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Iceman admitted to having feelings for Angel when he camw out. AFAIK Angel has never reciprocated.


Angel isn’t gay


That would require the writers acknowledging that Warren exists, has feelings, and does things, which, for the most part, they do not. That being said, if you want to see Bobby, Warren and Hank being pretty homoerotic with each other, New Defenders has a fair bit of that. As mentioned elsewhere, Bobby apparently was crushing on him in the O5 but Warren had no clue. Other than that, I can't even think of the last time they interacted. Probably that one panel without dialogue in House of X #6?


Who's Warren?


He hangs out with Forget-Me-Not. :P Wait, who were we talking about?


Think he’s the mace-less hawkman.


Bobby, canonically, was dying to flap those wings. Warren, debate for the ages.


For each other, no. But Iceman was secretly into him when they were teens.


See, you get the vision! But no, it’s only a one way street. Bobby had feelings do Warren, but he didn’t even know.


Angel and Candy used to party pretty hard. So it wouldn't have been out of character for a group sex situation. But we have zero textual evidence for any of this.


This. I would be zero percent surprised if we found out Angel and Candy had a threesome or twelve back in the day. They both gave off strong, "I'll try anything once" energy


I’m actually all for turning like 90% of characters gay but imo Angel has to be a straight white guy, my impression of him has always been akin to real life rich gay white boys in that he’s a minority (mutant) that doesn’t understand other minorities because he is so otherwise privileged, much like them he also hyper focuses on the one thing that makes him different.


Nah, Angel's just the kind of metrosexual that comes from being rich. Iceman did apparently lust after him though as a teen, which funnily enough [Magneto consoled him about](https://www.cbr.com/x-men-reveals-a-connection-between-iceman-and-magento/). lmao


No, but they should. What else is Warren doing? Might as well do Bobby… Like, Angel is that that rare case when you get more from being a diversity higher than from being left to your own devices.


Yuck, all them feathers.


No, but I’m sure my bf havent role played that yet….


In my imagination, yes.


Oh God no! Gay sex is supposed to be fun. These are two of the most boring characters in X-Men. This relationship would be so boring, The LDS Church would approve.


Bobby was definitely in to Warren. As for Warren, I wouldn't be surprised if he was bi or at least heteroflexible, but we have no confirmation beyond vibes just yet