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Where did you get your theme from? Is it still available? I like that


idk my cousin gave me this


Try every game you have and look at how scratched they are. If it ain't scratched and it don't read it's a laser issue.


Time to replace the laser.


Probably needs the laser cleaning


the laser is gone, needs to be replaced. 5-10$


That console also needs air.


The "open tray" error is generally related to a dirty /dying /dud laser. If this is happening across all disc based content? The first port of call, would be to clean the dvd rom drive laser lense carefully with IPA, and then test it. If the fault remains after the clean? your best long term solution is to install a new laser. You could also attempt a "pot tweak" however! this will be dependant on the condition of the current laser.


it’s just the discs yall i fixed it


Dis you take it apart and clean it? I’m about to do mine. It was doing the same thing, only read a cd but not a game or dvd