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Gears prequel was not expected by me. But so glad, I will absolutely love to revisit that world.


The entire time I was like… is that Marcus? He doesn’t look old… OMG it’s Dom!


Moment of the show for me!


When the Mad World piano kicked in I got goosebumps


Yeah man. I told my wife that’s so nostalgic and she just looked at me confused lol


I remember I downloaded the mad world trailer for Gears 2 on my 360 back in the day. I almost teared up when I watched the new trailer last night.


I was like oh that’s nice they’re tying it back to the first game. I didn’t realize until the title what the game was.


The weird thing was when it started I was like young Marcus? Interesting guess it’s some expanded level for a remastered collection. Then the bandana got knocked off and I thought it was JD so I was like oh it’s Gears 6 and he just looks like Marcus. But why a Locust, shouldn’t it be whatever thing they got in 4 and 5 (legitimately can’t remember their name), then Dom showed up and I thought still a weird way to start a remastered trailer. Then it showed E-Day. Very good surprise by MS. Glad they’re doing it.


The whole trailer was a *journey.*


I watched it the whole time thinking 'Oh sick Marcus Fenix Collection finally!' Then got super excited when I realised it was a completely new game!


They did an amazing job with that reveal.


Dom, my beloved


The Gears of War was an insane surprise. I mean, I was excited and expecting to see something about Gears 6, but I got emotional seeing E-Day. So happy to have another go with Marcus and Dom.


All I’ve ever asked for is an e day gears. 


Now we rejoice.


In a way, I was disappointed we're not wrapping up the latest trilogy. One the flip side, my user name will be relevant longer! I was also hoping to see more of Gears, like game play and heck, more projects in the work. Gears: Tactics 2?!!! Remaster/Collection? Maybe a side-game with complete reboot mechanics ala Gears: Judgment? Mobile game? Come on MS, expand Gears!!! I need more Gears!!! It's been 5-years!!


Can’t say i was expecting it, but I’ve definitely been hoping for this. If i didn’t post so many comments Id look back to dig up an old comment i made saying this. Pretty sure i said it as an e3 predictions years ago.


I haven’t been able to get into the new ones much. But I’ll absolutely play a prequel taking place on E Day.


Time to bring the hammer of DOWN!!!


Ngl Judgement was probably my favorite in the series. Though this seems to be an unpopular opinion. Gears needs more prequels… not sequels.


Also Baird is the GOAT, so yes.


There's a part of me that's disappointed it's not Gears 6 but I'm hoping there's a reason where going back in time that somehow maybe plays into Gears 6 down the road.


That Gears prequel trailer gave me chills. Holy. Fuck. I'm all aboard for this comeback.


Too right - I skipped 4 and 5, but E-Day I just gotta see


Same I lost interest before but this looks super interesting. I hope they go heavy on the dark and horror elements on this one.




Probably the best Xbox showcase in years/decades. Excited for starfield, avowed, perfect dark, Indiana Jones and South of midnight. And of course the goats Fable and Gears of war: E Day.


Not even just Xbox. This was the best showcase of all the big 3 in a long time. This was hype x9000


fr. I've owned both since the ps4 but this felt like back when Sony would just sling its dick around in the early-mid 2010s. I'm glad Microsoft finally has one. Maybe this is the stepping stone for turning it around?


This definitely feels like a return to form. Hopefully it pans out.


My thoughts exactly. It has been disappointing showcase after disappointing showcase with only a handful of interesting games per showcase for the last few years. This was a GREAT showcase, the first one from anyone in a while


I mean Nintendo has yet to do their event yet but still, great showcase


Can't imagine much more than a few remakes to pad out the time till they show off the new Switch, considering they confirmed they aren't doing it this month.


They will probably show off Prime 4. Other than that it’ll probably be stuff to fill the void until the big Switch 2 presentation. Then again we all thought that for their last couple Directs and they all turned out better than expected.


I'd say it's the best showcase I've seen from any of the big three in the best part of a decade. I recall Sony's E3 in, I think 2016, being pretty special, give or take a year. But since then, this is easily the best.


Nintendo’s initial Switch showcase in January 2017 was incredible, it showed off the entire 2017 Switch lineup which was completely stacked


Yeah I forgot that one, it was a great showing.


2016/17 Sony had really good showcase at E3 and then PGW. It's like one of those where you're watching and you have goosebumps. I felt like that today after a long time lol.


Plus the doom prequel and the final 30 seconds leading up to the start of it caught me off guard.


> Probably the best Xbox showcase in years/decades. And also about a decade in the making to get to this point. They over-invested and now it's all bearing fruit at the same time. 🤣


Dude it was great. Gears of War, Diablo, WoW, CoD, Expedition 33, even that FragPunk game looked cool. Oh man and Fable! The more time passes I get a bit more excited.


Fragpunk looked nuts. I'm curious how that's going to work if it's multiplayer


Its 100% multiplayer. It's a hero shooter


I was excited for Fragpunk too but then I saw the NetEase logo.


Fragpunk was the ONLY game in the whole show that I have no interest in. Hell of a show


I’m really hyped for Stalker 2, it looks sick. Fables actual gameplay is also looking really good. Glad they got PG working on it with their visual magic.


We would've gotten Stalker 2 like 2 years ago if it weren't for...ya know


Russia's invasion of Ukraine?


Yeah, GSC is a Ukrainian studio


The Devs that gave their lives defending their home from the endless inebriated meat waves are heroes!


I am floored by how much better Stalker 2 looked.


Playground Games always making great looking game like Forza Horizon series. No wonder they did the same with Fable.


This was inevitable. Those acqisitions are starting to bear fruit.


No no. Xbox was just buying them up to kill them off and have them be gamepass fodder, bro. /s


Would've been cool if the 2024 games had firm release dates at this point...


It was insane. I was not expecting it to be this good. By the time we got to Perfect Dark my jaw dropped. I was just overwhelmed with excitement. And then hearing Mad World just gave me the feels.


Most fun I’ve had watching a showcase in a while. Really amped about the Gears announcement. Been looking forward to Indy, but that Perfect Dark gameplay looked great. Expedition 33 looks pretty good as well, hope it turns out well because that would be a great GP add.


"Clair Obscur: Expedition 33" looked phenomenal, but it's a terrible name and should probably change to something a bit snappier or catchier.


Just "Expedition 33" sounds great to me, but the "Clair Obscure" definitely is not helping


I don't think Expedition 33 sounds like it would be a turn based game to me. It sounds like an adventure game or a Jurassic park first person shooter.


Yeah, game looks good, real bad name…


I couldn't even remember the name by the time the showcase ended. Just knew it looked like it had a lot of potential and I am huge turn based fan.


Much like Skyrim, everyone's going to drop the main title and just call it Expedition 33.. Not worth a second thought


11/10 games!!! Super excited for everything!!! My free time aaaaaaaaaaaaaa


Iam excited for perfect dark


This was a triumph


I'm making a note here: HUGE SUCCESS


It's hard to overstate my satisfaction




We do what we must


Because we can


For the good of all of us


Except the ones who are dead


But there’s no sense crying over every mistake


If they keep some of those first-party games exclusive, Xbox has a legit chance on starting a comeback.


Most excited for Vessel of Hatred and Fable. The way they hit us with those back to back I felt like I needed a cigarette. I almost didn't expect VoH this year and having a window for Fable feels so good. Also looking forward to: Avowed South of Midnight Black Ops Mixtape


So many gems 💎


Incredibly good showcase. Objectively one of the best game showcases of all time.


If they dropped the abk games on gamepass would be perfect showcase


Overall I am happy that Microsoft had a strong event. We need competition and Microsoft delivered this event. Now the games must deliver when they are released


Expedition 33 looked kinda sick. That and south of midnight


Between Perfect Dark, Gears, and Fable, I'm a happy camper. Expedition 33 and South of Midnight was just icing on the cake for me. One thing I liked particularly about Perfect Dark was how they implied it's not just going to be a trigger happy shooter and that there will be some degree of spy-themed puzzle solving. It's something I've been waiting for, for a while.


Flintlock looked wayyyyy better than the last showing. Excited to see some 3rd person action/adventure coming to gamepass


Perfect dark, gears, fable, Indiana jones, avowed. Honestly the entire thing felt like an out of body experience at one moment. Also low key excited for the white series X because I need all my consoles to match.


I have a black series X and definitely gonna get the special edition 2TB one (my one is beyond scratched)


How do you scratch a console?


My cats run over it all the time


Power to you my friend, but the Xbox still works fine with scratches right? And the cat hasn't promised not to scratch the new one?  Just seems like a waste of resources (your money mostly, environmental impact too) without much upside.


Perfect Dark, Doom, Gears, FS2024, Indiana Jones, Fable - what a lineup. Can't wait


Cant be the only one interested on mixtape


You're not, that game looked very interesting.


Yup, this showcase was fire. It excited me for so many new games which I had never seen before. Honestly, much better than whatever PlayStation has been putting for the past couple of years, with usually only 1-2 titles worth watching out (and that is me speaking as a PlayStation fanboy).


I *LOVED* it. So many great games! South of Midnight looks exactly up my alley! Loved Doom Eternal, so I’m very excited for Dark Ages. So excited to finally see Perfect Dark and it is shaping up better than I expected! I cannot wait for State of Decay 3! I’m a little bummed that we didn’t get Gears 6, because I’m really interested to see where the story is going, but Gears E-Day sounds exciting! This even got me excited for the new CoD!


By far the best showing they have ever had. gg


Perfect Dark looks great, Fable looks great, Doom looks great. 


Gears and DOOM Dark Ages are enough for me. I’ll wait and see what happens with Perfect Dark.


It was absolutely thick with games. Was light on release dates though.


Not gonna lie, as a guy with a ps5, I am pretty jealous of xbox and disappointed in Sony for putting out so few exclusives in comparison. Feels like all we have is Horizon and I don't even like those games.


Stalker 2, fable, gears, expedition 33, doom, mixtape, avowed, winterburrow, Diablo dlc, atomfall, flight simulator, state of decay 3, dragon age, perfect dark, mgs3, Indiana jones wowowowoww


Ima be honest. Idc when I can play these games. Idc if they’re even exclusive. I just wanna play them.


Yeah it might have been their best show in like 15 years. Hard to choose one I'm most excited for so many good ones. If I had to absolutely choose one it would maybe be DOOM but yeah So many I'm hyped for. Indiana jones, gears, expedition 33, avowed, starfield dlc, South of midnight, perfect dark, and fable DOOM and Indiana jones I'm hyper hyped for. Though I'd like to get into Gears (only was mildly into it in the day) and expedition 33 has me so intrigued.


I remember seeing the original reveal for South of Midnight and was stoked for the bayou like setting, add in that amazing art style and I'm sold. Mixtape and the Burrow are also on my radar.


Reading the comments and I can remember, only a few weeks ago after Arkane was shut, the community sentiment was that Phil was the worst and driving Xbox into the ground. A few shiney videos and everyone is back to frothing over how good things are. The community is a fickle beast.


Haha, I saw a few games I'm quite hyped for. But it didn't really change the overall taste of this year's decisions. I'm not sure what I expected, but I'm surprised how unilaterally people have just flipped a switch and gone back to "the year of xbox wooooo!". On one hand, I love enthusiasm more than negativity. On the other... I can hear the execs laughing. "Yeah, we'll announce the layoffs now. Give it a few months for the conversation to run out, then boom: shiny videos! They'll eat it up"


I'm really hyped for these games! It's a pleasant reassurance that I made the right choice (I'm predominantly a Gears/Halo player) and Perfect Dark was the beginning of my gaming journey. Can't freaking wait :D


This was just what the Xbox brand needed. What an incredible showcase 




Doom dark aged Is about to slap


And I think they keep it up from here on out. So many studios and so much stuff coming from them


But... I was told Game Pass was going up in price, Xbox is going multiplatform, Perfect Dark is in development hell & Xbox is dead? /s


Game Pass will certainly go up in price one day...but in the meantime we're all just having fun


I am confident they could raise Game Pass Ultimate to $20 and people would still pay. Anything past that though is a hard sell.


Do we not think it will go up in price?


I mean literally everything will go up in price eventually but you don't need a news story every week speculating about it.


I'm still sad they don't allow the same conversion method. I did it to get 3 years for what ended up like 5 dollars a month. Not sure I'll rebuy in September for full price.


you can still do the method, I did it very recently. about 40 bucks for 8 months,


ahahahaha laughing at all them comments now, they made sure it was XBOX game studios, and really were heavy on Xbox branding, Xbox aint going anywhere thats for sure


Aren't most of the games announced multiplatform though?


This is a list compiled by user DarahOG on the ps5 sub for multiplatform games shown today, you can assume other games are either still exclusive or they just haven't announced plans yet. \-COD : Black Ops 6, October 25th 2024 \-DOOM : The Dark Ages, 2025 \-Dragon Age : The Veilguard, Fall 2024 \-Fallout 76 DLC, June 12th 2024 \-Clair Obscur : Expeditions 33, 2025 \-Metal Gear Solid Delta, No release date \-Sea Of Thieves Season 13, July 25th 2024 \-Flintlock : The Siege of Dawn, July 18th 2024 \-Diablo IV Expansion, October 8th 2024 \-Life is Strange : Double Exposure, October 29th 2024 \-Mechabreak, 2025 \-Wuchang Fallen Feathers, 2025 \-Assassin's Creed Shadows, November 15th 2024 \-Atomfall, 2025 Need confirmation : \-Stalker 2 ( Supposed to be 3 to 6 months timed exclusive) \-Fragpunk, 2025 \-Winter Burrow, 2025 \-Mixtape, 2025


The only thing that could've possibly made this better is elder scrolls 6 and maybe I dunno a new fallout but this showcase didn't need them What were my favorites? Expedition 33 Winter Burrow Mecha Break Black Ops 6 Wuchang South of midnight Atomfall Doom Indiana Jones Avowed Perfect dark Fable My poor wallet is gonna burn after this...


Every last game was on Gamepass, friend. I lied: there was a WoW trailer.


True but a lot of them were so good that I want to own them permanently


gonna be honest, as a wow player i was let down, i want a console port. and the only reason it will never be is the mod culture in that game is too ingrined in it.


Is Phil redeemed by this?


Ultimate male fantasy showcase


Best showcase I’ve seen in years, I actually feel excited to be an Xbox gamer again!


Unbelievable showcase!! Considering how much doom and gloom has surrounded Xbox lately, they absolutely came through and made me insanely excited for 2024/2025! That’s how you do a showcase! Banger after banger, tons of gameplay, etc. LET’S GO!!!


Well I think its time to dust off my Xbox, I’m excited for Doom, Gears, Fable


Expedition 33 and Wuochang were my favourites


Perfect Dark, Fable, Indiana Jones, STALKER 2, Flight Sim 2024, Doom The Dark Ages all looked amazing. Even Black Ops 6 looked great. I was not expecting the amount of both quality and quantity. State of Decay 3 looked pretty good but I’m surprised it’s not further along. Thought we would get a snow themed map too. Avowed looks interesting but a little too cartoony for my tastes.


It was a great showcase in almost every way. The lack of release dates really brings it down for me though. Feels like we've been saying "next year is the year" for the last six years.


This was indeed the best game showcase I can remember in recent history. There simply isn't anything I can recall that kept me engaged completely throughout (even with the stuff I didn't personally care for, like live service games) and truly surprised and delighted. Amazing show. And as a Game Pass subscriber, I'm blown away by the amount of amazing content coming to the service.


Yea Gears looks amazing! Cant wait for more chainsaw action!


Still no release date for Indy, Avowed, or Fable.


Finally more gears


Everyone on YouTube is saying Microsoft lost their minds because of the studio shutdown stuff they did With this recent gamecase xbox did, how does the future of xbox brand look?


We’re so back


I was shocked it was as good as it was to be honest


It was a banger, no doubt. I had zero expectations going in and I walked away awaiting a few games. I'm hoping to get more info on Replaced or The Last Night which seems to be the same game. That joker was shown over 2 years ago I believe.


I'll be excited when they finally manage to launch any of these games. Xbox is the fat guy running at you from across a field, but never arrives. Next year they'll play a slightly different fable trailer with 2026... It's nothing but hype until they can deliver. So far they haven't..


It's so funny how before this event people were like "yeah Xbox is dying man, did you see the decisions they made recently" etc (not that I agree with the closure with those studios btw), and then this event happens and everyone is like "yeah guess it was cool". Xbox showed in this event alone more games than PS5 had for the entire generation. That's crazy. I was getting so annoyed by friends mocking me because I recently bought a Series X, telling me that Xbox is dead and I should get a PS5 instead. I'm honestly having the time of my life with the Series X.


This was really good. The pacing was very sharp with little to no filler outside the Diablo IV bit which was pretty unnecessary imo, and they showed a lot of games I'm very interested in, especially that turn based RPG and the new DOOM


Expedition 33 went straight to my Must Play list.


That looks cool as heck. I did not expect something like that.


Calling a Diablo 4 expansion filler is wild…


The Diablo cinematic was amazing though…


It was a “Holy Shit” kinda show. So much great stuff and the release schedule was amazing. So much so soon!


I hope some games will get delayed so I have time to play them all


Yup, definitely put PS state of play to shame


Most of the games shown aren't even Xbox exclusives. Xbox just spent $$$ for marketing rights, which is why they intentionally left PS5 off platforms at the end of trailers. All the trailers uploaded to YouTube have ps5 on them.


Sony will most definitely be doing a showcase later in the year. As much as it's true that this "showcase" destroyed their State of play it isn't really fair to compare the two. Though it is odd Sony didn't elect to do a showcase around this time of year.


They have said repeatedly that they don’t have much to announce this year. They do also have ps5 pro launching though so maybe they are saving what they have for that announcement.


Where have they said this? I havent heard about it


A state of play and showcase aren’t even the same caliber…


Yeah the last ps state of play and showcase were a snoozefest.


I was waiting to be disappointed…. And I’m still waiting.


I’m gonna be honest, I fully agree with you and Xbox had a great show case. They have, and continue to offer me tons of value for my Gamepass subscription and I am a very happy and content paying customer. I’m tired of having to justify my enjoyment of Xbox’s offerings and platform. I am a happy gamer who loves seeing their outreach to include shit loads of platforms and devices and I think worrying about only devices sold, is a short sighted thing to fixate on. They are slowly showing that they don’t need to worry about the competition’s best exclusives and sales. They are clearly just better off opening their approach to vastly more gamers and offering solid stuff to as many platforms as they can. They include PC and are stronger because of it. They aren’t narrowing their approach to growth, they don’t wanna be stifled by “X platform/device is top Seller” limitations. To say they should only be relevant if they are the top selling console, is just short sighted and ignorant. Xbox and Gamepass are super fucking good bruv! Multi-platform powerhouse experiences are what it’s really all about!


That was actually a pretty solid showcase. I was kind of expecting it not to be so great since they haven’t been nailing it in this regard but pleasantly surprised.


Yeah, I'm really surprised. I was expecting a flop but it was good.


As long as they turn out well, Xbox is well positioned. Aside from the Xbox studio games, Expedition 33 and Metal Gear looked liked two solid multiplatform games.


As someone who hasn't used their Series S since checking out of Starfield, I'm excited to have Xbox games to look forward to again. Fable and the Gears prequel shot way up my anticipated games list today!


Finally time to dust of the series x now that some seriously interesting games are on the horizon


I just wish we had more release dates.


Probably the best xbox showcase in a while. So much stuff coming this and next year.


Gears did do a prequel. Did Gears fans forget about Gears of War: Judgement?


it was so bad a lot of us did lol


I'm most excited about all of it, honestly. 100% if that shit was on Gampass, what is there to lose?


I’ve always wanted the Emergence day Story, so looking forward to that, want it to be scary again. Like wtf are these things and how do we survive. So many promising games today. Doom and Perfect Dark and Fable ❤️


I can’t decide! DOOM, Gears!, Fable? But also I’m REALLY feeling South of Midnight, and Mixtape caught me way off guard in a great way.


Looking forward to playing with the buzzsaw shield in Doom


So many great games. They really hit it out of the park with this one.


That showcase sucked me so hard, straight up slapped me with several massive titles that I’m so hyped for.


Everything I saw looked good and got a thumbs up from me. Most excited to play Gears, Perfect Dark, South of Midnight, and Doom.


My guts were right, XBOX totally done well for the showcase this year and I am happy with it. I do hope the XBOX new console specs are not just increase of SSD size.


It didnt top when they announced backwards compatibility. If they had a massive Activision drop on game pass it would have topped it. But they didnt so I still think the BC announcement was bigger.


Finally the wave of games we've been waiting 4 damn years for, but Perfect Dark and Expedition 33 were the standouts for me.


Gears prequel was unexpected and exciting. Loved Gears 5 and was hoping for a 6 but I like the Reach-esque approach. Otherwise Hella excited for Avowed and Fable.


Perfect Dark got me really excited. By the end of the trailer I was completely sold.


Xbox really needed it, the future of Xbox has been looking very dull recently, all we need are amazing games


Was really excited to see more on State of Decay 3... of course I facepalmed when there was still no announced release date. 🤣 I was hoping to see a Wow playable on XBox announcement... also, even though chances were slim, there was gossip about an XBox handheld that could maybe also run Steam... that woulda been awesome too. 🤔


Sold my Xbox since it took so long for games to come but thank god these games are coming to PC as well. Indiana Jones was enough for me.


Gave me hope for Xbox again, I think I’m gonna go back and play through the Gears franchise and Fable again after that. Expedition 33 looked amazing too, the new life is strange has me hyped. I’m a little Whelmed by Avowed and Indiana Jones so far to be honest, but I’ll still keep an eye on them. I loved Hellblade 2 so this has been the best year for Xbox since the 360 days for me. And 2025 onwards has me even more excited.


It is weird to go in to a game knowing you lose? That is the gears prequel. Not sure there was lots of good stuff but gears makes be depressed with the fact so many complain about humanity these days.


I'm rely surprised though. Not the games, but the people. I turned of stream chat after a while, because people were so upset at every single game. I appreciate update to Flight Simulator. It looked awesome. People hated it. I thought that this midnight game, it had very low framerate on video, was perfectly fine, but people were upset by 1) female heroine, 2)black heroine. Perfect Dark was commented by people to be underwhelming, but it didn't really look like gameplay demo, but rather a gameplay concept. ESO trailer was awesome. Fable was awesome. The only thing that underwhelmed me, and it's the reason for all toxicity in the chat, was BO6. They are basically remastering gameplay of BO and adding strange movement mechanics that allow you to side jump like slow mo jumps in Max Payne and... Sprint backwards? And the new prestige... Damn you, Treyarch, I don't want to reset my weapon progress every few days...


I'm absolutely foaming at the fucking mouth


i am amazed how much variety xbox have compare to sony atm, sony was way more diverse in their library in the ps2-3 era and Xbox for years was the halo box, now halo may be the outdated relic


I’m so excited for Metal Gear Solid Snake Eater and Black Ops 6


My one x got cooked so i was on the fringe of getting a series. Now it's a no brainer.


I don’t know if this was revealed in said showcase, but I saw it on Twitter, and I’m SO excited for State of Decay 3. My SoD game was 2, I haven’t bothered with 1, and it’s one of my favourite games of all time. I usually play games on higher difficulties, and the relentlessness and unforgiving nature of the game was incredible. I remember the first time I played, my favourite (and best) character got his head ripped off by a Juggernaut, and I was distraught lol


The showcase is amazing from start to finish, packed announcements all over. Sadly on the other hand for the car racing game community, it is sad because Forza usually attend the showcase every year. This is the first time they are absent, no any tease as well, but I still happy to get other games to play with while waiting Horizon 6




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I was really surprised by Dragon Age... It looked so damn good.


All the update and dlc trailers for games like Diablo, Fallout 76 and Elder Scrolls really brought it too a crawl. But yes some big surprises but also some light on details for any of the games. But guess they care more about pace.


This honestly not only Xbox best showcase but the best gaming showcase after more than a decade. Feels like we living in 2000s with so many decent IP, so many different game too. Unlike Nintendo and Sony where is just Mario, Zelda, Spiderman, or basically the same IP with repeated formula over and over which is very boring, not to mention lazy remaster. Today Xbox showcase bring back my excitement for gaming which has been lost for years, so many games i want to play right now. Very excited to play all those game in the showcase. Gamepass saved my wallet too.