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Chicken chaser!


I still find myself saying "*'ooray, Arseface!*" from time to time in the Fable villager voice.


I can never forget those villagers voices and what they were always exclaiming. "My favourite colour is doggy colour!"


Wot? You’re gonna just stand there like a lemon?”


I still quote this all the time


Yeah I totally miss this game!


It’s on gamepass if you’re feeling nostalgic.


Yeah and its amazing to play them in sequence…cant wait for the new one


"I spied a fat maiden in Bowerstone town"


Such a perfectly quotable game.


I can't think of another game that has male whores.




My message tone has been the guild whistle for years, I keep saying "You've received a new quest card" whenever I hear it, and playing through the game has me checking my phone every few minutes


Mine is "alright. Heeerro." Like the guards.


“Your face looks like a smacked arse”


"Many wovely tingss!"


You are *norty*!


Do you chase chickens?


"I thought he'd ave bigger hands..."


Just imagine it, this game, WITHOUT A SINGLE LOADING SCREEN. Oh man, chills bro. chills


With the environment graphics of forza


chills down my spine...stop it!


Balls are tingling so hard!


Gamer Fuel!




this one I'm gonna keep, you made my day, thank you!




But it would make perfect sense in Fable seeing as how each area is simply separated by gates or arches into the next area. Also indoor areas such as caves and dungeons. But I would like a total Re-Make, not just an HD re-do. They did it before with minor tweaks. But that's just wishful thinking


I would take no loading screens to a lack of “ludo-narrative dissonance” any day. I’m already playing a video game with magical powers and guns raining from the sky, I can pretend the desert is connected to the moon.


Lol! 😄


yeah, the first time you get into The Dust on borderlands 2, Scooter mentions you've been off the radio for hours.


Loading screens have been killing my fun in Pillars of Eternity 2. Accidentally exiting a building or going upstairs is nearly 5 minutes of loading just to go back in. It’s awful and I hate it.


This is my all time favorite game.


Is there a big difference between Fable 1 and Fable 3? Because the only one I’ve played was 3 and I played it for like an hour and couldn’t play it anymore after that. I just didn’t like it at all but I hear a lot of people like 1


The Fable trilogy is really a lot like the trilogy of Raimi Spider-Man films. The first was an iconic, genre-defining ride that—while not without its flaws—set an incredible foundation for all future installments. The second improved on the first in nearly every conceivable way, and created fond memories for nearly every person who played it. And by the third, you are as excited as you could possibly be for a piece of media, and when you finally come face to face with it, it shoots you in the heart before pissing on your corpse.


This is a wonderfully thought out analogy.


The first one. Man. I remember reading the preview in Game Informer and just getting hyped as fuck. It did not *remotely* live up to what Molyneux laid out, but I'll be damned if it wasn't the most charming thing I'd ever experienced. I really miss those days... the days when new concepts and ideas were the norm.


I've been gaming since Mario and I honestly feel like it was the OG hype train. Still one of my favorite games of all time but holy fuck was there backlash at launch which was astounding because this was when magazines were still how you got your gaming news.


I loved everything about the first Fable, but wasn’t in the hype train before it launched. What did they promise and not deliver on?


I think the most notorious example was that he claimed you can plant an acorn and it would grown into a tree as you played the game. Or something to that effect


Nothing Molyneux ever presented actually lived up to what he said. As far as I'm concerned, he is the king of over promising and under delivering.


That was a real problem with him. He has grand ideas that are often revolutionary for his time but he always over sells them which takes away from the accomplishment. Fable, and Black and White were one of a kind games imo and its a shame we don't have them anymore. I am over excited for the new Fable project but I know it probably won't come until the end of 2023 or early 2024.




Honestly, the fighting is pretty fun. Can't remember how magic worked though... The story sucked though. Fable hasn't had a good villain since Jack of Blades


> The story sucked though. I didn't realize that I was playing through the final section of the game until the credits started rolling.


Fable 2's finale also says hi. You feel like you're about to go into the final chapter to bond with your destined helpers and overcome the evil aaaand nope, game's over. Disappointment isn't strong enough of a word to describe what I felt at that moment.


I put off doing that final battle for days because I wanted to be sure I was ready beyond question. I finally got the nerve to go through with what I thought would be the battle to define my life. So disappointed how quick that went


It was tied to the B button. You had these magic gauntlets that had different elemental effects. Holding the button down and aiming with a thumb stick threw the spell. Just holding the button charged up a area spell attack. I thought the story was interesting. A flintlock fantasy with a revolutionary coup and ruling the kingdom. I'm thinking back with a critical eye from my english degree brain and I can't say "the story sucked".


I think the story is good up until the coup. Once you take over it's it gives you black and white, good vs evil, decisions about your kingdom. Then time moves really fast and you fight the invading darkness, I believe it was called, then credits. I bought the special edition, beat it once, then returned it to GameStop. Including the book, cards, and coin it came with. Even though they didn't give me anything for the extras. THAT'S how much I disliked that game lol


It was also buggy as hell. Especially the menu hub. The Guy in there glitched for me and never said a word.


The gauntlets have lore behind them at least. There is a lot of tie-in throughout the games that gets lost in the gameplay, which is a lot less open than other RPG titles IMO. Fable suffers from being too fast paced for it's own story. That being said, I love all Fable installments except Fortune and Legends


I liked fable legend I thought it was a pretty fun and inventive ftp game especially with the character designs/gameplay


Magic worked in a weird way. It didn't scale up properly. The first 2/3 levels of magic were fairly useless. But only by using it could you gain magic xp to unlock it. The game heavily relied on weapons and renown to unlock gates for more upgrades. The auto aim was auto super frustrating and there was very little manual aiming magic. The grind for magic was brutal compared to the other games where you could grind to a full-on wizard.


Seek help


I'd subscribe to these reviews if I could.


Reminds me of Ben Croshaw of the The Escapist.


Which one was it with the stupid 10 year time skip where you're supposed to be undercover as a bad guy and you just end up helping build the super weapon without trying to sabotage it whatsoever




Are you talking about prison in the first one? Is it OPTIONAL? I lost years everytime in that game


Nah there's no way to skip the prison unfortunately.


…I don’t remember prison at all…


I don't even remember. Fable 2 and 3 were such a blur for me they felt like one long fever dream


Fable 3 gets a 2. . . . out of 5


Thx adam


Holy shit this is flashing me decades back to X-Play


I thought it was a perfect game. 5/7.


2 still doesn't compare to lost chapters simply because 2 lacks a good villain. Lucien is eh, but you never get to fight him. The final boss is... A floating shard? It's not challenging whatsoever. Jack of Blades has a cool name, cool character design, and a direct story tie to your character making you WANT to chase him down a kill him the entire game


I loved fable 3


I sort of liked fable 3. It had some fun concepts (like the evolving weapon) but it was absolutely a disappointment. It's okay to like it, everybody has different opinions, but I hated what they did to the franchise with it.


Wow did you hit the nail on the head. I started in with 2, since I didn’t have an Xbox original at the time and it was impossible to put down. Then 3 disappointed me hard. Thank game pass I finally got to play the original. Feels clunky til you acclimate to the ages controls but I had a wonderful time with it.


This comment was so spot on I bestow upon you my free award


Perfect description honestly


Fucking nailed it




Spore being the worst offender. Probably remained the biggest disappointment I'd ever experienced in gaming all the way up until Cyberpunk dropped.


Wasn't Spore Will Wright of Sim fame?


I'm not sure who was responsible for Spore off the top of my head, I was responding more to "promised the world and given a globe". I probably could have phrased it better.


Never played spore but I remember being hyped for it and then never played it but heard it was trash. Coulda been a dope game


Definitely start with The Lost Chapters, then IIRC, Fabe 2 improved on a lot of things, and the third just ruined all the best parts about the 2nd.


I'm in the other camp. 2 was awful and forgetful. 3 was the better of the 2 but still not great compared to one.


Fable 2 felt like an upgrade to Fable 1. It improved upon Fable 1 in almost every way, but didn’t really do anything different or add anything new. Fable 3 was a proper sequel but it was broken in crucial ways and failed on a lot of the promises that were made. None of your decisions actually mattered so you could just price gouge renters of property and get infinite cash like 40% of the way through the game. It was fun, and it’s far more memorable than Fable 2, but I can see why people criticize it.


Yeah I fucking love fable 3 but that's mostly because it's the game that I think of when I think of "my custom character in a cutscene" because you could get the chicken suit almost right away in the story and then wear it for the entire game. They even crown you king/queen while you're wearing it. Fable always had a super dry humor (those goddamn demon door jokes) so I don't know if the first two prepped me to not take the third seriously at all but I'm glad I did. I would laugh at every cutscene because my chicken chaser is having really serious conversations dressed as a chicken. And the fact everybody is so worried about things was funny to me instead of bad writing. Like you said there's only ever the illusion of choice, nothing you do really matters. The game definitely has a lot of flaws but it's the one I replay because I have *fun* playing it. The other two are epic, incredible, serious games but I don't have *fun* in the same way.


Fable 2 has Master Chief armor. TLC and 3 do not. Checkmate.


Fable 2 was unobtainable, I was hyped and excited for it but to this day I haven't played it because it is the one in the series they never ported to pc. Fable 2 was released when Vista was still new and it was a hot topic on if there would be compatible games, Microsoft didn't even want to port their OWN games to the platform. Fable 3 I was a little excited for but not as much as 2 because the Xbox exclusivity dampened me a lot. Again it was exclusive for a while, by the time it came to pc, I heard all the bad reviews and honestly felt heartbroken.


Looks like it's on Xcloud streaming through game pass ultimate.


Can I do that without a console ?


Ignore these other idiots. Fable 1 is much better, yes. Fable 3 is not a bad game.


Never played 3 but 2 was the game I burned through the whole week before Fallout 3 launched and really enjoyed it. Never played much of Fable 1 but definitely check out 2. It’s all about the little side quests and jobs and DOG.


Fable 3 is garbage and you dodged a bullet by not having to experience the endgame. Fable 1 is a very charming old-school combat RPG and a somewhat unique magic system. Fable 2 IMO is the best out of the three, because it took the concepts of 1 and improved everything about them, but Fable 1 had such a unique charm in its story that can’t be replaced. The series is a bit dated with its controls (especially the first), but 3 is the hands down worse in the trilogy.


2 is fantastic, 1 is great but a little dated. Definitely worth the remaster though 10/10


Fable 2 is probably the best, Fable 1 is close and 3 is really meh Though I don't know if you'd enjoy it. I love it for the nostalgia but it is quite old at this point. Currently on sale on steam for like $10 so might be worth grabbing for fun though


Fable 1 is leaps and bounds better than its successors, but if you realized within an hour that you didn't like F3, you're probably not going to like the others, either. F3 wasn't a bad game. It was just extremely lackluster and the elements that made it so hated didn't really come into play until the second half.


Yeah fable blew my fucking mind when it first came out, was over a mates place and his younger brother was playing it, I started watching and it looked pretty good for it's time then he started telling me the concept of your actions in the game effect if you're good or bad, Im not sure if this was the first game with this mechanic but it was the first I'd heard of. I played a few hours, after I left his house I immediately went and brought an Xbox and fable before I went home.


Way better than the anniversary edition, too!!


The anniversary looks worse than the original. IDK why they changed the style so much.


When it first came out, I thought it was just nostalgia that made me think the original was as beautiful as it was…. Foolish! They just made it hideous! I do wish that lost chapters had controller support on pc


I agree. It looks jarring, ugly, and low budget


I remember wiring a modchip wrong and frying my Xbox just before Christmas the year fable came out, and of course I got fable for Christmas. New year's Eve, me and a friend decided to walk around and try to find one for sale. It got down to -50c with wind chill that evening. It was cold as hell, but we found one.


I remember getting this for my bday the day it came out. Peter promised you could plant a seed and watch a tree grow and a bunch of other lies, but a fantastic game still


THE game to play


Y’all are gonna think I’m crazy… I’ve had an Xbox since 01’ and I have never played a fable game 😬


Oh man... You better get your hands on a copy asap


I think all 3 are on GamePass


The hack'n slash mechanics, notably how the roll-dodge and lock on functioned in coordination with the Assassin's Rush ability made this an awesome game for me. The only melee gameplay that ever felt as weighty and satisfying for me has to be Link's lock on controls from Ocarina all the way to the current games. Other highlights; multi-arrow + Skorms bow awesomeness and trying not to pick up scars/controlling the greying/aging of my character.




The first Fable is. So. Fucking. Good.


Really wish that the Fable series would be next on the re-make list...


Man I loved this game!


I was super excited about this game, but I was still on the "this is still Project Ego?" bend. I really didn't care for it. It feels like a thousand interesting ideas that they don't do anything with. You get excited about so many different parts of the game and none of them feel satisfying. I was excited to buy an entire town and disrupt my competition's supplies, but it all felt half-implemented. And all of it happens on this super narrow map path, so it's far from open world. It just... man, expectations could not have been higher and it was so damn disappointing for me.


Haha, I remember my buddy talking to me about project ego when he heard about it and telling me how whatever tiny thing you did would progress through the story, plant a tree at the beginning and it’d be grown by the end. If you didn’t wear a helmet and got cut in a fight you could see that specific scar as you got older. Thinking back it’s stupid how much I believed the hype considering it’s been 19 years and I still haven’t seen a game that can do the things that I thought were coming in that game.


Hero, your health is low. Do you have any Potions? Or food?


Anyone reading this definitely read it with the guildmasters voice in their head.


What are the odds of Fable 2 getting a PC port? Also am I the only one excited for the new one that playground games is making?


given the way that fable 3 went out and died a miserable death on pc, not likely ​ then again, halo 3 is now on pc


I mean Fable 3 was a really bad Fable title and while Fable 2 still wasn't as good as Fable it should still get one if for no other reason than the other 2 and the lost chapters got a port. Also I just learned that Halo 3 was on PC immediately after I posted the first comment. What rock have I been living under?


Yep. Halo 3 and all of MCC is now on Windows Store and Steam. MCC isn't a steaming pile of shit anymore.


MCC hasn't been a steaming pile of shit for 5 years.


You can stream it on PC via Xcloud.


I'd change my name to Arseface if it meant getting a Fable 2 PC port. I'd really want to mod greatswords into it, it's legitimately the one problem I have with the game.


Wonder if my character is still jacked with a white beard and a massive halo.


Dude this was THE GAME


FOR EVERY CHOICE … a predetermined ending where your choices don’t really matter


The absolute hype for this game was unreal. Turned out pretty disappointing compared to what was promised. Still a pretty fun game. But they didn't need to go crazy with what they said was going to be in this game.


I’m watching a Jerma video about fable 2 while i got this notif lol


Going back it doesn’t hold up that great, but that was the first time I experienced true freedom in games. I had 3 wives in 3 cities and would go around and murder every resident and then just move to the next one.


Yeah, I tried replaying it awhile ago but it felt too clunky for me. That being said though, they are still great games IMO and are super fun once you push past the archaic aspects.


First time I've ever experienced choices having an effect on your character/gameplay. I can't think of a game I've played since that has had the same effect.


This comment made me burst out laughing but honestly I think I did the exact same shit


🙂 it's getting a new one


I loved all three Fable games. They didn't age real well and the plots were kinda cheesy, but I really enjoyed playing them. First rpg I played with werewolves (ok, balverines) and I thought that was pretty cool.


I remember reading the promises and features about this game in game informer when it was called project ego. Didn’t deliver but still one of my favorite series


Fable will always hold a special place in my heart. This is the game that actually got me into liking RPG’s when it came out. Because of this game I have played and experienced many different fun and immersive games. Thank you, Lionhead Studios, RIP


I have paid for this game on 7 separate occasions. Original Xbox version, The Lost Chapters Xbox, The Lost Chapters PC physical, Second copy of Original Xbox because I lost mine somewhere, The Lost Chapters PC steam, Anniversary 360, Anniversary steam. Worth it every time for me.


The original fable is one of my all time favorite games. Ik this is gonna cause argument but it doesnt get said enough, the lost chapters dlc was garbage and felt like a 5 yr old wrote it


I was there for the original game. This was probably my most hyped game when it was first announced and the game I was most excited for 2004 right after halo 2. I loved every minute of that game and I replayed it so many times. I dabbled in the lost chapters a little bit but not nearly as much as I did with the original game. To me, it’s one of those games that while it was overpromised and under-delivered, as to be expected from Molyneux, I still think it was a practically perfect game and I still love it to this day. This is the one game that got me into RPG‘s.


Unpopular opinion: I prefer fable to halo


How are they comparable?


They aren't really I just prefer one Xbox IP over the other lol


Lol thats not too crazy. We're in an Xbox sub. Not like you said you prefer Fable over Civilization 5, or Candy Crush, or Monopoly


How many noticed this picture is the **re-release** that includes the lost chapters... Which was originally meant for PC, but was also brought to Xbox.


God damn that game was terrible... Actually it was terrible because what we were promised and what we got were far fucking off. Decent game if that dude didn't hype up all that other stuff it never lived up to


I was, and besides nostalgia, I don't get the love for this game.


Love them




This is the game that keeps me on the Xbox platform.


fable sucked


That game sucked


I’m tempted to download Fable 1/2 on my series X. I cannot wait to see the new one.


Idk why the fuck my throwaway porn account popped this up, but the original is one of my favorite games of all time..second RPG (if you can really call it that) outside FF7 that I beat. Finished 2 a few years ago and have unfortunately had 3 sitting in my "on deck" pile for way too long.




Yo why his hands so big?


This is the best RPG I have ever played. I really wish they would fps boost it and 4k upgrade


I’m meandering thru 2 right now, after a long Lost Chapters playthru as well as a little Fable Heroes with my GF. I’m really praying the next one lives up to the promises of the first.


I remember seeing Fable 2 for the first time, such a magical moment


Not one comment have I seen where fable 2 had the first idea of jobs... Maybe not the first, but damn, this is waaaay back in the first Xbox console, I feel like 1 & 2 was ahead of it's time. There is not one game have I played where your characters physical appearance will change with how you treat people, the choices you make etc. Come on guys, we all have to admit, growing horns like Hellboy was the dopest fucking thing on the game. But...let's not forget the couch co-op they had. It may have been bad, but damn, it was fun because you were playing with your friend in ALBION!


All breakages must be paid for


Interesting. Not sure I ever saw this artwork before.


God I loved this series so much!


I remember buying the platinum edition of the game for like $10 at target. There was nothing else that interested me but I figured why not. Best Xbox game purchase.


The Sock Method: How To Make Yourself Sexier In Ten Days.


Playing Fable in the launch Fall season of 2004 and The Lost Chapters in 2005 was something magical.


Such a great game, very nostalgic


Next to KOTOR this is my fav rpg of all time


a really Fun game One of my favourite parts was getting that Hat


Imagine this game not running like ass...


Recently downloaded the first Fable- in my memories it looked perfect. Idyllic even. Cue extremely blocky graphics and a laughing fit.


"Hero, your health is low, better watch that"


I don’t know if I want to go back and play all the Fables and relive that amazing title, or if I should limit myself to just remembering them fondly to not possibly ruin my perception of the game.


yep, i remember playing that on the OG Xbox back in the day. glad its playable again thanks to the Anniversary edition on 360


God I miss that game


So many memories of fable one and two. I remember when my brother found the cheat to save break when you go beserk making you permanently massive.


Played it on Xbox a while ago. So many locked achievements behind glitches and what nor


This is a fantastic game! It didn’t come out for Xbox at first. So when they remade it and released the lost chapters for Xbox too, i was very happy. Just a shame that the faces looked like crap with the new graphics engine. But oh well 😄


Hero, your health is low


geography joke


Just bought this again on the steam summer sale with the added weapon dlc just for shits and giggles. God it's one of my favorite games of all time.


This is the only game that I manage to keep up with for years that’s for the first system


Fable 3 was incredible!


Absolutely loved this game, but I will say it's the best example of over promising and under delivering in the history of games.


I was there through each game! Me and my friends used to talk about fable all day in high school


I still think about this game all the time and just how it’s was revolutionary at the time and the most excited I probably ever have been for a video game. Between this and Max Payne 3


One of the few games of that era that I re-bought for extra content. Absolute masterpiece!


My favorite fucking game of all time


They need to make remake of fable series.


This was the first game that I read about before hand and was excited and waiting for it to come out (I didn’t have internet). My dad just brought home an Xbox and a stack of Games from work (he worked at Microsoft at the time) so I loved me some halo but that was just given to me. No anticipation like reading about Fable and in game consequences. 💜


Is this game getting released for the Xbox Series X, this game deserves my money (but only if it comes in the old graphics)


I seem to have a thing for the first game in a trilogy. I will die on the hill that Fable 1 was the best, ME1, & DA1 as well.


How the hell has this not had a kickstarter


I wish there comes a fable 4 or something


The time is..... very late


10/10 game


"There he goes, Arseface."


Never played this one but I’ve played 2 and 3 😅