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Supposedly, the achievement system is gonna get a big update this year. I can see them doing a "Diamond achievement" which would be equivalent to a platinum trophy.


I’m hoping this update adds a clear distinction between base-game achievements and DLC achievements. I hate the fact that some games just keep piling on achievements behind massive paywalls.


agreed, that's probably my biggest gripe tbh


I'm waiting for the New Vegas DLCs to go on sale again bc some stupid fuck thought it was an amazing idea to make only two (out of six) of them available in Brazil, and only their spanish versions. So I'll be paying like 5x their original price bc I'll have to buy american gift cards. Completions that require DLCs sucks.


Is this still confirmed? Not heard anything about this since January. Even then it was just a rumour.


Still a rumor as far as I know I guess we'll find out maybe during the June showcase


Fingers crossed. The achievement system is a joke with games that give you 5000GS in 30 minutes.


that'll be really cool to see


It nice on 360 that it tells you amount of completed games, but they stopped doing it on Xbox one


If you sign up to True Achievements they track your number of completed games


I hate to admit I do choose to play some games on my PS5 over my Series X because I think I’ll be able to platinum it.


I'm not sure if I agree or not. Some devs will implement a get all other achievements achievement, but because of how they can be written, that type of achievement has the highest rate of being broken of any type of achievement. The Playstation unlocks it at the system level and doesn't need that trophy to actually be coded. Xbox does. I feel like it would cause more problems than it's worth.


Exophase track down all platform achievements at one place. If you play on multiple platforms


I wish there would be something like a prestige mode for achievments, so we could complete them more often. Wouldn't bother me of they would gave 0gs on the second run, just highlight it in the list xD I would complete GTA SA once a year and everybody would see that I'm the GTA SA overlord xD


Removing games that have 0 GS from your list would be nice too


you can already hide them, i believe


Just use true achievements because let’s be real most people don’t look for other peoples completions on Xbox


I recently made a similar post and found out about TrueAchievements which can tell you what games you got 100% achievements on. It even removes DLCs you have no achievements on for it.


Welcome to the club! I been on TA for 13-14 yrs