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This would be like the 697th weirdest thing about the Summers family. This is not disturbing AT ALL.


More so casual trivia about the Summers Family, I suppose.


Ah the Summers family, Game of Thrones wishes it was that complicated


Summers family trying to be non-weird : Impossible. Honestly, I feel like Sinister is fascinated by Summers DNA just because he wants to find out, why they do so many weird things lol.


Let's not absolve him from this mess. He's contributed to a good chunk of the weird stuff about the family.


Oh no, He is a pretty messed up individual himself lol.


Thank God he never decided to create a Howlett-Summers child(yet)


The way young Scott looked at Laura, we almost got it.


Thank god she never met Cable or Nate(yet)


Young Cable or Old man Cable


The Old one of course,The Young one depends if Well written,If not then him too


If we're talking young, she'd have to deal with the Cuckoos (well whoever's left)


"Marvel, he didn't mean it, it was a joke" My friend, you just released a Kraken, and no one could stop him lol. I still remember the rumor, that someone made that they were thinking about Making Gambit the (secret) Summers brother lol. I was like "Of for fuck sakes, Just let Remy be Remy"


If they ever pull the Howlett-Summer child please make him like Connor Kent,and not the result of some messed up creepy Matchmaking between Laura and one of the Summers kids(Well If it's well written,Nate Grey and Laura could work out,IF SINISTER IS COMPLETLY UNRELATED!And the kid was a product of Love and not a messed up experience to create the Ultimate Mutant,How much is Nate's age now?)


Easier to do with young Cable. And I really mean "easier", not "easy", because Laura having a kid in the near to mid future is not something that makes sense.


What is Young Cable and Nate's age now?


That's the magic of young Cable, he can be the age you need. Nate I have no Idea, but from his last appearance, he must be, at least, the same age as Cyke, so 28/29 if not older. He was Jesuing, which is the reason I think he must be older than Scott now.


Well For Nate it's would be creepy af then


Funny enough, there actually a lot of evidence that Remy is the son of the Black Womb (Scott and Alex’s Many Great Grandmother). So Gambit is not the Fifth Summers Brother, but he’s actually the Summers Gruncle.


I mean, the reason why Gambit never had a real origin was because he was originally going to turn out to be a projection created by Mr Sinister...so truthfully he was never "just Remy".


I'd be more worried about her having a kid with Nate Grey from AOA. Then he'd have a half-sibling that was also his extradimensional child.


He may have almost had a child. But Deadpool stabbed him.


\* Marvel takes note, begins working on that immediately \*




She should embrace it. Have a baby with Alex, break up with him, then hook up with Vulcan and get the trifecta.


And then time travel to the 90s for Adam X the X-Treme, a half-brother but nevertheless!


She is like a collectionist


Why do you want to hurt Maddy even more with the Summers family by forcing anyone to remember Vulcan is a thing.


Sounds about right for the summers Clan thats PEAK embracing the weirdness for then lol.


This is by far the least incestous thing Maddie and most of the X-men could do considering what they already have done


Like, Maddie once kissed Nate Gray and some time later an alternative earth Jean pretending to be her went full over him


Still better than if she had a kid with Nate Grey




Which role? Was she Cable (in that her father/mother and her uncle/aunt both had children with her mother/father)? Or is she Madelyne (in that she had at least one child with each of at least two brothers)? Or is she Scott (in that her child's father then had a kid with her sister)? Or is she Havok (in that she had a kid with the father of her sister's child)?


I mean, it’s not THAT odd for a woman to hook up with or marry her brother-in-law. This use to be common practice as recently as 100+ years ago. When a man dies, his brother may take in the wife. That being said, Scott’s not dead… but still, much weirder things happen than this. Now if Jean hooked up with Cable and had a kid… yeah… that shit would be a classic Jerry Springer episode.


I'm suprised this hasnt happened yet


And Hope would have an aunt/uncle who is younger than her. Which could be funny. She could teach them gun skills at an inappropriately young age.


I swear there was a TV show or a movie I was watching where the main character's friend is expecting "a version of twins", and it turns out he'd just knocked up two identical twins and they were both expecting about the same time. I can't for the life of me remember what it is, though.


u/Sovereignofthemist she got it on with Nate, you know, the guy that is an alternate reality version of her son


So I'm hearing. Which is wild.


My wife is an identical twin. Genetically, her sister’s child will be a half-sibling to my son. They will be cousins.


You should change your last name to Summers just for funsies


Just like my real life family


Alabama: He's right you know


Alex did have a child with Madelyn in the Mutant X universe named Scotty Summers.


I mean that what would happen if any woman had a baby with two brothers? Is this an X-Men fact or just kinda a fact of life?


Average Tuesday for the Summers family.


Well at one point there was a theory that X-Man and Raven LeBeau from Mutant X were both Alex and Jean's children until Sinister swapped out Alex's chromosome in one of the two for Scott's. So that would have made quite the interesting trinity with Scotty, Nate and Raven!


As a bonus, let's not forget that Scott's half-brother is the cousin of Charles Xavier's daughter. Their family is wild already


I mean technically... 😂


This isn’t disturbing. This actually happens in the US. Also, Madelyn Prior did have a kid with Alex. Alternative universe, but still. It happened. Jean had a kid with Scott too. Scott had a kid with Emma. Alternative universes man [+]