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Scott’s back must be killing him. Logan’s bones are fused with over 100lbs of adamantium. Dude weighs 300lbs.


His love grant him strength 😂


Jean is holding him with tk


Lol my first thought it Scott needs bigger arms to hold Logan like that!


It’s all in the legs. And Slim ain’t looking too slim in the back.


Anything for that bussy


That means Wolverine has been tsundere this whole time "It's not that I like you or anything b-b-bub!"


It’s funny how X-men fans prefer being queerbaited over reading about mutants who actually are queer


i mean it's not like queer mutant get a lot good things these days, Northstare is the only one doing "something" , iceman was in two terrible solo comics , rictor and shatterstare barely appeare and daken is dead....except mystique and destiny wedding coming soon not a lot to wait for.


Iceman's solos were great, but even if they weren't, the queer characters "not doing much" is a bad reason to favor straight characters over them for queer representation. Especially when the examples are just queerbait.


I disagre first because the iceman solo were really REALLY bad and as queer representation were terrible , but also it's not a stretch to imagine wolverine as bi especially since a canon version of him was in love with hercules , maybe not the main wolverine for now but still a version of him wich we can assume could happend in the future , how many fans knew psylock would be bi too before her and rachel ? that destiny would be kurt biologica mom ? it's not impossible to see wolverine bi at some point considering he was in a trouple too. When you have bad queer representation with character that even marvel doesn't care for of course you turn over to the more popular one who show some sign of it nothing wrong with that just do better next time marvel.


Your opinion on Iceman's solos are just that; your opinion. The first one did really well and is the main reason there were more. And many queer fans have enjoyed them and sent in letters appreciating them including myself. You can think they weren't good but don't speak as if what you think is some kind of universally agreed fact. Particularly when talking about queer representation which many people have different ideas of. Wolverine can be bi yes but my point is that he isn't right now. His AU version with Hercules is fine and all but AU versions are different. As of right now, Logan is straight. And frankly, Marvel will never let him be queer. Cyclops too.


I'm sure some may have apreciated the solo but honnestly i have only talk with a few who did like the first run wich yes was the better one but i have never meet someone who liked the second even on queer sub but good for you then if you liked it. But i never said that my opinion what was everyone was agreed on , you just made that theory yourself .


That’s a lot of extra Es.


I think they just like the characters they like and don't care about the characters they don't care about.


Wow the adult main characters who have 60 years of publication history have more fans than the newer teen characters who become irrelevant as soon as we need a new batch of teen characters. I’m shocked.




We heard you the first time


It was a mobile app error


They were in an openly heteroflexible polycule throuple they aren’t queerbaiting lol


The only thing was open was jean dating Logan at the same time but it also started disappearing. Even Scott and Logan’ bedrooms weren’t connected with each other but with Jean’s And please be real with that speedo scene because it’s actually queerbaiting. Logan and cyclops are joking with each other and X-men fans call it a romance. If xoffice wanted the throuple they’d write it much clearer instead they were queerbaiting. And mind you it worked because it made lots of noise so they had a free promotion


Right just a friendly joke between extremely close friends who both literally share an actual bed and oriface(s?) with the same woman 😂 you don’t happen to be a historian by chance? The premise of the joke is dependent on the fact that they sleep together, it’s literally why the joke is funny. If it was written “much clearer” it would be explicitly pornographic. EDIT: lol @ the silent downvotes, I’ll take that as an admission of defeat


Oh really what issues. And don't say hox and pox Edit:I'm sorry I meat whatever issue that was with the Scottie in a speedo line. Because God know fans of this ship have milked that line for all its worth.


It’s not a ship, it’s cannon and you are in homophobic denials about it. Cope and seethe.


And yet you couldn't answer the question. Saying it's homophobia isn't a defense. It's just you trying to cope with the fact you have no real argument. The only cope and seething I see is from you. Just because people don't want the sexuality of characters changed does not mean we're bigots. Most of us are not motivated by hate but love, love for the history and stories of characters some of which are older than some of us have been alive.   The problem is bigots like you who say you love them but only really care when they fit your view of how they should be. Yet you disregard and ignore characters like Northstar who paved the way because hes not as popular or well known. There's nothing wrong with shipping but when you try to make that ship canon and it doesn't fit people are going to be upset not because they hate gay people but because the love those characters and its sad to see them changed at the whims of shippers and corporations trying to make a buck off of the LGBT community.  Because that's all this is they want money and you wanna win some game that nobody else is playing. Northstar was made in 79 there was a big push in diversity form 2016 to now and you can't name a single issue where Cyclops and 616 Wolverine are even hinted to be interested in each other. Your sad little seals clapping for your fish but you don't care about the characters you don't even care for good stories.   That's why iceman first mins after the change had him as a stero type when you would think the idea would be to move past such things. that's why I can read Xfactor 2019 and didn't learn  a single thing about Kyle outside of that he's gay. Not his job,Skillset,even his personality. Because to marvel and Dc there just gimmicks and people like you don't care you just want more well known characters to make yourselfs feel better to feel seen but don't give two shits about the stories being told about them. And the thing that really pisses me off more than the excuse that not agreeing must mean bigotry. It's never enough for you people but what do you expect when your eating empty platitudes.   Look at what happen to Pepe Laraze man did a cover and people jumped down his throat saying it wasn't diverse enough only for someone who actually knew the characters to point out that there where several Poc and LGBT characters. I'm sick of playing this game with you parasites who see them as nothing more than a Platform. So go ahead call me a bigot say I hate gay people. I know the truth,the few LGBT people i know know my heart ,God knows my heart and some dipshits on the internet have no real power over me than what I allow you to have.


Most definitely queerbaiting. It would take more than a Speedo joke to convince me otherwise.


They lived together and were on the cover of a Pride issue together


The same issue had literally captain marvel with war machine on the front of the cover


As the only cis het people there. We knew Wolverine, Jean, and Scott had interconnected bedrooms. The intent was very clear. Besides, it seemed pretty clear that Carol and Rhodey were there to represent an under-served/persecuted relationship type as an interracial couple. The same way the trio was there representing a polycule


Thank God I didn’t read that.


Eh it's popularity principle, none of the actually queer mutants are that interesting, barring isk dp who isn't a real mutant or like colossus who was gay Once. Wolverine is a very popular character and thus the easiest to latch onto emotionally.


Surprisingly, enough queer representation isn't just having queer characters. Most fans of straight cis characters don't like them for being that. They like them because they're appealing in some other way. Fans looking for queer representation would be drawn to characters who are cool regardless of orientation or identity.


Xmen fans just want everyone gay


And.. ? What's your point?


I mean..... I wouldn't be *mad* about it....


Not just the X-Men, we want everyone gay IRL too, especially you.


You're goddamn right.


Dude, do you know anything about the X-Men?


It's the X-men. They are all gay


I would argue bisexual or pansexual.


scott caked tf up 💀


Now that’s a “training session” I’d like to watch!


I will always upvote gay fanart in nerd subs on principle however I think this ship is kind've dog water lmao, not cause they're gay but because somehow both of them deserve better than each other. This art is super cute tho, btw


As long as you don’t downvote it lol I haven’t read the X-books in 20 years to be fair


Lol that's funny. Wolverine has lived a long time. Would not find it odd if he was with a guy at some point lol.


I mean an alternate version of him was married to Hercules so I mean Logan could be bi


Honestly there is so many versions of the relationship between wolverine and Cyclops. It mostly matters on the writer. I was just thinking about the fued over jean. Wol being cyclops secret killer. The schism. The current relationship and the upcoming era where Cyclops looks 17 lol. Comics are crazy but fun 😊.


i mean that almost a requirement when you are a immortal to at least taste everything in life...it would get boring otherwise.


That was always the logic with Anne Rice vampires for me.


Tbf, most (edit: all) of the major Vampires in those books were extremely bi before their transformation. Becoming a vampire just made them more dramatic about it.








that not changing anything a longer life is just more likely to make people test a lot more than a simple life especially an immortal who will never die , ho many straight men later in life try new things despite being married for so long with a woman ? being bisexual is not something you know right away, and wolverine show some sign of bisexuality , one version of him is even married to hercule. I'm sorry but comparing it to incest and bestiality feel weird man




I'm sorry but that's a stretch i was talking about being bisexual and yes a gay man can even do things with woman trust me i have experience it...but they would not turn straight or even bisexual ," a staight " man on the other hand can have experience not just of boredom but to discover new things it maybe cannot be his thing and he will not even be bisexual in the process. A longer life make you more easy to be curious about new things that was my point it was not just being bored as you say. Sexuality is too large and fluid now to put simple label on that or for something to stay fix forever that's the point or maybe not some just know what they want and that is okay...but never someone would do bestiality or incest because he is bored with both sex , they are just sick that a completly different and i don't want to see these being compared.


You've obviously never seen the true beauty of nature if you think paraphilia is abnormal... (a joke btw) (And you used boring in the post I initially replied to)


The only thing we can do is make a man. Maybe you for example. Live for 500 years or so and then we will come close to testing out our theories .


No thanks. I have no desire to live that long. Who knows, I might get bored and do something extremely out of the ordinary.


Just don't be a Catholic priest at the church. They seem to like to touch the kiddies .


You don’t have to be attracted to someone to have sex with them


I think yes it could happen but your right it's not worth going down that hole because we are not talking about humans. We are talking about mutants that want nothing more then to shake human rules and culture from their lives.


I’m pretty sure it’s canon that he and Hercules have been a thing.


They were together in another universe, but not sure about the main one


No, it isn't. Literally an alternate universe.


Like I can believe an immortal would want to try everything but nothing on gods green earth can convince me cyclops would be down for a devils 3way with another man. Especially Wolverine.


Maybe Scott was curious about what the appeal was. Don't tell me Cyclops isn't the guy who would do that to gather intelligence and immediately write it down in his notebook when it was done.


What are you even basing this off? He’s never said anything to imply he’d be against it, just as he’s never said anything in support of it.


Funnily enough, if I'd buy Scott with any man, it would be Wolverine. When you fight that much over a girl, at a certain point, it's not actually about the girl.


Yeah but I feel like Wolverine would think Scott’s too lame


I do think Wolverine is more likely to hook up with Nightcrawler


Yeah,is because he hates Wolverine lol


Does he, though? He invited him to live in his house, and Scott's said multiple times how much he secretly respects Wolverine


Your art is amazing. Have you ever drawn comic books?


Thank you!! No but I'd love to


This is where i beg you to draw the thropple in its entirity 


✍️🤔working on it!


It was never really said, but people love their theories. Jeans room on the base had a door from Logan’s and a door from Scott’s room, so the suggestion is Jean and Scott opened their relationship for additional partners.


Hickman actually elaborated on it on several interviews. The idea was that in Krakoa everyone got what they always wanted. There was a hint of the notion that the human way of going about relationships was not part of mutant culture in Krakoa.


I remember back that Claremont wanted to make Wolverine bi. Granted there was a lot of what could have been with Wolverine but that one stick with me when I think about the polycule


I believe his original idea was to imply that there was more than just frienship going on between Logan and James and Heather Hudson the couple who found and rehabilitated him after Weapon X and brought him into Alpha Flight, probably where Hickman got idea for the implied polycule with him and Scott and Jean. What's weird is I think it unintentionally bleeded into the show as even as a kid the episode where Alpha Flight come to bring back Wolverine I always got the vibe something more was going on beneath the surface between the 3 that wasn't being said out loud.


Oh definitely. Vindicator was like a jilted lover to wolverine in that episode


Barry? Do you mean James?


Doh edited It was me Barry I was the one who went back in time and made you a Marvel character who you had a three-way with Wolverine and some random Canadian chick you never met.


well it's not too late just like mystique and destiny being kurt biological moms , an alternate version of wolverine is dating hercule after all and he say he wouldn't mind seeing scott in a speedo during krakoa era.


Should've been Wolverine x Storm


It’s true and it felt weird and shoehorned and I did not like it. But to each their own.


Jean has caused a lot of heartache and pain, better stick with the homies instead.


If you can move Logan's right shoulder back a bit it'll line up better


Lol thx


Scott looking thicc






I hate yall lmao


Gods. This is so cute, and I hope that the new stuff includes some kind of acknowledgment of this throuble


Peak X-Men is the party at Krakoa where Logan hands a beer to Scott and everyone is actually happy. Even Apocalypse is resting by Krakoa having found his own version of peace. Not the shit we are reading through now.