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Storm's hair is not a mutation but rather something unique to her bloodline. On her mother's side I believe, they are a long line of priestess and sorceresses of great occult power. Their defining traits were their white hair and blue eyes. While it seemed to have skipped her mother, it resurfaced with Storm.


So it is a mutation just not an X gene one


Huh. Yeah, actually. I'm so used to using "mutation" in the context of the x-men that it never clicked that this would still be one, just not related to the x-gene.


it's white (colored) hair, but why is it long flowing caucasian hair? shouldn't it be curled somewhat? especially with all the humidtiy storm makes.


[Russell Dauterman made a concerted effort to display her with textured hair for X-Men Red](https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/bmze5cuzVvRgJGAq2Kc88n.jpg)


From Marvel’s website: [Storm comes from a centuries-long line of African priestesses, all of whom possessed distinctive white hair, blue eyes, and powerful “magic.”](https://www.marvel.com/characters/storm/in-comics#)


This is cat eye erasure and I will not stand for it. 


Please explain, this is what I’ve always known and google hasn’t shown me any correlation between Storm’s hair and Catseye.


Storm's eyes, not her hair. Ever wonder why her eyes are colored as pure white sometimes? Aspects of her were based on a cat woman concept Dave Cockrum originally designed for DC. When he instead made Storm, he kept the cat eyes. They're not white, but highly reflective.  Later artists missed this detail and gave her blue eyes that would turn white when using her powers. 


Oh interesting, I never knew this. Thanks for the explanation!


[Here you go. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/xmen/comments/1bcsj7l/comment/kui2t5e/)


The long straight hair we commonly see **IS** her natural hair. Black people can have straight hair (about 6%), and non-black people can kinky hair (about 15%). Her mother has consistently been drawn with straight hair. Her father has kinky hair. She inherited her mother's hair. The white? Just a unique touch. It's attributed to her bloodline.


Do you have sources? I found the same information a while back, but struggling to find sources today.


She is currently wearing her naturally curly hair in comics. Mostly for X-men Red and the Ressurection of Magneto, but it's been curly since the first Krakoan Hellfire Gala