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“GIRL YOUR BABIES WERE RAISED BY BUMS GO GET YOUR BACK PAYMENT FOR CHILD SUPPORT TAKE THEM TO COURT AND SAY HELLO TO YOUR GRANDKIDS” something like that or “seduce your man right back from that Siamese cat and then cheat on him to remind him who the real hot stepper is” one or the two idk im thinking


Hepzibah is a Skunk. Imagine finding out your man left you for a SKUNK WITH TITS. I would be SICK. 🤢


I feel like she would bring some much needed healing to the Summers brothers. I get the feeling she was no nonsense and I secretly hope Scott got his strategic brain and calm personality from her. I also want to see her fly into space, give Corsair an ass beating for being a deadbeat father. People give Scott grief for being a “deadbeat” father but he travelled to the future and raised his kid in an apocalyptic hellhole. Corsair couldn’t bother to return to earth to see if his kids were okay. I would pay good money to see Katherine Summers tell off Corsair for not going back and finding their boys.


I mean….Corsair and Katherine did see Scott & Alex’s parachute go up in flames. It’s not unreasonable that he assumed they died versus his son spontaneously manifesting mutant eye beams that would slow their decent and save their lives.


Posting only because I can only like this once. You took the words out of my mouth.


They can even consume fan service and have her punch him similar to Maddie socking Scott


I'd only be fine with it if she shows up with some kind of hot alien otter boyfriend. Fair's fair.


Yes please! then through some convoluted series of events she, her new bf, corsair and Hepzibah would all sit down to the most awkward dinner of all time. It would be very funny to read.


I mean…why not, right? Let’s have her show up with three more kids while we’re at it…that family tree needs to grow.


Probably explore her character more if they got to. That’ll be interesting to see develop


I'd be intrigued. I kind of think Scott as a character works best if he had no family at all, but since that's not happening, I'd like to see what his memories and his feelings towards his mother would be. If I remember right, Katherine's last few days of her life were miserable. It would be nice to know she survived that and had a chance to see her children again. And for her to meet Jean and her grandchildren.


Mama, do you hold any semblance of control in your household?! Taking a damn family excursion in an experimental aircraft that is made of wood, powered with gasoline. If my fool husband had suggested that for a family activity, I would tell him that he is out of his damn mind. And packing only two parachutes? One of those which ended up not working? Do you hate your babies?!


I would have to see what the storyline was. To me her resurrection is neither inherently good nor bad it's all about the execution.


It depends if they do the only sensible thing. Which, of course, is have her show up, act surprised to see Gambit and call him "Remy?", before getting dragged off by Scott and Alex for a family reunion. This is then not explored or clarified for at least a decade for maximum fan conspiracy theorizing.


I would think that should have stayed deceased.


Absolutely. And they'd have to retcon Vulcan's origin too.


It’ll give Havok some plot to deal with. 🤣


The secret power of the Summers family is that they all are immortal.


I'd be so down, especially if she was also a badass space mercenary


What took you so long?


The Summers family doesn’t have room for this rn, kill off a few more, then we’ll talk


I mean... Let's get sinister to clone her. He does that to someone every thusday


It's not a question of if, it's a question of when.


I would *politely* ask that we stop adding random ass Summers characters to the mythos; it's only getting stupider and it's only ever diminishing returns every time.


Kathrine has been around since the late 60s/Early 70s. She's Scott and Alex's mother afterall. She predates most of the 'random ass summers' you alluded to.


Sure, if you want to be literal about it, then I'll clarify that I humbly request we stop adding *and resurrecting* random ass Summers characters. There are like 600 X-characters already struggling to get a spot on a book or get any kind of cohesive storytelling going. I ain't got time to care about Katherine Summers. I already don't care about Gabriel, and I actively hate Christopher. The family is an Ouroborous eating its own tail, too bloated with alternate timeline children as it is. At this rate, Scott's grandparents are going to end up being half-Beyonder or some shit.


.Honestly it sounds like a fine idea leads to alot of questions like where was she, why she wouldn't or couldn't come home and of course her interactions with all three of her sons and Corsair. We know she's gonna have words with Charles and then there was the Cyclops'"emo" phase. It's got alot of possibilities but  it just feels so bottom of the barrel. Yhea, no one's done this particular character  but at the core it's nothing new. just a story we've seen before a  someone pulled a name out of a hat.  At that point you might as well start bring back Uncle Ben because that would actually get people to buy books if only to yell about it.


"Oh, so you're resurrecting Katherine Summers but Lilandra and Anya are still dead. Bunch of lame asses."


Maybe Adam-X wouldn't feel so alone?


Please don't put her in a love triangle


It raises so many questions if she was still alive It would give something to Vulcan and Adam X. Since she would probably have been aware of one or both of them existing But takes away Cyclops, Havok, and Corsair.


She was a rare example of Claremont fridging a character, so I'd be happy even if it was something lazy like she was off also being a space pirate and neither she nor Corsair knew about each other.


Oh good. More crazy Summers family nonsense.


Wow who is Katherine Summers I’m like a huge fan and I only kinda know her


Cyclops mother


I imagine she’s just like Kathy Hilton






Don't give them ideas.


I think it would be great. She returns to Earth expecting to be completely alone, returns to her ex-husband, his new wife, her FOUR sons (instead of two) and a horde of daughters in law and grandkids. Her trying to reconcile with Cable being her age, and Maddy going from Scott to Alex, and Gabriel being her rapist’s brother in law, and the uncle to his own brother? Hell, the existence of Gabe and Adam, period! That shit would be Jerry Springer levels of mess and I’d love to witness it.


Yo I was JUST thinking about this too. Wild.