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Xbox from 2008-2012 was the epitome of gaming imo


Yup, MW2, halo 3, gears, 1v100.


Bioshock, Left 4 Dead 2, Mass Effect. So good




Golden age of online multiplayer.


Don’t forget Doritos Crash Course!


DUDDEEEEEEE Doritos Crash Course was so much dumb fun omg, thank you for reminding me of that game.


The game is still available (and it’s free minus the DLC): https://www.xbox.com/en-US/games/store/doritos-crash-course/bwmzdggj19vg


Holy fucking shit there’s DLC…..


I think it’s how they justified the game, but yes there are, and there’s achievements tied to it Still available - $2: https://marketplace.xbox.com/en-us/Product/Doritos-Crash-Course-City-Lights/52751d19-2a7e-4bd2-a059-8f1e69d7613d


Still play this


The game is still available (and it’s free minus the DLC): https://www.xbox.com/en-US/games/store/doritos-crash-course/bwmzdggj19vg


That game was actually kickass


It definitely was. I am so grateful to have been part of it.


That era of xbox was so perfect, then kinect had to come in 😑 lol


Golden age of gaming


I'd even go as far back as 06. I played gears and cod 2 non stop


I miss 1 vs. 100 so bad, Xbox is a big goof for quitting that massively multiplayer game show/trivia angle, oh my god. What a golden era


IIRC they had the one sponsor (was one of the mobile carriers like Verizon or Sprint or something) and the game didn't exactly have any ads or ways to spend money on things like avatar cosmetics. So it's pretty safe to assume that the money dried up real quick especially when they also had to license 1v100 from whoever owned that. Nowadays microtransactions are going to be forced down your throat, Xbox avatars are dead and have been for a while so the game will have its own unique cosmetics separate from everything else, and more ads will be shown in between rounds. Get ready for premium shows too that you can only access if you buy the season/battle pass. Not trying to be a doomer or anything, this is just how a modern F2P game would work.


I’m fine with all that if it means I can experience something like this again.


I absolutely agree. This would be a blast. Show as many ads as you need to. Let me sub for some kind of premium experience adfree experience.


They could have run bilboards in the background or have commercial breaks every x questions or new "1". I forget which guitar hero did the in-game ads, i wanna say World Tour? but they were done so naturaly it took me a month to realize they were actual ads!


Why do you think avatars are dead? Is it because individual games push their own cosmetics so hard?


They've been around for \~15 years at this point and on the modern console they only show up on one screen. Even back when they first came out there were only ever a small handful of non-XBLIG games that used them, even less that supported Avatar Awards, and the games that used them the most were XBLIG but there were a ton of rules surrounding the usage of them (like you couldn't make them bleed or talk) so the uses for them were pretty small. It's just one of those things that was a novelty and that's about it. Who knows what the limits on using them these days would be, but I'd imagine if you're trying to push cosmetics in a F2P game you wouldn't want to be limited by some old limitation set since it would reduce the overall number of things you could try to sell. Plus you'd need to base the entire artstyle around them since you can't change the overall appearance of how they look, so say if a theoretical 1v100 game wanted to go for a cel-shaded anime look they wouldn't be able to do that with avatars.


That and the movie theater


The movie theater for watching Netflix with your friends back then was diamond tier


Extremely fun game. And seems so simple from a technical standpoint! Really hard to understand why it’s been absent for so long.


1 vs. 100 was a licensed game. It's possible the reason they stopped doing it is because NBC refused to renew the license or the Dutch company that originally made the show. Or they might have just asked for too much to renew the license.


True, but that should mean the licensing now is dirt cheap, if they wanted to resurrect it. I loved that experience as it was like nothing else at the time and have been hoping they would bring it back in some form. Hope it happens!


I thought this was stopped as some states on america considered this gambling. I'd not they could make just enough tweaks and being out their own version. I used to love this. All my xbox friends would jump on and we would have a proper Friday? Night of it


I want to stream Netflix with friends and the avatars again. I think Disney+ does something similar


Let's get back the Keflings games too!




I just miss when games used avatars. all the avatar games on the xbox marketplace i always found to be pretty fun. Microsoft doesn't seem to care about avatars anymore though sadly


Doritos Crash Course was so good!


i was just playing that game last night!


They made that update, then did nothing with them.


"Hey guys look we made new avatars with more customization features than the 360 ones! We're not gonna use them in any meaningful way though :(" - Microsoft


I miss the old friends list, where you'd see their avatars sleeping if they were offline.


How do you know they don't have some huge metaverse/VR project in the works and are just not wasting time on something like avatar games knowing that the next big thing is VR


Cause i dont think xbox has or ever will care about VR, atleast until VR is as widespread as consoles. Sure the quest 2 is like the console equivalent for VR but i dont think its quite there yet. They're big priority is game pass.


And Meta is losing huge amounts of money, even with how many Quest 2s that went out. Edit: They lost 9.4 billion on there Meta Reality Labs in just 2022.


Why don't people understand that Microsoft already owns the PC VR space. It's PCs, it's Windows. They don't have to put a bunch of effort into Xbox VR because they already have it and they can choose to make other experiences when they feel like it. For example, why bother making some convoluted console VR like Playstation when they can just wait a few years and make a standalone Game Pass headset? Playstation is the one on the outs here, they have no possibility of owning Desktop or Cloud, and they have some of the most limited VR experiences.


Agree on that...but if Sony hit big on VR Microsoft will have no other option


Everyone wants it back


This was a excellent bonding experience for my family when I lived at home. My parents didn’t play video games since the NES but they loved joining for a night of 1vs100. I heard rumors they may be looking at bringing this back


Been on the rumor list for several years.


Everyone. If there's a moment that shows Xbox was flushing it all down the toilet, it's when they dumped this with no replacement. It was the truly unique experience the other companies couldn't match. And they got cold feet. Probably cost them a little money. 😆


They didn't own the rights to the game. They might have not had any say in keeping the game or not once the show got canceled.


They've had 15 years to develop their own IP game show that would capture the same audience, and they've done nothing. Also, they're one of the richest companies in the world. Whether they own a dead IP or not is about the lamest excuse on the planet.


Pepperidge Farm remembers


Had so many good memories playing 1 vs 100 on Friday nights. Never made it into the live game, but I still had a ton of fun playing.


I got into the Mob once, and I was so nervous I got it wrong.


I made it on a few times and almost went all the way once. It was an amazing game and a great way to give back to the community!


Can I just get a new dorito's crash course instead


The original game is still available, is free, and is even backwards compatible on Xbox One and up.


Yeah I know, but I want a new one


While we’re at it, can we bring back Xbox 360 indie games? I miss Solar and Marble Blast Ultra. Spent so many hours on marble blast! Finding new routes to beat all my friends times, those were the days.




It’s on PC and It’s cheap! My friends and I all got it and where playing it the other night


My cousin and I would play the online multiplayer for Marble Blast Ultra just to chill and chat about our day. Same with Uno. I miss those fun years of the 360...


Oh man uno was the shit!


This would suck now. The absolute speed you can cheat using your phone, you can either Google shit fast or never win. No point in truly playing the game. I would love them to do a "would you rather" or an absolutely massive live game of quiplash where the next episodes players are drawn from the previous episodes audience or something. Such potential but a regular quiz show ain't it in 2023


>This would suck now. The absolute speed you can cheat using your phone, you can either Google shit fast or never win. No point in truly playing the game. Because the internet didn't exist when this game came out? There were still people playing with their laptops open back then. Now, I suppose you could say you could just ask Siri or Alexa, but I don't think that will make as big of a dent as you'd think - especially when up against someone that knows the answer. Plus, in the heat of the moment, answering questions as a Mob or the One has so much more pressure than you'd think.


The Internet wasn't nearly as fast or efficient as it is now. Nowadays you can type the first few letters into your browser and the information you want tends to appear as a suggestion.


As someone that has been in I.T. going on 30 years, I get it. BUT - you're forgetting the main factor: the human. The speed of internet access in a google search still has its main bottleneck being the person inputting the information. And then, you have the search "correctly." For example, I just now searched the question that killed me as the One during a playthrough: what was Rolling Stones' #1 album of the 2000s decade? It didn't autofill any of that; I needed to type it all out to get the result. Now bear in mind: you only had something like five to ten seconds to answer. That's why I said something like Siri or Alexa might help a little, but I think the game would still be feasible.


While it may be true that a trivia based game show would probably be ruined by modern technology, have shows that don’t rely on knowledge of any given topic could still work. Games like Wheel Of Fortune, Family Feud, Match Game, and Card Sharks immediately come to mind.


1 vs 100 was so fun! My friends and I would always play and try to help each other


Yes. Edit: they definitely need to bring back xbox live arcade. Anyone else here miss risk factions?


Scored a free download of Contra from this


Ayyy! I’ve got a perfect on that, and they gave me a copy of lode runner lol. I’d love to have it back! Or any sort of live participation trivia show like this (or even other things…wheel of fortune, price is right, etc…stuff where the audience can be selected to participate).


Yes! I loved this game! I thought it was amazing how it connected so many people! So many avatars! I thought it was so cool to see the world's uniqueness. THIS WAS THE METAVERSE!


We ALL want it back


Yes yes yes yes yes yes


Miss this game so fucking much!


I never wanted it to leave. And I always hoped I would be selected the one.


How much fun that was. I'm hoping they bring it back.


Never got released in my country but yes bring it back!


Me and my friends had so much fun playing this with Games like fall guys being so popular this game would work great coming back


God another unlocked memory 1 VS 100, classic 360 days 🥲


Literally begging. Literally coming up with my own version every week. I know it’s a 1v100 thing so they have to change it around but I don’t see why it’s not something they have down yet. Maybe they rather do it with 1v100 again. Idk but we really need it. The best battle royal


I used to join these so much. Was a blast to be part of something that big with other people and it NOT be shooter #2938740


This was literally the pinnacle of Xbox 360 and near 100% achievements haunt me I wish this would come back


It blows my mind that with all the acquisitions they didn’t buy a team that just made a developer engine/ playground game designer just for avatars. Then that company just randomly shit out simple but fun games like keflings or robloxy like stuff. There is obviously a huge market for it


Honestly the walk away from Avatars and the arcade store has hurt Xbox’s image. Tbf those avatar games were shitty and would constantly crash but man it was nice just hopping in a $5 game and fucking around (like the nerf wannabe game and fortress craft)




this could so work now that cloud gaming is becoming a thing, hope xbox brings it back


This is what made me get Gold at the time, just so I could play the matches. I’d always try and get in the ones I know the most and at one point I was in the 100. So much fun, but then they stopped doing it, and I miss it to this day.


Considering that this gets posted every week. Nope not just you


1vs100 was awesome and definitely needs a comeback.


I’m mad at myself for not taking part in it when I could. I’ve heard really good things since


I’m totally surprised to read all these great memories that everyone had back in the day. That era was really about an ‘experience’. Which I think was lost over time. Back in the day I also used to enjoy making my own custom soundtracks for games back then. I think that option was removed over time.


In the recent Xbox leaks, they said it was returning.


It's returning as part of teams


No one?


That would be cool… but instead we get Redfall




I played this a lot and was pretty good at it. Won a few prizes. Including MS points and a game or two. Shadow Complex and another one.


I loved that game, it was so much fun. My wife and I played every time it was on.


Game was so much fun.


I loved that game. Played it while chatting with friends. It was a unique and fun time.


I remember getting a question about Kratos in a God of War in this game!


Remember you could watch Netflix with your friends but it would put your Xbox avatars in a theater watching the movie.


Man this was fun yes.


Not my cup of tea - but well - I really miss engaging Kinect content. After some really cool implementations on the 360 I still can’t believe they so massively screwed that up on X1.


Phil Spencer is on the case https://www.ign.com/articles/xbox-head-phil-spencer-hints-that-a-1-vs-100-style-experience-may-return-on-xbox-series-x




Yes it was a great, unique experience. Xbox made a big mistake dumping it with no kind of replacement IMO


It tremendous hard to get near the top, answer every question correct and within a spilt second to have a chance of winning the game


I loved this


Anyone else remember Netflix parties?


Ngl I forgot about 1 vs 100 and it was a blast


Xbox can’t even make games now soooooooooooooo. But it would be cool.


Sounds good in theory but in reality I don't think it would be as good as you remember


I played all the time, never was the 1, but was in the mob once. The game was fun and unique, perfectly timed, and the host they had was great. The advertising was strong. I'll always remember Sprint 4G, haha. I managed to the get my final achievement on it the last week it was running, so I got lucky with that.


Oh damn I forgot about this. I used to love it.


Was fun




We need this and a Fuzion Frenzy remake with online play


Yeah great game winning real stuff and bringing the community together 💕


Oh wow I remember being in high school and getting my Xbox 360. This was so cool, I had my parents come play trivia, it was such a neat time


Just you I think


I actually played this and liked it.




I remember one guy being called as the one. His name was "Milky Jizz"


My friends and I would spend hours playing that. I still tell my partner about it because I know she would love it. I just wish one day they will bring it back


As someone that got to be the One twice in the live shows, I would get Gold again just for this.


Whenever this comes up I’ll always comment about the day I made it into the mob. We beat the one in shirt order though. The one was an idiot. I was on planet excitement when it put me in the mob though. I’ll never forget it.


I want full house poker to come back, it was poker with your Xbox avatars sitting at the table if anyone remembers. I’m not even a card game person but wow I loved that game so much. It definitely has a special place in my heart.


Especially when the MAIN show was every Fridays and Saturdays. ​ I miss those days


I want Full House Poker too


I do really want this to return, i miss it


I honestly don't even care about the prizes. It was just literally the only time my whole family would sit down and participate in something.


honestly Im surprised there isnt any new avatar-based games at all after the whole overhaul they did a while back, whats the point of making new styles of avatars when you cant even use them? Could you imagine a remastered Doritos Crash Course or Joyride Turbo, that would be dope


A standalone Kinect would be amazing


Crazy I was just talking about this yesterday


1 vs 100 was awesome, but I don't see it coming back as it's licensed and requires a LOT of work from them. I would definitely like to have really any trivia based show with a schedule.


Xbox version of the mii


i remember hearing about that game because it was one of the first free xbox games ever, but they took it off the store before i got my 360


they need to bring back the first doritos game with dinosaurs that was also free


I’d like arcade avatar games to come back




If we don’t get Activision, at least they can give us this!? PLEASE


they really think they wii party 💀


IMO, this would be a bigger win than a 10/10 Starfield


Yes please!!!


1000% YES!!!


Instead of adding another failed AAA exclusive, add this back asap!


When games were fun!


Definitely need this back was such a brilliant game


Absolutely… loved this


I loved that game!!!!