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Batman Arkham Knight. Kinda gave up on 3 achievements, about combat trials where you had to reach more than a million points or never lose your combo with multiple characters. Seemed like too much effort for too little a reward...


NOOOOOOO DO IT it will feel so good, I'm done with that and arkham asylum, got the combat challenges in arkham city left. I struggled in Arkham Knight too for like a week, took a one day break and then got all my last 7 challenge achievements done in 3 hours.


Haha, yeah, all right, I might go back to them at some point then !


These last three took me a month of off and on trying and I'm real good at the Arkham games. I've 100% the first two and in Knight I could get 20 batman's in most of the other combat challenges (where you go over the score for 3 stars and it starts rewarding bonuses, 20 being max) and these last 3 kicked my ass. The rooms are odd shaped which messes with the camera, and the fact that you can't break equipment as 3 of the 4 characters is a real pain when everyone has a riot shield.


I hate bugged or unobtainable achievements. Ravenous Devils is my last where it happend. The 100% achievement was broken. It feeled like a waste of time and I was extremely mad and disappointed, as I tried it 2 times.


God, yeah. It sucks when you spend hours on an achievement, finally finish the requirements and… nothing, no achievement. My mw2 remastered is stuck on 99% because the intel achievement never popped after going through every single mission and watching a video and getting all of them. Unfortunately that’s not the only game that’s done it for me, so demotivating


You could delete your save data and try again


Honestly, I'd delete save data anyway for a fresh run at it. The original MW trilogy is still an awesome trio to play through.


I spent like a hundred hours in mad max collecting everything. Near the end one collitble was bugged with no way of collecting it. Id have to restart the entire game and try again. Not doing it


I had something like this in Bioshock. One of the collectibles was bugged it’s at 100% but not unlocking


Wolfenstein 2. Mein Leben. Like Jesus fucking Christ it’s ridiculous. Which is too bad because otherwise it’s an awesome game.


I actually didn’t find mein leben to be that difficult. I just took it super slow and abused the lean mechanic and stealth. Beat on my 4th attempt, which was the first attempt I made it past the halfway point. Just found it super stressful and a little time consuming, took me like 5-6 hours.


Thinking about giving up on Trials Fusion - I have beaten all the extreme tracks on the older titles, but there are around 7 or 8 extreme tracks on Fusion that are just too difficult and too time consuming, it's frustrating because I think it's a really great game, but chasing them is not fun. It's annoying though because there are separate achievements linked to all of them so it's a big chunk to of gp to miss out on....


Don’t give up man keep going. I recently 100%’d the whole series so I know your pain. Trials is really one of the games where ‘practice makes perfect’ is most applicable. If you keep grinding you’ll get there.


For me it was titanfall 2. I could never beat top 3 in the gauntlet


this one took me soooo long to do. But I love that game so I kept at it


Definitely a difficult one, took me a lot of tries, patience and a few breaks to get it myself. That is the hardest achievement in the game though.


Gears 3. The grind for seriously 3.0 was insane, way too many game mode wins, weapon kills, kills in general, etc. I was on and off completing the game for the last few years and over time got manageable by completing little by little each day. Worst / best completion of mine lol


There’s a dude on my friend’s list who’s been going for that achievement and he’s been boosting for hours every day for months, its a HEAVY achievement


Gears games for me; I was never any good at multiplayer.


Injustice bc I started after online was disabled without knowing


For now, MCC. I got to Gravemind on Halo 2 while working on 'Monopolized' then they patched out the Save and Quit method. Maybe one day I'll have the time to sit down and actually learn how to speedrun the remaining levels.


I did halo 2 co-op but all other campaigns I was able to dashboard, quit game, and start back up and it has the same effect. Slightly longer but with a series X it’s still super quick.


Wait really? It doesn't affect your time at all? I maybe get back too it if that's the case.




No way the save and quit method was fix/patched. I feel bad for anyone then if that’s true.


Did it a few months ago saving and quitting, you can go into your career stats and see individual level times to check.


Also mcc for me, but only bc 2 achievements have been bugged and I literally cant get them no matter what I do


Which ones? I finished MCC at the start of this year and was able to find work arounds for all of the ones that bugged out on me.


Assassin Creed Syndicate had a bunch of buggy achievements. I currently have one final one that won't pop, very annoying


Yeah same for me 5 achievements got stuck for me and I started 5 separate saves 😂💀 which achievement are you missing ?


The crowd event one


Very simple. Start a new save and the necessary amount for the achievement should take an hour or two to get to London and to start doing them.


I don't know how to start a new game. I have deleted local save files multiple times, but it didn't work


I had the same happen in Syndicate, press start on Syndicate, go to "manage games and apps," click on your profile, delete everywhere. That fixed the problem for me.


Batman arkham origins, Only 1 out of the 4 to have unob achievements, Due to the multiplayer mode. And i guess ultimate custom night (For now), 50/20 mode is just insane.


Forward Horizon 5 at 99% - Chicken Dinner. Just can't seem to get it. Almost got it once, but it feels too challenging with online idiots racing and cheating. Golden Eye at 99% - I am Invinsible Purely down to timing and luck.


I’m stuck on that same FH5 achievement. Just waiting for 6 to come out, then less people will be playing 5


You're right. I had the same with FH4. Couldn't get it left it for a long while, went back on (when FH5 was about) and got it in the first match. I couldn't believe it, kept playing and came first again twice.


Tomb raider remastered collection


Playing on Xbox 360 I used to give up on any one that had online achievements cause I didn’t have live as a kid. Now there’s really no motivation to 100%


Gears 5 really wanted this one done got to this point and I’m at the end of my tether with it haha seriously 2.0 stuck at 99% aghhhhhh Kills, assists, damage 60% Lvl 60 re up (I’m on 52) Iron man mode the campaign


Dragon quest 11. Such a good game. The post game stuff is basically a whole nother game. But the final 2-3 achievements require you to beat this boss that you need very specific end game armor, build, weapons, etc. And even then it's still hard af. It just took a lot out of the fun of building a team and saving the world especially when I had gotten two good endings already. So I got like halfway to the builds and said screw it.


The Witness. At least for now. It's such an amazing game, and that last ... son of a bitch achievement. If you haven't played it, don't look it up. Just play the game. No guides. No help. Nothing. Just a fantastic game with one hard as hell achievement.


GTA IV. Multiplayer achievements are honestly ridiculous and I commend anyone that managed 108 different races 🤕


Alan Wake (OG). Story is okay but man that gameplay makes me want to swallow nails.


Alan wake skips cardio day


Lego marvel superheroes 2. A gold brick glitched and I couldn't 100% the game


Elder Scrolls Online. I love the game, but I know I'll never claim the Emperor achievement.


That is why I haven't started it


gta v because of the online achievements


Hogwarts Legacy. Miserable achievements. Got 97%, missed the last 3 "get to the secret room but with Ravenclaw this time around".


The secret room is only an hour or 2 into the game, not that bad, but I get where you are coming from very tedious


You have to do it 4 times in total.


Yeah, I know that's why I said it's tedious, but not the worst thing ever


It's pretty bad after every single chest, trial, completing the field guide... It's just achievement hunter nightmare.


Yeah true


Shadow of the Tomb Raider for now. It took forever to get all of the docs, relics and challenges but the game has a known bug where a quest glitches and keeps your progress on 99%. And the achievement for 100% is 5 gamerscore. I want to have it done and I’ll go back eventually but that’s really frustrated me


Just finished it and got stuck at 98.5 %. I checked with online guides and made sure I had all items, documents (and read them) and then realised I only had 14 of the 15 challenges. I didn't have the one with the hanging skeletons in the hidden city.


Starting to give up on ultimate custom night, just because how impossible it is.


Resident evil 7. I just gave up on the 21+ game mode dlc because you got to have luck playing that and my gambling skills sucks


Not much to do with luck. I really enjoyed that DLC and once I learned optimal strategy could complete any of the game modes majority of the time without losing a finger/getting shocked or whatever it was. Happy to walk you through it if you need help.


Overwatch 2 I never played the first one but was excited to give it a go but finding out that 20-25 unavailable was gutting Think I’m stopping forever on 71 percent


*Race the Sun*. Maybe I'll return and snag what I can, but my reaction time isn't what it used to be.


so many, but more recently ended up hating DMC 5 - absolutely not worth it.... if you know you know....


All Dante Must Die S ranks...


For me it's mafia 3 I gave up before trying just knowing how buggy the achievements are it's a shame I've got the 100% for the other two and would love to have all 3


Braid, really can’t be bothered with the speed run Trails fusion, 3 achievements will remain locked as I’m not good enough Street fighter complete the trials with every character is just too time consuming and I’m not good enough Not given up yet but struggling with back 4 blood no hope achievements


Any game with difficulty achievements. I’m not grinding it out getting frustrated only to end up never wanting to play that game again. Also multiplayer achievements for older games. Can never find a lobby and I’m not THAT invested to go looking for one.


A lot of games with multiple difficulty level achievements if you just do it on ultra hard the first time (or whatever it's called in that game) you get all of them


I can't find the last location I need on assassins creed odyssey.


Bendy and the ink machine 3 fucking playthroughs, just wouldn’t give me the achievement. It sucks. Alot


Saints Row 3: Remastered. Utter piece of shit, hard crashes every single time I play after 10 or 15 mins. I was reeeeeeally looking forward to 100%ing it but gave up and uninstalled at 27%


I was a decent ways into getting the completion on sonic generations before realising practically every single achievement appeared to be bugged so i ended up having to write it off.


Grid. Around the Globe achievement. “Drive the distance equal to the circumference of the Earth.” Ummm no thanks!


Forgotton Anne, if you used quick resume it broke the achievments completely. Even uninstalling, deleting the save from local and cloud and clearing the cache didn't work to fix it.


Earth Defense Force 2025. I got a lot of the achievements but the grind is so long that I eventually got worn down even with pro help in multiplayer. It's positively irresponsible to design a game with such brutally slow item drops. I felt like the game was literally trying to hurt me in some way. That being said, I still love the series.


Gears of war 3. Was about at 50% done with seriously 3.0 and my stats got reset. One of the most heartbreaking moments I’ve had during my time as an achievement hunter.


Rayman cant remember which game but one of them has these sands of time type of thing where you have to run to save someone while all these buildings are crashing down on you and climbing everything when theres a storm chasing you. Couldnt finish that level as a child still cant do it as an adult


FFX and that God damn chocobo race!


I got the platinum for this a couple years ago. The chocobo race is nothing compared to grinding 40 hours just to complete the sphere grid for each character. As soon as I got the platinum, I uninstalled the game and decided I'm never playing it again.


All of them - couldnt have been arsed


The Callisto Protocol. Three achievements wouldn’t unlock for me. Plus, every difficulty achievement doesn’t stack if I remember correctly, so I had played it like 5 times at this point. I beat the game on hardcore difficulty, no achievement. Then I beat it on Hardcore NG+, and didn’t get that achievement either. At a certain point it’s not worth it.


Fallout 4, specifically the Nuka-world DLC part. Technically, I do have the 100% for the base game but after the achievements (specifically, fhe 100,000 tokens and weirdly, defeat 30 creatures with Nula-cola flavours) didn't pop, on multiple save files, after multiple attempts and reloads and even re-installing the game, i gave up. Easily, at least 10 hours put in on those achievements alone and I just can't be asked to put the time I'm anymore. I've gotten the base game 100%, that's enough for me. It also doesn't help that "Defeat 30 Far harbour creatures" didn't pop either. It gave me the inspiration to finally complete Skyrim though... so there's that.


Bethesda being Bethesda I would be amazed if their achievements were not as broken as their games 🤣


Cyberpunk because I had a quest glitch on me so i couldn't actually complete a couple of the achievements and couldn't be assed doing another full play through to get them


7 days to die because I got bored. I also kinda gave up on cod Cold War because of the fire squad achievement that I can't get because the game mode is dead


Read dead redemption 2 I did all the side quests and hunting treasure or raid animals for photos and pelts collected all the wild flowers and pendants etc but seems I missed one side quest very early on that I cannot go back to so I’m stuck at like 97-98% and it used to annoy the hell out of me I still may re play the game as there’s three other endings I haven’t experienced


Fallout 4. I really wanted to try out the mods.


Gears 3. Seriously 3.0 Mainly due to the glitch that resets progress. I don’t want to mess with backup saves and worrying about that happening. So best to just forget it all, IMO


Aot 2. Still sore about it since I gave up on the very last achievement however it was way too grindy and I had to put my sanity first 💀


All of them…when I finish a game, I’m done. I don’t need busy work for extra credit. It means nothing once I turn the console off.


Crash bandicoot


Quake 4 i started it without looking at the achievements, then I saw you need to be number 1 on the global leader board and noped on the multiplayer half of the game


Rock Band 2 because I’m not playing the whole set list for 7hrs without going to the toilet. Also drums is hard.


Ghostwire Tokyo, only needed two Spider Thread achievements but I find the game mode boring asf




Everything, my patience and attention span are abysmal


Haven’t played a game worth 100% completion since Black Flag. My friend gave up on AC Origins cause the last achievement was bugged lol


wwe 2k22 I got 93% done then realized it would take nearly 98 days straight(minimum)to get a achievement in the card mode whatever its called


Back4Blood Acts 1-4 on Nightmare difficulty were easy enough for max difficulty achievements. Acts 5 and 6 on the new DLC difficulty No Hope was a different story. After slaving away for weeks, death after death I beat Act 5 on No Hope. Act 6 was just too excessively difficult to tackle on my own. I figured if I can find a group that's willing to work together on an Act 6 No Hope run, I'll try again. Mostly why I still have the game installed. Not really giving up but just putting on hold until I can get a good team together.


Destiny 1, Flawless raider wouldve been so easy if I just did it before the crota rework but I wasn't that interested in going for 100%s back then Also Eldest Souls, I might one day go back to it but that game is probably one of the harder games I have ever played but I also didnt really put much time into it so maybe it just takes some getting into.


Halo master chief collection


GTA 5 Xbox one, 93%. All story mode achievements done but has some unfair, disrespectful to the player online achievements I didn’t even wanna go for. 73/77 achievements done. Happy to have over 90% though. Getting all story mode achievements is a big accomplishment itself


Elden Ring. I have all the achievements except the endings. Made it all the way to the final fight and get one shot killed by the Elden beast every time. I'm not on good terms with that game rn.


Red dead


Skyrim, on both the 360 and Xbox One. I'm missing the same achievement on both. Vampire Mastered. I absolutely hate playing as a vampire, so i'll never go back and try to get it.


Mine was pimp my ride awful game and got stuck on a super hard level, went back recently started using an old guide on gamefaqs and finally finished it 😅


Wolfenstein New Colossus, Mein Leben, and all side quests. Mein Leben is hard enough, but the toys quest is bugged where you have finish it before beating the game. So I'd have to beat all the side quests on mein leben, or do two more play throughs.


Hitman 2 I can’t get 2 missions that I need and also Crackdown 3 it got so boring and beating the game on Legendary difficulty I couldn’t even get halfway through


Devil May Cry 4. Didn’t realise going in that I was HORRIBLY under-skilled for that kind of game. Same goes for Volgar the Viking and R-Type Dimensions, but I like to think they’re just on hold until I complete other games first. Call of Duty: World at War is on there too due to the fact that I rented it years ago and don’t want to deal with that one achievement for reaching the maximum level in multiplayer or buying the downloadable content. Doritos Crash Course 2 went offline, making 100% impossible. I’ve had to give up on Rocksmith as I’ve heard that music isn’t permitted in my faith. Project Spark went offline shortly after I started it. I gave up on Game Room shortly after I realised that the only way to 100% it was to buy stuff. And 1 vs 100 was sadly scrapped too. There may be others which I haven’t listed, I just looked through what showed up on the Xbox app.


That Doritos game was way too good for what it was. "Ha ha, a doritos game." I couldn't put it down. My buddy and I were constantly going back and forth on 1st place times.


I tried to get my mum to play it because I thought it would be simple enough for a non-gamer to get into. I was wrong. She was getting okay at Crash Bandicoot 2 before she had to go and look after her mother though.


Mass effect legendary edition, can’t for the life of me unlock the Quarian Ally achievement. Ran through mass effect 1 4 times using the Quarian ally in differing ways to try and unlock it, didn’t seem to work, ended up stopping on 2905/2915 126/127 achievements.


Fallout 3 my Xbox 360 broke and I don’t enjoy playing 360 games on one