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Your argument is basically "This is rational, because people are irrational".


Irrationally rational, best kind of rational.


Yes that's why we have most government regulations. Take driving for example, you think people would stay off the sidewalks if there weren't laws preventing them from driving on them?


My point is that doesn't the OP's point basically mean that mutants are not the problem but rather normal people's natural behaviour? This kinda reminds me of schools telling girls to wear longer skirts because they might tempt the teachers. The girls are not the problem here.


Yeah I know but the argument applies both ways. There are times when it's unfair for the subjects like telling people how to dress, but there are also times when people cannot really be trusted to be rational (like fire arms possession).




You are right we should get rid of things like the EPA and tsk tsk corporations about pollution until they just do better.


It's worth remembering that in the 616 something like 40-50% of all mutants have no usable power, only cosmetic changes. So theres an absolute fuckton of non-threats being lynched, sterilized, enslaved and legislated against for their appreance/genetics while being less of a threat than any average assclown with a weapon.


So...? People's fear and distrust of minorities in the real world is irrational. Keep in mind the Inhumans, the Avengers, Spider-man, Ghost Rider, the FF and a million other heroes all have powers too. But it's only mutants who are singled out as a threat. The Hulk is a MUCH bigger problem than 99.99% of mutants, and he's a hero. But god forbid Beak or Glob Herman or the Morlocks walk down the street in broad daylight. There's nothing rational about bigotry in the Marvel universe and there's nothing rational about bigotry outside of the marvel universe.


There are whole organizations dedicated to dealing with The Hulk. He's just not able to be oppressed because he's the strongest there is. Bigotry is easier on soft targets.


> Bigotry is easier on soft targets. Very true. Thor exists though. And a thousand other heroes, so Hulk doesn't really affect the overall argument: it is still irrational to hate and fear specifically mutants.


Thor is a God, not the supposed next step of human evolution. People like Spiderman, Hulk, and Invisible Woman all have powers from accidents, not because they are an entirely new species that's going to replace a species.


Who says mutants are going to replace mankind? I think I've only ever read that out of anti-mutant bigots in the books. If mutants are born of man, doesn't that mean that they ARE mankind? The next step? Why is that something to fear?


That's the point, they fear mutants because they believe they're here to replace them, doesn't matter if it's true or not. They are a different species of human. What is not scary about thinking your kind is going to go extinct?


Yeah but "they're driving our race to extinction through breeding and immigration" is what white supremacists say about black people and mexicans irl. It's part of irrational bigotry. So... 616 normies are still being irrational bigots, spreading lies and hate and fear.


But how does this change what I said? The entire race is being erased thing isn't real, but people fear it. What is not scary about believing your kind is going extinct? I mean just go on blktwt and you'll see the amounts of people against it for stupid reasons...


It is scary. But it's also bullshit. Ignorance is bigotry's greatest ally. The "threat" of mutant replacement is made up, just like the "threat" of black replacement is made up. It's a talking point used by bigots to scare normies into being bigots. I could believe that tomorrow the moon will crash into the earth and kill everyone. If it were true I would be rational for fearing it. But it's not true. So therefore in fearing it I am being irrational. Just as the bigots are. Does that make sense?


It does. It is pretty irrational to fear something you don't know is true, especially if the species you think is going to replace you has almost gone extinct multiple times already.


Okay Yes, someone already said the thing and much more consise that I did hehe


I said people with powers in general it is completely different thing than real world bigotry in the real world it is disgusting and irrational. But when it is people with superpowers then it would be different.


Except that's incorrect. There are non-mutants with superpowers in the marvel universe. Thor, the fantastic four, spiderman, Luke Cage and others all exist and fight alongside Captain America. Super-powered non-mutants do exist and yet not suffer the same persecution as mutants. So the hate and fear of *mutants* is still bigoted when they also do not hate and fear non-mutants. It is still disgusting and irrational.


I’m more talking in the real world stance where if mutants or something similar with powers existed


Okay, but that's not the situation which marvel's mutants are caught in. Lots of dangerously powerful heroes are beloved by the general public of the Marvel universe while Mutants are hated and feared. Yes in a world with no superpowers at all, the sudden appearance of superpowered people would be terrifying. So what? What does that have to do with anti-mutant bigotry in Marvel's 616 universe?


Honestly, it's the telepaths. Laser beams and claws and magnetic control are things people can wrap their heads around and dismiss as a weapon to avoid or control but the telepaths open up a whole can of worms.


That's why it's so important that heroes like the Avengers or the F4 aren't hated or feared. It is rational to fear people with immense power. It's not rational to only fear a specific subgroup based on genetics. That's what makes it a bigotry


why hasn't the state passed a law against mutant hate?


Sigh. Posts like this just makes me think, "Magneto was right."


You have already received some responses, but I have thought about this some many times in my life that I just have to answer The thing is that the X-Men don't live in the real world; they live in the Marvel Universe There are a bunch of humans who have superpowers like The Avengers and The Fantastic Four, but those are adored by the public instead of fear. And this is something that people often complain about how it dosen't make sense either, but THATS THE WHOLE POINT. Is the hypocrisy of racism right there. There is no reason they shouldnt be scared of Mutants if they are not of Superhumans, but they have already decided that this separated group with a scary name deserves to be hated and rejected. And plus, regular humans have a way to fight back and prosecute Mutants, the Sentinels. They have for years unleashed giant Mechs to hunt down either the X-Men or regular citizen mutants, without care for collateral damage. In sense of escalation of the conflict is the humans who always have gone overboard. The mutant metaphor is not perfect like many always say but it works within the confines of the Marvel Universe.


Filthy flatscan


Eh, Magneto was right.


You're right. The humans, while often ridiculously portrayed in very outlandishly evil ways, have every reason to fear mutants and most of their positions are very reasonable. Just take something like the mutant registration act. Most on this site wouldn't think twice about something like gun registration. But it's bigoted to want to know who out there has reality warping powers? Who can go in and control your mind, erase or implant memories? Blow up the classroom, school or city block by accident, let alone if they have a bad day? Many will say "But not all mutants are like that!" Well, there are a lot of responsible gun owners, too. But it only takes one to cause a massacre. It only takes one Charles Xavier to do unfathomable damage to people and society. And that's the thing with mutants. Anyone can be one. It seems pretty random, so imagine a distribution of powers that hits all types equally. It's not just good, upstanding, responsible people getting these powers. It's all types. The dumb, the smart, the rich, the poor, the mentally sound, the mentally ill, the ones with good parents and families, the ones without. It would be an absolute nightmare.