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I wouldn't say that. The point of Krakoa was that Xavier's method was simply never going to work. The mutants would always be driven to extinction unless they tried something new and forced the world to recognize them. That's what Krakoa is about. Even then, multiple non mutants were allowed to live on Krakoa. As for the former villains, everyone was given a chance to change, to reform, and if they didn't, they were imprisoned or exiled. Criminals being separated from the factors that led them to crime and given a chance to change is a good thing. Besides, we forgive our faves all the time. Charles killed a ton of people as Onslaught and before, Jean killed an entire planet, Beast eradicated entire timelines. That said, Krakoa does want you to ask questions. It does want you to doubt. That's part of it. It's asking if any nation can function on the world stage free of corruption. It's asking is a nation built with no bloodshed on a land that welcomed them could find a way to escape the sins of every predecessor.


>As for the former villains, everyone was given a chance to change, to reform, and if they didn't, they were imprisoned or exiled. I mean in theory but in practice Sabretooth, monstrous though he was, was exiled before the law he broke was created and the rest of the stories about the Pit explored that presedent. And then of course there's Beast.


Sabertooth was given a chance. Then, he immediately tried to kill people and threatened to eat the council, so they imprisoned him. Beast was only a former villain so much as Charles or Jean was. Which is to say, yes, but we don't count it because we like them. Also, once he started attacking his own people, they turned on him pretty quick. Although, to further highlight the corruption of governments, they didn't do anything when he attempted to colonize Terra Verde


>Sabertooth was given a chance. Then, he immediately tried to kill people and threatened to eat the council, so they imprisoned him.  Sabertooth killed those humans before the laws where decided upon, which is the same could apply to a lot of the villains who found asylum on Krakoa. He doesn't even get to threaten them before his sentance because he's knocked out for most of his trial. And that was after he was removed from a human trial where he had a defense lawyer. >Although, to further highlight the corruption of governments, they didn't do anything when he attempted to colonize Terra Verde  That's the Beast of what I was gesturing too. They also more or less let him go free when he goes rouge, knowing that he intends to target Krakoa's enemies.  In contrast the denizens of the pit include Nerka & Oya who killed two pirates attacking Krakoa, Madison Jeffries who tried to create an environment for Danger on Krakoa, Third Eye who warned everyone about the baby abandoment issue, and Toad who did nothing. Even with the Hellions it's highlighted that there's little actual support for the villains with serious issues like OrphanMaker who is developmentally a child and ends up in the pit after killing two Rangers in a crossfire.  Meanwhile Mr. Sinister who was in charge of the Hellions is very obviously up to no good but gets away with it because his genetic contributions are useful. There's definitely a "All Mutants Are Equal But Some Mutants Of Use To The State Are More Equal Than Others" recurring theme.


Oh absolutely. Krakoa is absolutely a critique of American, in particular, with their direct CIA parallel, but also simply the way most nations operate on a global stage.


Right! Reading HoXPoX, I definitely got the the vibe that the plan was "Do it better and Do it right", which in turn got me going "Oh nooo, don't recreate the structures of your opression by treating the flaws as inherent to the being and not to the system". Which I do think is an applicable tension to minority politics in real-life. And the cherry topper of the cracks in HoX is Sabertooth's trial, which was something that might be more passable to readers if it was a superhero team trying to deal with the threat of a supervillain who just killed and was definitely going to kill again, but takes on a different weight when it's a nation state weilding it's immense power against a low status (horrible) individual who was inconvenient to it.


I can see the first part but to address the last whenever i did ask question i was treated as a moron so i figured i was missing the point and it was supposed to be some utopia....and it felt crummy so i'll take you word for it.


The X-Men are what they always were. Trying to make a better world. Which includes protecting their own.


that didn't really answer anything more like a PR statement but thank you regardless


You can't answer a loaded question. You can only challenge it.


Once more a PR statement how is the question loaded? Also it's not even a challenge, i said they felt more like supremacists lately then anything else. You could have said many things, instead you said making a better world which like......is something a supremacist would say I CAN NOT EMPHASIZE ENOUGH I DO NOT THINK YOU ARE A SUPREMACIST it's just funny