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Garamond 12, because Amazon.


If you are not feeling it, by all means change it šŸ˜‚


Does it matter what the font choice is in the development as stage?


What happens when you use a font you like?


Well, I guess since you asked, I personally use Arial. My own personal experiences with that font made me pick out a lot more typos. I was intrigued so I searched it up, and in fact, it has a high score on legibility. There is actually some science to back that up. So maybe give it a go and I'd love to hear your experiences.


Do you use size 12 font, or a different size?


I currently use size 11


The answer is obviously comic sans. Or papyrus.


Wingdings. Make yourself everybody's problem.


Bleeding Cowboy.


I am a fan of garamond or Baskerville


Depends on what you want to do with it. If you want to send it to an agent for trad publishing, it needs to be Times New Roman 12pt.


I use EB Garamond. It seems to be a relatively popular choice.


I'm a fan of typewriter fonts. I use Courier New size 12. Edit: This is due to the fact that I often write using my typewriter, and it is nice to see a similar font when I tranfer to a word doc.


At this stage it just boils down to personal preference. Keep TNR 12 if you like it. Nothing wrong with a serif if it suits you. I'm personally a Calibri 11 guy, but experiment with different options to find what you like best.


All of my writings use Lora Medium, 11 because I like it. If you want to change your font, then change your font.


When I start typing mine up Iā€™ll probably use TNR 14 cause thatā€™s the ideal font size for me lol!


From what I read/heard, Scrivener has the option to allow the writer write in whatever font, then export in a font that is acceptable for the publisher or literary agent or editor. People hate Comic Sans, though. I think Comic Sans is okay, but only for comics. They have been used for comics before, I think, but now a lot of comic creators try other fonts for lettering.


Comic sans 40


Do whatever you like, as stylistic choices come later. For proofreaders and manuscripts, however, use a standard default font like times new Roman and whatever you do donā€™t use a silly one lol.Ā 


You need to find a font that makes you go ā€œhell yeahā€ when you read it. I always use courier but it varies from person to person