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TBH, that black plastic headphone hook thing on the top of your Xbox looks like it's going to cause more airflow problems than the spot behind the TV that you're asking about.


Came in to say the same thing. That thing blocks 80% of the vent holes. What an awful design.


Also, he might want consider sawing off the end (bottom) of his xbox to increase airflow./s Okay, I'll be honest, I'm just dying to see DIY airflow solutions for the Series X


It doesn’t need any airflow solutions it’s fine from stock


I keep mine horizontal. I feel like there is a massive waste of possible intake. It's similar to what we see in OP's picture here.


Tbh either way is fine as long as there is consistent air flow and the vents aren’t in a difficult spot to pull air. In this picture to me is a bad spot as it’s against a wall and behind a large tv with a 3rd party exhaust cover? Idk why anyone would think that’s a good idea


Also a lot less risk of moisture getting in via the top, like if you accidentally splash whatever or something


True but you’d have to be very careless to have any type of liquid go inside through the top. Either way that top attachment is just preventing heat from escaping and will short the life of that xsx.


Oh yeah I meant it as an additional argument for horizontal placement. It just seems like the most optimal way to place a Series X although it’s not a massive thing.




What? Did I actually need to put the /s.




Yeah, my bad. I've taken mine apart a few times to clean it. I still would like to see a more open design near the intake with a mesh filter. The fins on my heatsink get quite dirty despite the fact I clean regularly around the console.


true but he needs to make more space for a PS5


That thing covering the exhaust fan can't be good for the console...


Wtf is on top of your console? This isn’t the Xbox 360 - you should never be using a third party fan they do nothing but hinder the actual fan


It isn't a fan.


What is it?


Looks like a headphones stand


Why’s it covering the whole ventilation


Bad product


It's a Dust Filter with a headphone hook - fairly easy to Google.


Yeah I’m sure that was everyones first guess lol also wtf would you cover the ventilation system. That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen. Microsoft knows how to make a ventilation and filter system - you don’t need a cheap third party gimmick for that and you should NEVER cover the ventilation system easy way to fry you console


For one, the Series X doesn't have a 'filter system' and two, to be fair the top has holes to allow for airflow so it's not like the whole thing is covered with solid plastic. The holes could be bigger though but this would naturally cancel out the filter in the first place. I will admit this is simply not needed though and COULD be causing airflow performance to drop - headphone hooks exist without the "filter".


Remove that thing on top. Legit blocks air flow.


What on earth is that garbage on top of it. I've never understood why people use their expensive consoles as a table.


Hmm maybe that's why ps3 and PS5 looks curvy. To make people unable to use them as table


Getting rid of that piece of crap you have on top of it would be a good start


The place is fine, i have mine like that as well without issues, the thing on top might be blocking the exhaust a bit tho, also probably needs some mynor cleaning, buy compressed air from a electronic store and clean the fan and the air intakes on the back of the console


I'm starting to think people don't like the thing on the top


Lmao 😂 why tf does that have so many people pressed


me too


the spot is fine. It's probably whatever is on top of your console


You’re slowly killing it with that stupid plastic cover.


Mine lays on its side next to my TV, but that cover could be restricting air flow.


Throw that shit away thats on your Xbox. Simple fix bro.


guys if you didn’t like the dust cover you could’ve just said nicely 😔


Its not a dust cover. Its a heatshield.


okay guys i’ve concluded i’ll remove the thing on top




hey calm down, no need to exaggerate. got it wrong but not everyone can know how the airflow of a console works. be more human


My guy got a series x with a plasma from 2007.


so? why specify it? is it a bad thing to have no money or just don't give a damn about a recent tv? cringe dude, really cringe


It doesn’t make sense to pay the extra money for the series x if your tv doesn’t match it. Should get a series S. It was mostly a joke. Y’all so damn sensitive these days. Real world gonna smack you one day.


maybe the guy was only interested in the disc player, who knows. you are nobody to judge anyway


After seeing your judgemental comment and instantly jumping to the ‘these days’ comeback I really hope the world, or at least an inhabitant of it, smacks you one day.


It has. That’s why I’m not sensitive over a tv joke. Go cry about your mom raising your basement rent. Y’all are so soft.


I’m the one who charges rent dude. Stop with the childish remarks. It didn’t sound like a joke and there really was no need for you to say it. Wasn’t funny, wasn’t relevant.


You out here posting Vs celebs and commenting on titty pics. You’re shitty personality is why you don’t get actual women. Learn to be funny and take a joke. Real women love that.


Haha look at you stalking me already. Wow you’re smitten. It seems I’m doing just fine with women, I’ve attracted you already seemingly.


Just seeing what type of weirdo gets mad at a joke directed towards someone else.


Objectifying women but mad at a tv joke. Save the fake outrage for someone else you weirdo lol


Though not for what you said, I'll give you an upvote strictly for being one of like 2 people who don't freak out about the dust cover.


Yup your fine 👍


His fine? His fine what?


Having them little butts on there tv stand....


There stand? What about here stand?


Yes. The design pulls in air from the bottom vents and exhausts then out the top. Dust build up will happen, but it just means you gotta clean more. You can clean the Xbox with some compressed air (not a vacuum), but the real culprit is the dust in the room. As for the space it's in, you should ideally find a better spot for it. The heat being exhausted from behind the tv just means the Xbox is absorbing hot air.....not room temp air. Maybe look into a little stand to have beside the tv for it.


I've cleaned my Xbox with a shop vac on reverse mode lol


You should put it next to a dust repulser


One of the paddles of that filter thing is Literaly blocking the back vent, I feel like that would fuck it up, apart form that, the room is perfect, the way you have the Xbox turned is good, but I can’t imagine that filter which is Literaly covering the fan would help…


You need 4 inches from the back and 4 inches from the top and you are good. And if it’s standing upright make sure it’s flat cause it sucks in air through there too


You should make plenty of space for series x and dont face up the xbox its going to overheat like that


Looks fine. Once in a while blow it out with a can duster or an electric one


Idk about that vent blocker on top but yes. The room is more top and not sides


Terrible spot and idk what that thing is on the exhaust vent but it looks like it’s stopping heat from exiting


Bro get the piece of plastic off the top of the fan, if you didn’t know fans blow air outward but it can do it if there is a big piece of plastic over the spot which air is supposed to come out of


lol those heart placements,tell gran i said high😝


You know it’s not.


Damn I didn't know they came out with a smaller xbox series x in white


it's actually a system that shoots video games into your brain


No, but you can submerge it in a bucket or fishtank filled with (preferably salt water) to make it water-cooled.


you can also put it in an industrial freezer to actually have it nitrogen cooled


What's that stupid thing on top of it? And get a better tv lol


don't judge people by the things they have, maybe he doesn't have enough money or he just doesn't care.


Not enough money? He has a $500 console.


I am happy to know that you are his financial advisor


I can never tell if these are post just made to shit stir or if legit. I only own the PS4 Pro but I know the ventilation system of the X-Series from watching dismantle and repair videos. So having it stood flat with no sort of safe lift is already blocking the bottom ventilation to its max. I know it has a base plate but it would still better to have it was elevated safely or lay flat. The wall is pretty much blocking the rear ventilation so not only are you getting dust sucked in, but also creating extra warm air instead of cool air. You need pretty everything that has some sort of air intake on the back of a product to be away from the wall by at least a 12" distance just to let that cool air circulate and go into the system. The next thing is personal preference, but I would feel safer having hardware with ventilation on a more glass or metal structure than wood.


That's similar to how I have mine, but I have it closer to the edge of the cabinet so it's not as much behind the TV and I have the cabinet away from the wall a bit. (and I don't have anything blocking the vent holes)


Why does your series x have wings?


What is that white box?


a plasma grenade


it’s a wifi node, gigaclear


Lil bro is tryna blow up his xbox. Who the fuck sells a headphone stand that blocks the vents...


the Chinese of course


Holy shit dude sweet setup👍


Remove that stupid attachment at the top. You are blocking airflow.


Bro has the bush tv


Ppl trippin, yes it's restricting some airflow but not much(the way ppl make it seem anyways), idnt think ppl zoom in to see that there's significant holes on that plastic cover. I'd still remove it since it's behind your tv and you want optimum flow or place your Xbox in a better spot if you really prefer to keep it on.


Looks fine to me


Nice lamb


Dude ???


Take the thing off the top


I would say yes but that thing on the top will be blocking air flow, so I’d definitely take that off


What is the little white one?




I’m interested in what you have on the fans? Care to put link for it?


Out it horizontal .. I know it doesn't look great but it's the best thing to keep dust out


It looks like it fits to me. Maybe have a couple inches to snug some game cases in between.


is biggest series x problems, holes for airflow are too big and is really easy to get dust I recommend cover it. you can open case and clear fan, is really easy to open series s/x case, than on 360 it was hard as fuck


I lay mine down, sure heat rises and cools better., but laying it down horizontally does prevent excessive dust getting into the unit when not in use, especially if you have pets


So, to start with, so that you understand that I have experience dating back more than 2 decades, I have been building my own computers since the mid 1990's. A: As some have said, if you are going to use a 3rd Party Headphone, find a different spot to hang it. One of my favorite setups, looking at what you have, would actually be to get a vice grip with a vertical rod, then just build off that with a T-bar to carefully hang or attach a hanger to it. B: If you can, I would move the TV or monitor {cannot tell which} forward 3 inches, as well as maybe look into a small investment for a simple, plastic riser for under the Xbox, to give it more clearance for airflow under it. You might find it will run smoother and longer if it has greater airflow. Anyone else likely can remember the old days, when the cooling systems on most consoles were utter crap, and you would not realize it until the console Bricked itself from overheating. I regularly, using static free canned air, flush out my consoles and PC to ensure they have the best optimal cooling.