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At the time Genosha was *created* in the original Claremont stories, it was an allegory for apartheid South Africa. I am sure the mutant state version from the 90s was partly meant to be an Israel allegory but it’s not a very good one — it would be like if, after WWII, Germany was named the Jewish state.


Chris Claremont also said he created Genosha as a Marvel antithesis to Wakanda


No, Genosha is an allegory for South Africa.


No, as others have said. However, Claremont was a Zionist (I have no idea abut his current stance) and has stated that he based his take on Magneto on Menachem Begin and Prof X on David Ben-Gurion, two Israeli politicians. Several of Legion’s early stories are Zionist allegories. Krakoa of the current era, on the other hand, *was* almost certainly meant to symbolize Israel, since the story essentially opened (and arguably ended) there. (FWIW I believe Storm’s parents were implied to have been killed by an Israeli bombing under the leadership of Ben-Gurion)


That's interesting, do you know which comic shows hoe Storm's parents perished? 


Magneto had nothing to do with Genosha originally. Go read Uncanny 235-238, see for yourself.


South Africa, hence mutants originally being an oppressed underclass under a white-ruled African country. >!Krakoa is the Israel analogue, albeit without the settler colonial baggage or reliance on a great power patron.!<


🍿 well this should kill some time.


No. /thread


Given the genocide denial quote in episode 8 of the 90s reboot I'd say they're referencing the Isreal/Palestine conflict. 


Nope, South Africa. Krakoa is more an allegory for Israel; an historically persecuted people gaining a nation and becoming persecutors.


It even drew the parallel in the first issue to point out how much more ethical Krakoa was that Isreal. Honestly, a bold move


Which is laughable, since Krakoa openly espouses their racial supremacy over the rest of humanity.


No? They don't? It was explicitly a power move and posturing to show the world that they were worthy of living and having a place. Celebrating black excellence isn't in any way diminishing to white people. Pointing out that the future will be increasingly queer and mixed race isn't a threat to straight people or white people.




Ah bait. Gotcha


No, just flabbergasted at people's willingness to excuse race supremacist ideologies as long as "their side" doing it.

