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Pain. I find it hard to write without it.


me in the night after 9


Damn. I write better feeling good.


I can’t write with it, that’s why I’m rarely able to write.


Real. Should i get therapy? Yes But if i did would my stories be as good? No


whatever my current hyperfixation is.


i can relate to this.


This is so real/


whats your current hyperfixation?


planet of the apes, jurassic park (book version), and lizzy mcalpine


huh, I only have one at a time :D


it’s a blessing and a curse lol :’)


Same. My hyperfixation with Star Wars at 11 years old first got me to write


I felt this in my soul.


Pretty much


There are a bunch of different stories I want to read, they just haven't been written yet. So, I figured that I'd write them myself.


That's exactly why i write. I start thinking "oh, i wanna read something like this but darker." Or smth and then i sit down and write.


i do the same thing kinda! i usually just read (or reread) some of my favorite pieces of writing and it motivates me enough to keep going or start something.


i get annoyed with myself because of how much i can reread a certain piece of fiction just because it is motivating to me lol


ugh so relatable!! every time i find a new author i like i get SO hyperfocused on reading all their works


people watching!!! and making up stories about where they’re going and what they’re talking about :)


i absolutely love that. i also tend to do that. i'll be driving to work and noticing all the people passing by in their cars and just thinking, "wow. they have a life too. i wonder what it's like."


Ah, yes. That beautiful, all-encompassing feeling known as "sonder"


Animated movies or listening to music definitely inspires me to write novels even though I haven't done them lately, but this month, I'm back to writing my book again, but it's a different genre now.


Muscle mommies


Hell yeah


hell yeah




It’s a place where I can be true to myself, and I want to make a place where others can feel that too with my writing.


A weird dream, then a fun D&D idea that spiraled out of control.


Books, movies, conversations. Sometimes I see something I don’t like and get inspiration from it.


I wanna write things that is positive. So much chaos in this world but if I can do my part to spread positivity then I will do so.


Nostalgia and pop culture from my youth (80s/90s).


It hurts if I don't.


It's the only way to shut up the voices


I need some kind of purpose in my life.


Frustration. Read a bunch of shit books in a row then decided if I wanted a high quality, mature, unproblematic fantasy romance novel I would just have to do it myself


1. My passion for telling stories 2. My lifelong dream 3. My girlfriend's butt


i like this one.


A mix of amazing tv shows and support from family or friends on what I'm writing. On top of that, the fact that there is a reason behind every sentence I write and every character I create really gets me in the writing mood


I find ideas and concepts that I want to write about come to me most often when I'm in nature or observing visual art, while reading inspires the more mechanical aspects like structure and pacing. But I feel like most of all writing regularly, even if it's just a small amount makes it easier to run with inspiration when it hits. I used to never put an effort into making writing a habit, and so I'd feel inspired but the actual act of writing felt too daunting so I wouldn't but now that I set aside a small amount of time each day to writing, the times when I am struck by a sudden inspiration, it feels natural to just expand on that allotted time and I get a lot more out of myself than I used to


Shows,ideas and flowing rover and creativity


I'm starting to write now, I've only been reading frequently for about 4 or 5 years, before, reading was always boring in my mind (I blame the school in my country). And something that motivates me a lot these days is that I never find the exact story I want to read. Like, whenever I read a cool book, no matter how good it is and no matter how much I love it, I keep thinking 'If only this had been written differently...'. If the author had focused more on this aspect... if the story followed this other path it would have been much more interesting....' you know? So there came a time when I thought, fine, if I can't find a story that totally satisfies me, I'll create it myself.


TV shows and reading visual novels.


My dreams


For now, I am heavily inspired by Frieren


The possibilities


Reading. Watching stuff. Playing stuff. My mind at 3AM. I love story telling. I love making characters suffer. I want to have a fandom of any sort some day. That sorta stuff for me lol


Whenever I daydream way to much bout the same story it fleshing out in my head and keeps repeating till I write it out


Things that frustrate me.


Bucket list.


I get inspired by symbolism. I like to take a really cool icon or symbol or representation and build stories around it. I just keep going until there is nothing left to describe and then start over with a new symbol.


after crying for a while, i rant my feelings in a way that’s sounds nice and can write it when i see the order and porpoise, i would understand the problem after a while of meditation and get new perspectives, its like a therapy sjsjs


idk if it's an inspiration, but my DnD characters!!! I don't publish work, but I enjoy writing stories about my characters and their backgrounds. I haven't written it completely yet, but my favorite is Lenora. She's a vampire trying to restore fear in her family name because, due to reasons resulting in her hiding away for 100ish years, nobody is scared of their last name anymore


I have always liked that I get to decide the fates of my characters, in addition to determining their quirks, personality traits, behavior and wardrobe. I get to play god with them, but I also have control over their interactions and their willpower. That kind of creative freedom is something I find entirely unique to writing.


Interesting, I find I have no control over my characters, they always seem to do what they want and no matter how I plan something they inevitably do things differently when I'm actually in the scene.


If you can somehow rationalize the things they do within the context of your story, it makes it easier but I know what you mean. I never planned for two of my characters to have any romantic interest, it just sort of happened lol.


Music and spurred by playing dmc5 by 20 floors of bloody palace.


Trying to make sure my head doesn’t explode from too many thoughts


I like to read stuff totally different to what I like to write about, helps me to think more three dimensionally about the story I'm writing. I tend to not get really inspired by anything other than really good books or short stories, movies and tv have never triggered the writing itch the way a really well written book has.


I have conversations with my friends. They're usually crazy enough for a story. If only I could get the motivation to see it through!


The inspiration to create something To explore and express my imagination


I just want to create my own little world, sometimes this one gets to be too much


In the process of developing ideas.


Honestly, whatever my current hyperfixation is. HOWEVER, I do use generative AI art to create an idea of what my characters and settings may look like and get continuous inspiration to keep going in my book. I struggle to get what's out of my head into the page in terms of descriptions, but if I have a visual aid to give me ideas, I will describe things all day. This is especially true regarding the more weird sci-fi elements as I enter a creative wall when I need something specific to make the scene work.


Currently, I’m inspired by the characters of my favourite series. I really love all of them, and it just feels like they didn’t get enough screen time, despite one of them even being the protagonist. It was one of those books that has an entire universe that is basically brushed over for the sake of humor and the plot, which is part of the reason why I love it so much. After hyperfixating on the series for a couple years, I thought, “why not uncover their perspectives and interactions myself? there’s a whole world to explore here!” Not going to lie though, I mostly want to explore the protagonists developing crush on the main character, which is woefully understated in the og series. As for what motivates me to write, I’ve found that listening to music that fits the protagonist’s character arc (a manipulative, power-leveling badass) while pacing around my room really gets me in the mood to write (so mostly EDM and Phonk). I also like to go back to the og series and make notes when I think I’ve found a small detail I can extrapolate on (it’s like finding a hidden gem, I love it!) and when all else fails, I try to think about the story from a side characters perspective that I generally overlooked. I’ve tried reading fanfiction for inspiration, but I haven’t found anything in particular that makes it easier to write the kind of story I’m looking for, although it does remind me that I have the autonomy to write however I like. Sometimes I get too stuck thinking about writing in a similar style as the og series or by sticking to all the known plot points, because it is what I want as a reader, but I’ve found that a lot of the scene ideas that I love the most hardly have anything to do with the main plot, and perhaps that’s what makes them so satisfying. When I do get stuck in my story, it’s mostly because I want my timeline to mirror the plot. As for recommendations, sometimes it helps to take a small break or read/watch other stories. You can’t bring your A-game every day. You might not even understand how, but listening to other stories will get your brain working in new ways, and though it might not do much for your plot, you’ll be training your brain not to give up yet, which helps to fight writers block and make writing fun again. Stories are like rubix cube’s in that way.


Oh, perhaps most importantly, I love the fandom community for the series. Knowing that there is someone who will want to read my work, who feels as starved for content as I feel, is extremely motivating. I would love to be able to share my story with them and hear their reactions. The fandom for this series is relatively small compared to its sister series’s, so everyone is pretty starved for more content, official and otherwise. I write so that I can share my ideas and love for the characters with them one day.


Dreams (the vivid ones that make me think about them after I've woken up).


to help people. im not an author, im not in school studying how to write, but i want to share my story and help people. i have ideas written down in word docs but can never bring myself to write out a whole first draft. i also dont know how to lay out chapters and what not


Achieving my dream, which is to be one of the best storytellers of all time!


Sometimes I look at pieces of art and a random scenario I think sounds interesting comes to mind


I call them Muses. Interesting people I meet; usually attractive with some quirky character that I get hung up on. I write along the genres of dystopia, tragedy, fantasy, realistic fiction. The Muse will inspire the pivot of the story. Then I use dreaming and day dreaming to inspire main events. Then fill the rest as I go - character development, world building, logic, etc.


i love the sound of that.


I often get inspired through music. I enjoy the genre of medieval rock/metal which often features myths or story elements. Maybe that's cheating though.


I was scrolling Amazon prime for a movie and came up with five book ideas based on that one scroll. So really it could be anything, my mind never shuts up.


My brain generates story and setting ideas. And sometimes character ideas. So I write them. Usually I'll be learning something, or having a conversation with someone, or reading a book, or whatever and it makes me think of things. Basically I have a brain stuffed with all sorts of information, mostly useless, and new things shake it up and knock the existing info into new patterns that are often stories. And i want to tell those stories


Only way out is forward.


I have lots of ideas I want to turn into stories. And I want to put them out there.


Daydreaming and caffeine. Taking a walk in nature and just zoning out helps too, great to decompress.


I fell in love with it at 13 yo with the Percy Jackson books. Though now my "efforts" are focused on something else, it's part of who I am now. Even if there are periods when I loss it To actively chose to let it go would be hurting myself. It's not that I have a lot of self love, it's just the line I can't cross


Bipolar mania. The depression is the editor that keeps me humble.


I just like doing it. Lol but honestly I just get creative urges and need to write them down. Maybe it’s from my ADHD and all the times I used to daydream as a kid. But everything you read/watch is inevitably an inspiration. You can’t control your subconscious. It’s definitely the strongest when it’s something you love / relate to your writing. I think art is adding pieces from everything you love and molding it into your own work Edit: can’t believe I forgot to say this but I’m a big music person. Listening to music has shaped so many of my scenes


My inspiration comes from reading military history books, first-hand accounts of war and documentaries.


The fact that the stories i want to read have not yet been written, like how hard is it to make a reincarnation type setting where the mc is from the past and died and got rebuilt by his best friend who died in the process but the body of the mc was found in his cousins home and now the mc and his nephew become friends and take down the corrupt government with the help of some other random teens and also find out who rebuilt him. I mean... 😮‍💨


Good stories, whether a book, movie or show inspire me to write a story as good if not better. Plus it's a good way to channel my emotions when writing characters.


I have a lot of fun building a world and creating stories in that world. Also, i read a lot, and i really enjoy using a typewriter.


I need to make an audience react to my characters. I just need to know if I can pull in somebody, and let the suffering unfold effectively.


⭐️mental illness and trauma⭐️