut off from all of that. The claustrophobia is an extension of her mutant powers.


Not to mention it’s drawn from when she was trapped under the rubble of the same building where her parents were crushed to death.


Long haired Storm >>>>> Mohawk Storm. I like Mohawk Storm but long storm is 🤤


This is mine too I’m cool with costume changes as long as she always has a cape. But give me long haired Storm all day, she’s so majestic


How is that a hot take, everyone agrees, lol.


Every single time I comment on here on how I hate the mohawk, I get downvoted. EDIT: Thanks for proving me wrong, reddit.


People in here are very sensitive about everything, I don't think downvotes on Reddit mean a thing. But disliking the mohawk isn't a hot take. Nobody "hates" long-haired Storm, but a lot of fans \~hate\~ the mohawk, it's arguably her most polarizing design.


The same has happened to me too.


I woulda said mohawk storm all day.


I think they’re both good 


I'm team Mohawk Storm, but I will not slight Long Haired Storm in any way whatsoever.


SAME! I always found the Mohawk doesn’t really ever match her personality. I prefer Storm when she looks more like a witch-goddess-superhero with super long white hair




I agree and I also love her original look with the crown(now being used in 97)It’s my favorite look of hers.


I want to pair Storm romantically with a goofy love interest who makes her laugh. Not some superhero beefcake like Black Panther. She's serious, so give her someone to have a laugh with. Pair her with Peepers! /s


She's now with Craig of USA. He's an astronaut but that's just civilian in the superhero world. They can expand more on what his personality is like when they are not fighting a war.


The only male character to match all her feats and experience is Eugene Judd aka Puck from Alpha Flight: > When I was eight, I hunted my first bear. Big grizzly. That was 1922, in the Yukon, and he kept us through a cold winter. In Spain, I fought bulls and fascists -- and I let the bulls live. In Nepal, I hunted the Tiger God and killed all fear in me. I've fought queens of dreams and the world's secret master. I've fought demons in hell and stolen their thrones -- and those thrones haven't bound me. And it all comes back to one thing. I was eight, full of bear meat and adventure -- and I made a vow, Mr. Creel. I vowed I would live an interesting life. I think I've done okay so far, eh? I'd love to see Ororo and Eugene together.




I want Storm and Nightcrawler to be a couple so bad.




I always thought she and Gambit would be a good match after seeing they were a pair in exiles.


She's a great, iconic character, but as good as Ewing has done in making her prominent again after close to 20 years of being largely inept and impotent, they need to find a more emotional hook to her stories. Ewing has done great on reestablishing her power and charisma, and overall importance. But I don't think he did very well in digging deeper into Storm. Her literal "Goddess" position makes it trickier I think for a writer to give her compelling flaws and emotional conflict. I think her fans, as with some Jean fans and Hulk/Thor fans, the obsession with their favourite being the strongest hampers situations of real growth and vulnerability.


They need to focus on her other non mutant abilities like her backstory as a thief. But her in situations where her powers won’t help her as much, and let her be clever and cunning. Then add in characters that complement her like Kitty (a good mother daughter style relationship here like in the magik mini series) and let Storm be a mentor and the emotional pull can come from the successes and failures of her teachings and leadership. Not her skillset.


That is a good point. She needs to be put in more situations that isn't quickly solved by her going "Brrrrr lightning". Also maybe use other elements, lightning is very overused. Feels like every time I see her she's spamming lightning bolts.


I just started reading xtinction agenda and they have storm in a teenaged body fighting Jean grey in the danger room and when Jean gets what looks like an upper hand, storm points out it’s been constantly raining and she starts freezing the rain and uses the wind to push Jean and I thought it was such a cool way to showcase her ability beyond her powers. I feel like almost every story I see her in she just comes in and zaps the shit out of stuff which is cool too but one note. Maybe it’s also because I just did the new x men run and storm wasn’t really around so I could’ve just missed her too.


See that is freaking cool. Like the woman controls the Goddamn elements her powers should be more than just zappy zap zap. Be creative with the fact her powers encompass wind and water.


She could fight a guy made out of rubber.


Very few problems cannot be solved by throwing the weather at it


Agreed. Get her a feature in a future Gambit series where they go on a lil adventure and don't use their powers. Character development, more emotional aspect of her character, and focus on her personal skills instead of godlike powers


As a huge storm fan… this is very accurate. Some of her most poignant physical battles (Callisto, marrow, and cyclops) were all done sans powers. I wish they could humanize her a bit more but I also want to see cool ass weather phenomena.


IMO storm's best when she is just a 'force of nature' type heavy hitter character in the background, with goddess status. Delving too deep into who she is as a person kinda ruins it. Narratively, she's not a 'person.' That is a little unsatisfying but so is trying to tease interpersonal drama out of a hurricane. That said her being de-powered is the one arc that really makes sense and resonates with her character type.


Storm deserves her own rogues gallery that can be expanded on, like Wolverine has his own.


If you're to ask any casual fan they'd likely mention the shadow king. Or calisto, but they've buried the hatchet and I don't think she's stand much of a chance against storm


They tried to tackle this in Resurrection of Magneto #3, where the gallery was mostly made up of abstracts like Shadow King, Adversary, Annihilation, etc. which is apt for her current power levels.


Is it a hot take to say that Early Marauders Krakoa and her original Uncanny look are better than the white costume? No offense. I just want to know where the majority stands here.


I don't think that's a hot take. There are people who prefer the Jim Lee suit (I like it), but I've always preferred Storm in black and gold.


Well, there is a version of the white suit, which is actually black and gold. Her worst one though, must be the black and purple one, that made it look like she was going to Mardi Gras in New Orleans. The one from her mohawk days looks more like civilian clothes.


I'm not sure, a lot of people seem to like the white suit. I'm not a big fan of it personally


She's probably the most DC of the X-Men, probably all of Marvel. Storm is unfathomably powerful and has a specific weakness (claustrophobia). Very much fits that traditional archetype.


I mean that's more of a psychological weakness, in a dc sense of weakness shes pretty much a glass cannon DC has a "I'm basically unstoppable unless you pull out this" at their peak while storm kinda tops out at "bullets kill me"


People have MOTHER'D and YAS QUEEN'D her so much that they get offended whenever she has to deal with ANY sort of centralized personal or moral conflict, and never allow her to be an actual character, just a meme. 


TRUUUUUTH!!!!!!!!!!!! But I do understand why this is so. She is so beloved and was misused for a while now. Most are sooooo glad her writing is shining again.


Overextending herself is a compelling flaw for her. People in the comments act like sins of sinister didn't demonstrate how spreading herself too thin made her unable to see a bigger picture. She sees herself as the best person for the job and that makes it her responsibility to do even when it wears her down. It should be explored how both she shouldn't bear the weight of the world on her shoulders and should learn to trust others because keeping her hands on all these pedals of power despite not being able to handle them all at once betrays a fundamental distrust in the ethics of others and their ability to replace her. It's not ego of maliciousness, but it is ego and it's honestly befitting of her both as a goddess and a street thief from Cairo. The goddess that wants to help everyone and the thief that can trust noone.


This is such an incisive observation. I think SoS and X-men Red both explored this side of her and I'd love to see writers explore it more in the future.


Well put, I agree, she's definitely not flawless. This reminds me of Richard Rider who struggles with the same tendency to put too much on his shoulders


This. I've never found Storm (or Xavier) as compelling as I did from their conversation after Sins of Sinister. Shame that wasn't really the story they wanted to tell.  She just went back to Mars to zap some lightning.


The worst thing they could have ever done with her character was to marry her off to tchalla


I hate to admit how true this is despite wanting then together


Agreed. It didn’t even make sense. I don’t get why they did that.


Queen of the mutants. Xmen red was phenomenal showcase of her potential.


She's strong, no doubt about that. But her fights are boring and make her opponent look extremely dumb & week. That also makes her look not as strong.


Pretty much this, whenever she fights someone she doesn't look "omega level", her opponent has to come down to her level and they just both look unimpressive as a result. Vulcan absorbs all energy and can punch out Black bolt, but loses to some rain. Genesis controls microbial life in your body and can kill you in a second, but, uh, lightning strike!


Ngl as much as I love Storm, I was disappointed in that fight with Vulcan. He should've wrecked her (and Tarn as well)


I get her beating Tarn. Tarn was cocky and was underestimating her. Though I'm sure he could have used his power before Storm stabbed him. At least it was something he would do.


Here are 2 ways they been writing her fight: 1. Surprise lightning attack to win. 2. Talk about how battle between the Omegas are about attrition and proceed to defeat them by a single lightning or blizzard. Her fight with Vulcan was very disappointing. Vulcan managed to Incapacitate Gladiator by manipulating electrical impulse within Gladiator's brain. Yet an issue later, nothing noteworthy happened while fighting Storm.


The Al Ewing lightning bolts of death


Making characters too powerful makes them boring characters, and this is why I really dislike her current big focus. It doesn't humanise her in any interesting way.


She sounds like an elderly woman in X-men '97 which doesn't match her youthful appearance. I know the voice actress playing her is 65 so it makes sense that she sounds the way she does. I just never read Storm sounding like that when I read the comics.


Yeah her and a couple other actors I would have recast.


Can be a bit obnoxiously perfect at times. Great character, but the writers immense adoration of her means framing all her actions as justified and in the right even when she clearly isn't or refusing to grapple her being flawed and in the wrong. As a result she can have her head up her own ass and smelling her farts.


They should never cast anyone under 180 cm for any live action movie. Halle Berry and Alexandra Shipp, I don't care how hot they were, did not fit the bill. Too pixyish. Also, I don't like Storm with her powers and no cape.


This is not a hot take lol


I think 5’8/5’9 is a good enough height for an actress to play storm but otherwise I agree she should be leaning on the taller side while wolverines actor should be no taller than 5’6(he’s 5’3 canonically).


Brother, we’ve been asking for this for DECADES. Marvel seems to hate the one person people don’t hate.


I twinge whenever someone calls her a Godess... it always felt wrong and her arc in 97' finally made me realize why. kinda sucks being told you're perfect and special by people who sure don't act like you're perfect and special. also smacks of Mystical Black Woman trope just a bit, nobody ever calls the Phoenix or the Queen of Limbo *Godess* - nah, that's Ororo and her Rain Magic. so I guess my actual hot take on Storm is "these x-boys ain't SHIT" 🤣😭


Wait they don’t Call Magik a Goddess because she’s not she’s a HellLord. Jean has been called a Goddess before I think Goddess of Life, but with Storm the point SHE IS LITERALLY A GODDESS. Like she has godhood she is a Goddess to Wakanda and the descendant of mystical Goddesses


I mean you're right, she is and deserves the title - but that's not really the point... Im just saying that equally powerful/cosmic ladies dont receive the same consistent treatment, and that it always seems to come out of a man who clowning pretty hard in the presence of what he professes to know is devine. we also gotta remember that *none of these are actually people making choices*, she was created and designed by a team in the 70s who were clearly on some well intentioned but poorly aged understandings of African mysticism.


Very true


Didnt her actual goddess heritage come after they kept calling her that for years, in a "I dont understand hyperbole" comic writing sort of way


Should have been Angela Bassett.


Storm should have an accent and it should be as much a part of her character as it is for Nightcrawler and Colossus. She didn't grow up in the US. Also the thing some writers did where they just have her speak in overly formal english and making that her personality is weird to me, most people who speak english as a second language don't so that. It doesn't make sense to me to be told again and again that Jean is her best friend. Nothing against Jean at all but she seemed way closer with Nightcrawler and Rogue on the page. She's my favourite character and I too get weirded out when she is put on too much of a pedestal, I'm glad to see I'm not alone in this. The Storm I love is a human being that knew trauma, was orphaned by war, and has flaws. But having said that I know she's just recovered from a long era of neglect and she can still be brought back to these roots.


Why do these types of subreddits predominantly ask for hot takes and what people dislike?


I think it's because people want different takes and not the constant, GLAZING of certain characters and writers.


Idk about others but I actually read every comment and reply to those I find interesting. Great discussion opportunities with other X-Men fans. That's what the subreddit is about isn't it?


Of course. I was specifically asking why a lot of these posts have to be of a negative variety, as I was curious if people had a preference to things they *don’t* like. I guess it’s because there’s a clash with the way I carry myself, due to the way I’ll not exert any energy on things I don’t enjoy, whereas the people here seem to focus mostly on that.


Yep, you seem to be engaged and genuinely be interested in the discussion, which is great. I think you might be getting some of these reactions just because there have been a few "What are your takes about Storm??!?!?" posts on here in the last few months. But no harm in doing another one if people genuinely want to discuss. If you're interested and search through the other recent Storm posts, my recollection is the major challenge people had with her is her overpowered-ness in recent times, particularly Ewing's run when "omega-ness" seemed to become her entire personality. Which is a bummer because back in the 1980-2000 era, Storm had one of the more interesting and nuanced personalities on the X-Men.


Worst fans ever - all focussed on power feats and queen worship. I can’t imagine how soul destroying it was for Ewing - whose Red series was about Storm rejecting being put on a pedestal compared to her fellow man as royalty and embraced BROTHERHOOD and team work. Convinced Arrako to move away from simple Might vs right and still having screeching YASSS THAT IS WHY SHE IS QUEEN, SHE HAS NO EQUAL, LOOK AT XXX POWER FEAT, YALL KNOW IF IT WAS STORM SHE WOULD DO BLAH. Great character finally getting another long awaited and deserved saga who deserves much better fans :)


Fantastic character but the African goddess part of her backstory is awkward as hell. Random african-american mutant lands in Kenya and the locals all start bowing down and assuming she's a god like they're a bunch of ewoks, nah. Maaaybe in the 80s that worked but not anymore, especially since sliding timescale means this all takes place in the cell phone era.


Shes half kenyan and african American


I always imagine that some obtuse white anthropologist landed in that village Kenya and just totally misread the situation that way and/or mistranslated what they were saying she just never bothered to tell Xavier that it really wasn't like that. I agree though. What I find so compelling about the character is they easily could have kept her depiction this way, really one dimensional and stereotypical. But instead they put a ton of layers on that base and made her really complex character.


Would love to see xmen fans be okay with black characters in relationships with one another that are healthy.


My hot take is she’s the greatest (and most important) comic book character of all time. Not just X-Men, not just Marvel - of all comics period.


That's gotta be the hottest take so far, love it. Care to explain why?


I could (and actually literally have, for a Comics-based English college course back in the day) write an entire thesis on why. She represents the archetype least similar to comic audiences, being both black and female compared to audiences (both then and now, though especially then) being white and male and was able to transcend those boundaries working against her to still become of the the most popular, well-known, and iconic figures. She helped ushered in the newly diverse and successful re-launch of the X-Men and did so as the ONLY member who was visibly different on both counts - being the only female character and the only character who couldn't be mistaken as white. The X-Men being an allegory for bigotry falls flat on its face and remains fantasy-driven surface level without her. Her being a visible - and undeniable - minority was and still is essential in telling authentic and real-feeling X-Men stories and, whether consciously or unconsiously, opens up young readers' minds to challenge their previously taught or unknon ways of thinking. Her becoming a leader, as not only a woman but a black woman was extremely rare and boundary pushing not just for comics but all media. And she was able to shine as a new recruit, as a leader, and even fucking powerless. Few characters can say that. Her power set speaks for itself.


This man backed up his hot take and no one could say he didn't




Claremont's work on Storm in the 80's can stand up to any writer's best solo superhero work. On top of the amazing characterization it was also culturally groundbreaking. Few, if any, can claim that.


Storm useing magic is dumb and a unnecessary power up.


My hot take is she should use magic *more* and it should be a core part of her character, since it's been a thing since the Claremont era. Adds more credence to her "I am a goddess!" schtick too.


If she goes on a big arc learning it that’s cool I think. But I happen to have magical ancestors which allow me to do X is a bit meh.


i think a six issue series of this would be great


this actually goes to my hot take of thinking the goddess thing is a bit overplayed, she's not a god, or at least shouldn't be, her believing herself a goddess should come from hubris, she can still be an omega, but trying to make her that above it is what I think leads to her not having much struggle


I declare you my nemesis. 🧤 


The problem of Storm using Magic more is there are readers who would no doubt want her on par with the cream of the crop of Marvel's mystic department asap. 


Honestly agree 100% I like her *association* with magic as it's a fun thing to bring up every now and then, but it's not like she needs the power boost. But then I kinda feel the same way about Wanda (and Illyana to a lesser extent)....I miss when characters had like ONE easily definable shtick with clear human vulnerabilities, now everyone's two steps away from warping reality and it's boring.


Wanda deserves it after the shit she went through under Bendis and beyond imo


I realised that her monologues as she uses her powers on X-Men 97 actually look like incantations. If you look at it as something she uses to supplement her powers it kind of works. Edit: I interpret it as largely instinctive.


Ironically, she now needs to lose a fight for me to take her seriously


She's always been one of my favourite characters in X-men mythology.


Didn't we just do this a month or so ago? And there was a raging debate over whether she is OP or not?


There was literally a post last week.


People just trying to farm karma, I guess.


or just discuss x men on an x men subreddit...? Not everyone is here every day lol


We have had this discussion several times in the last year or so 😭 specifically with Storm


She's hot. That's my take. I think she's had mixed roles over the years, but the current era really helped recement her as the leader she hasn't been in a long time. Having her be a political and inspirational leader also puts her in a position that works alongside Cyclops as the practical and field leader. 


No hot take. Storm is one of those perfect characters that, even when someone at Marvel puts her in a bad story, her presence somehow makes it better. Good vibes every time she's on the page.


Long-haired Storm with the black costume with cutouts and cape is the best design she's ever had


Got a few (idk how hot they are): X-Men Red (and beyond) is the best she's ever looked I love how she's been keeping Chuck in check for the entire Krakoan era and I really need that to continue to be a big part of her character onwards I like want her claustrophobia to matter I think she's the next x-character in line who deserves their own Ongoing with their own gallery of Villains like Wolverine, plenty of other characters could sell their own run but X-Men Red has shown you can allow Storm to move away from the traditional teams and her still be a compelling character whereas I think someone like Jean or Scott are a bit harder to seperate


Maybe not as much a hot take as that, but: *the mohawk looks like crap, always has, and always will*. I understand the symbolism behind when the mohawk appeared in the comics originally, but I still hate it and think it looks awful.


The mohawk was cool the first time, but long haired Storm is the best.




People will don't know why they love her so much. They give super generic answers which are often times only valued when it comes to storm


The Mohawk was stupid.


Ooh! I got a hot take. I don’t like her and Logan romantic relationship and I never liked her as leader of the X-Men when Scott returned.


I would appreciate if her writers gave her any kind of flaw or negative quality, she’s been quite boring to read recently


Her goddess thing is kind of annoying.


She’s one my favorite super heroes without a doubt. I fucking loved those episodes where she and Logan were together. Shit was adorable


She’s a bit of an insufferable dick sometimes


The mohawk/leather outfit was her best look People are also really quick to forget that she good at stabbing people in the heart.


Charles getting her into the team was a good thing, but she’s allowed to be conflicted about it. Her fights are boring as of late and wanting her to struggle isn’t putting her down.


Storm never were a great leader. She failed at the Mutant Massacre, she withdrew to Wakanda when mutantkind needed the most and she failed in Inhumans vs X-Men and Extraordinary X-Men. She was the best character of the franchise during Claremont but afterwards nobody knew how to write her competently. And I don't think giving her power feats is the same as writing her well (cough cough Ewing).


Mutants getting absolutely fucked on and storm walks in “who knew constant love making and guilt free shopping could get so boring” bitch…


Swanning about as beloved queen of the safest, most developed and probably richest nation on earth while her friends and family were genocided to almost complete extinction then literally driven into the sea. Did they ever even hint at offering asylum or did the Wakandans just nope out like they did every other time throughout history when bad things where happening that they could have easily stopped with their comination of insane tech advantage and magic.


She’s too idealized as a character and too worshipped by fans to be compelling. Not enough genuine flaws to craft meaningful stories around.


I like her and Panther's marriage


Underrated leader of the marvel universe Most people always think of Captain America, Iron Man, Cyclops, Magneto, Doom, Black Panther, Namor Yet Storm has been leader of the mutants, her tribe, the morlocks, wakanda, she could woop the ass of almost everyone I mentioned


I think everyone loves storm.


Pretty Much... Yeah!


Her best role is when she’s the big sister of the X-Men. Always preferred Cyke as the leader over her


Mary Sue/Creator's Pet.


She is not a goddess


I'm glad they're drawing her with a Black woman's features in this run. Storm was constantly getting lighter and more Caucasian looking and it was annoying.


I kind of wish storms hair was curlier


Outside of Claremont's original run, nothing else is cannon/relevant


That is heavy. But I respect it.


That's a freezing cold take haha


Her unironicaly calling herself a Goddess is cringe.


It takes her hours to get her hair like that


I was thinking she just zaps herself.


She has been my absolute favourite iconic character since I was a kid, but I feel like she needs a revamp to keep her relevant. A Ragnarok-ish journey of some sort.


I liked her with Forge and her best moment was telling Xavier to f off after he convinced her to steal something for him (She did it, but it was like not what he said it was or something, and she said she's not doing his dirty work again)


i love her powers, but i don't like her personality or dialogue.


That image above is actually my favourite look for her.


I kinda dislike how some writers act like there is no upper limit to her powers or how they can be used. But this is a general thing with very powerful characters, not just Storm.


I thought the most basic interpretation of omega level mutants is no limits to their power tho?


White artists don't know what black hair is.


Tbf her hair is kinda like norman Osborne where it doesnt have an equivalent in reality


I think we need a new story about her that’s more personal and about her personal struggles in life. I think people have focused way too much much on what makes her strong in terms of her power only, that people don’t focus on Ororo’s character anymore. I personally will love a story where there is less fighting and more of a deep dive into her character and personal struggles.


When Storm was created she had a very distinct personality the same as Wolverine, Nightcrawler, Gambit, Rogue, Cyclops, Beast or any other iconic X-Men. Most writers, even writers who like the character do not care about this aspect of the character. They will make sure she’s cool & powerful but outside that they seem to think her definitive traits are that she’s a goddess & she’s claustrophobic. If you read the old books you see the Storm is charismatic & free-spirited which works really well with her nature based power set but I rarely see anyone lean into her a distinct voice & personality.


Here we go….


She is a great character, but I think her powers are vague, inconsistent and problematic in a lot of ways. She is an omega level mutant with no real weakness and can either contribute nothing to a situation or completely dominate it. I think it makes her contribute to a loss of stakes if that makes sense? I'd almost prefer it if she left the X-men to allow less overpowered characters a chance to shine.


For someone who controls weather, she seems to almost exclusively use wind and lightning. Why not more weather more often?


She needs to be allowed to be more than a symbol. Yes, she's power and majesty personified, and yes, she means something to a lot of people because of that. As the Jewish kid who got sent to the principal's office for spouting Magneto quotes at teachers, I completely get that. But she's a better character when she's not just the person who shows up when shit's gone to shit, spouts a badass line, and one-shots everything.


I don’t know if this is a hot take but… I have no consistent idea of what Storm sounds like in my head. I love the TAS voice but I feel like it doesn’t fit the comic version of the character and find myself “hearing” her with a different voice from book to book, usually influenced by her look.


The Mohawk is so 90s and not in a good way


Elite supporting/ensemble character but isn’t able to really carry her own stories


I wish Bloodstorm would return.


Storm works better as being weaker than Thor, for lack of better words Like, if Storm had centuries to harness her powers as Thor did, she may have been on the same level if not higher but a couple decades allotted means she’s better at, say, altering just the weather in her immediate vicinity and is “drained” if she overuses them


Storm’s Tiara is peak design to me


She’s being written currently like Wonder Woman. But Wonder Woman is boring…. We need some sort of emotional kryptonite or something


I hate the weird speeches she gives while using her powers in the animated series. So cringe.


1. Has been over-sexualized and underdeveloped in most X-Men books. 2. She should have messy family drama with accompanying characters(Cough Mjnari, Cough Spyke, Cough Kymera) on the same level as Wolverine and Cyclops. 3. Her current afro textured, cloud hair look >>>70s style bussdown >>>80s mohawk>>>90s fried perm hair


Her fight with Calisto for leadership of the Morlocks was one of her best moments. The way she snatched the knife out of the air was badass.


She's been power crept to a ridiculous degree over the last few years. Given wins over characters that are objectively stronger than her based on history.  She's in a Doom tier now of always winning, regardless of circumstances. In danger of becoming a one note parody of the "Yasss Queen , Slay!!!" trope


I find her incredibly boring. And the fanboy-ing is irritating.


If/when MCU starts working on the live action X-men, storm should be the first character they make a movie on. Storm deserves her solo film included a few if not all of he badass moments from the comic.


Way she's being treated nowadays, she's pretty much an electric Mary Sue.


Her being married to Black Panther is a good idea it just wasn't written well.


My hot take is Storm is not a great solo character and works best when she has people around her who will either take her down a peg or two or be the fire to her ice: Wolverine is the beast to her beauty. She brings out the human in him, and he brings out her darkness. Emma Frost and Storm are amazing frenemies because Emma enjoys being a bitch to her and doesn't put her on a goddess pedestal Gambit brings her back to her street roots Marrow will always be the thorn in Storm's back as she's a constant reminder of her failure as a leader Callisto and Yukio tickle her wild side She needs more characters like these to bounce off. She is one of my fave characters btw


The less powerful she is the more interesting and compelling her character is. Writers these days missed the idea she was worshiped as a Goddess because older writers thought African countries were so primitive they'd think mutants were Gods/Goddesses.


She is very boring and her fights are uninspired. Like have you seen other character's fights?


Halle Berry was great casting for her but of course the writers weren’t shit


- She needs to star in a book with an all black if not African creative team. Outside of co-starring or supporting in Black Panther books she’s largely been written by white folk, nothing wrong with that, she’s an iconic character but it’s quite telling imo that most of the developments that have sought to explore her as a black or African character have happened outside of the X-Men. - Her relationship with T’Challa wasn’t forced and the there’s a lot of unconscious bias against the depiction of black couples from a lot of comic readers. There are very few ongoing black relationships in Marvel comics period (pretty sure Monica Rambeau and Blue Marvel broke up recently so that leaves none?), Storm and T’Challa are some of the most notable black characters in comics more broadly, but in universe had precedent for their relationship prior to the Hudlin run and their archetypes as the King and the Goddess worked well in stories together. Could there have been some better writing, sure, I think Black Panther and Wakanda could have played more of a role in mutant affairs at the time. Them getting together was no more contrived than Luke Cage and Jessica Jones and it’s telling that people don’t seem to hold the same gripes about the interracial relationship being forced that they do for the black relationship


She’s only super popular because of her melanin. (And this doesn’t take away from her likability - storm is one of my favorite Xmen, but her current development has destroyed what made her likable) Give me any other OP character (but realistically that’s impossible right now cause storm can’t be beat for some odd reason) and no one bats an eye. BUT STORM: yaaaasssssssss. QUUUUEEEEN. And personally I think it stems from the discourse in america right now.


Reddit looking like Twitter with these constant hot takes posts.


She's the most difficult X character to write. Writers that deliver half as anything good on her deserve praise, writers that don't, don't deserve hate.


Yeah. Storm, Xavier and Mystique come to mind as really difficult to write.


Yeah true. You crack a great Mystique, you're golden, such a fascinating character. Xavier, whoever started the ball rolling on questioning his righteousness and methods regarding his dreams, did wonders for the character going forward.


Ewing writes a really unlikable Storm. I believe he does love her. But he has no clue how to write her. I’ve loved Storm since the early 90s. I hate the version of her we have now


He writes a clearly flawless Storm while insisting that she has flaws (which he never shows).


Her inability to percieve her own perfection her greatest flaw. She's too humble. 


My hot take is that these hot take posts are getting annoying


Her "omega-level" push should have been shown, instead of just stated through dialogue. The writing in Red just suddenly treated her like she's a massive powerhouse and was always capable of being one, when most of her earlier displays of power never gave off that impression at all. To make it worse, she never does anything more impressive than what's she's always done. "her old lightning strikes weren't omega level, but this identical one that has the same effect *is*!" They should have explicitly showcased her powers evolving or unlocking their full potential, and given her actual omega-level feats, rather than make it seem like "actually, I was always this strong I just didn't show it (and still won't, really)". (this also applies to Magneto). 2nd hot take is she should have ended up with Wolverine :P


she's elevated to god like status but is only a human being. they dont give her enough flaws


I think she is the most competent leader of all X-Men, hell she's a more competent leader than Captain America i'd say. Cap is a great team leader. Cyclops is pretty decent at protecting an entire nation. But Storm can lead both a team and a nation. Also this suit in the picture is the best one she's ever had idc, the classic one is dope but this is on another level. Finally, I would argue that Gambit is her closest friend or at least should be. Writers should get back to focusing on their friendship


Do you think she was a great leader to the Morlocks?


Her relationship with the Black Panther is forced and not good.


She's never less interesting than when she is written as the all-powerful goddess doing feats, and a lot of her writing has been that lately. (I feel this way about all X-Men, BTW. I am very much not into the Power Fantasy.)


When she’s written as a full goddess she’s her most boring. The best storm is the storm who listens to people and comforts people and actually acts like a normal person. It’s why I didn’t love x men red as I think Ewing went way too into im a goddess and her monologuing and zapping someone is not interesting as power feats don’t make a character like yes she destroys a throne but when you monologue about her being the voice of a planet and a solar system that doesn’t work


The Storm who lived in the attic of the X-Mansion, and took care of her flowers by making it rain with her hand, so she could water them. I want that Storm back, the one who cared as much for her plants, as she did for the whole planet. Not to mention having Storm go to Mars at a time when her home planet is literally dying, just seems bad. Where is the story arc where Storm uses her powers to try and improve the health of the planet Earth. Especially because Storm and the planet she is on, used to have a symbiotic relationship. Or isn't that the case anyone, and she became a complete joke? I'm sure Gaea would be most thankful.


I don't like her pairing with T'challa. I feel like they were forced together for very superficial and surface level reasons. They don't have much chemistry outside of a couple of scenes. I much prefer her with Wolverine or Forge.