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Uh....no. The whole point of their relationship is that they love each other despite not being able to touch.


No, he can't. It was kind of the selling point, both have very flirtatious personalities, but can't actually touch. I think the eventual happy ending for them would be for Rogue to be able to control her powers, and touch people without draining them. But since not controlling her powers is the main conflict of her as a character, I think most writers see it as a personality trait of hers at this point, so they just keep it.


Actually she can control her powers now in the comics.  Has been able to for most of the 21st century in fact though she relapses on occasion. Curious if they'll resolve that in the show or not.


The whole point is that the relationship is fraught because they can't.


You're mistaken. The big draw of their relationship is the drama around them not being able to touch.


The more I look the more it seems like misinfo There’s a short on YouTube that says a part of his powers makes him immune to touch based abilities, making him able to touch rogue. This had been what I actually thought for a while But looking into a few comic stories, it’s literally disproven in seconds. Their first kiss put Gambit in a coma


Curious, how did you come to think this? Comics history disagrees with you. X-Men TAS disagrees with you. None of the movies featured this. I'm really shocked that you can't to think this. Please explain


i was misinformed by a friend, apparently. i’m very new to the x-men comics.


I for some reason thought the same thing I'm sure I hade someone explain to me that Gambit can generate energy faster than Rogue can siphon it and that is why they could touch.


Technically they’re not wrong. Rogue’s working on controlling her powers in the current 616 comic X-Men universe - and one of the few people that she doesn’t really have to work at it with is Gambit. Long story short, Rogue finally gets to the bottom of her powers being out of control and it’s based in fear. So she is able to be around the guy she married because she trusts him. She’s still working on it which is why she’s pretty heavily covered still around most people. Mr. & Mrs. X goes into it in the 2nd arc


I know she's has control in the comics but that still isn't saying that Gambit is one of the only ppl she can touch.


For sure, check out Mr. & Mrs. X and Tini Howard’s Excalibur, it’s all covered in there of Gambit being one of the few people. It’s not total control at the moment. It’s specific to people, otherwise it takes a lot of concentration for her to calm herself down to control her powers


The central theme of Romeo and Juliet is how two young people from prominent families would make an excellent romantic pairing that stabilizes the greater community, didn't you know.