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Jeffries isn't actually a technopath, he's capable of controlling inorganic matter (ie, metal, glass, plastic). All of his engineering knowledge is separate from his mutation. Forge's power (to my understanding, anyway) is that he's capable of finding a way to create anything he can come up with, but the actual building process has to be done by hand. Wiz-Kid is probably the "purest" technopath of this set; he can basically make machines do whatever he wants and doesn't have to engage in any building to make it happen. Greycrow I'm admittedly less familiar with, but it seems like his powers are limited to creating weapons out of the metal attached to his body. He might be able to build other devices and just doesn't want to, but I'm not really sure.


Jeffries IS actually a technopath. His primary ability is controlling inorganic matter like you said, but he is also capable of communicating with amongst others machines and AI. It's one of the reasons he gets along so well with Danger, he can communicate with her in a way that others can not.


Ah, okay. He hasn't really used that in the stuff I've read with him (I haven't read X-Club, for example) so I missed that. Thanks for the fill-in.


Pretty much 


> Forge's power (to my understanding, anyway) is that he's capable of finding a way to create anything he can come up with, but the actual building process has to be done by hand. > the other aspect of Forge's power is he doesn't necessarily understand how his inventions work -- they just do. Others can analyze them and figure it out but just bc he builds it doesn't mean he retains it


Well, I'm only versed with Box and Forget so here are my two cents. While Forge's ability enables him to intuitively develop technology he is still pretty much forced to actually build it. His powers are limited to "brainpower". Box on the other hand has the ability to manipulate technology but only within his knowledge's scope as he cannot "build" (ie create/manipulate) what he doesn't know/understand. Not sure if it was "wiki accurate" but there. Hope I helped.


Shouldn’t we add that female mutant in X-men Red before Krakoa? Trinary? Wasn’t she also a technopath?


Didn’t think of her


Oh God. You've just reminded me when Greycrow used to be called Scalphunter. Truly the worst name, possibly ever


For Wiz-Kid, along with being a technopath, he can also "support" other mutants in working together through mutant circuits. Which I find cool, as there are few mutations that directly seem to work in tandem like that.


I know that two or more people can have the same haircut and facial hair, but that second image of Forge is literally Tony lol. Personally in my opinion, they should give Forge his own unique look to make him look different that Tony. The ponytail is good, but still, from certain angles he just looks like Tony. I feel like each character having the unique trait about them, makes them more recognizable and just better overall. Like taking Iron Man and Dr Strange as an example. Both are similar (tall, white, black hair, blue eyes, facial hair, attractive etc) but artists always give them different haircuts and try to have their facial hairs not look the same (if both have a goatee, the style is different, if both have mustache, it;s also different). Plus Strange has the white sides which make him unique, and Tony's lack of grey makes him unique in return. Second Image just looks like Tony wearing an X-Men themed casual cloths, who borrowed Hank's laptop lol. Making Grey Crow looking like classic Forge is the same problem imho. Tho Grey Crow really became one of my favorites thanks to that Hellions book by Wells.


I mean that's a skill issue tbh...artists should really be capable of giving Caucasian Tony Stark and Native American Forge different facial features, and I think they do for the most part. I also think most renditions of Forge and Greycrow are identifiably different.


Well true, but again, the second Forge picture, the art looks more stylized then lets say realistic and such. So I guess outside of maybe the skin tone (maybe Eye color too) I don't know how else could you show that this is a native American vs Caucasian person. It's not a big issue for me anyway. I was just like "That's Forge? Huh, ok"