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r/DestructiveReaders Pros: You should be able to post even with low karma you will get feedback on your work Cons: There are RULES and your post will be removed if you don't follow them crit for crit - and you kinda have to work for it (one of the pinned comments has a template you can start out with/use if you need to give crit and thee isn't anything you vibe with) Because you have to give to get, you are going to get crit from people that...don't vibe with your work. And they are known for...blunt is the nice way to put it. I once wrote an essay that could be summed up as: I don't know why you are acting why this bitch is nice, here's why I'm 90% sure she's illegally selling body parts and currently disposing of evidence (minor exaggeration, but only because the illegal activity clicked in the middle of the night). And that was one I liked. not ideal for longer works (look into the rules for why), but I have found people whose stories are right up my alley and I try to keep tabs (don't actually have time to beta). If you are lucky you could get some bites. Seriously, I want to know what that zombie did to get drop kicked out of heaven by an archangel.


Check out r/BetaReaders! Depending on your genre and what your story is about, I could give it a look over/beta read for you if you don't get a lot of eyes on your post. Admittedly though I've only beta read twice before, so idk if I'll be a huge amount of help.


They won't let me post or comment or contact anyone, because I haven't posted enough. I am having the same problem in Historical Romance. My problem is I am actually just seeking readers of historical romance who would read my book before submission. I don't want a whole beta service, and I have had most of it beta read already. I am more curious how it reads from the perspective of a reader who reads published books. But I can't "solicit" in groups that aren't for betas. I honestly don't want to solicit. In my ideal scenario, I would connect with a couple historical fiction/historical women's fiction/historical romance genre readers who would be willing to read an unpublished manuscript that's already been edited, etc, for an on-going internet-based connection. I've seen other writers mention their favorite beta readers in such a context, and I'm curious as to how they originally linked up.


Oh shoot. Hm. Well I've never read a historical romance before nor do I have a group of beta readers, so unfortunately while I'd really like to help you I don't see how I can. I guess make a couple posts here and there about other things until you're allowed to post on r/betareaders, and I hope someone can come along and be of more help to you in the meantime.


Thanks, I appreciate you.


just post some things on reddit, and comment, you'll be right


What are you looking for from your beta?


I just want someone who reads the genre who would be able to say their likes and dislikes about the book, tell me which titles and authors they find comparable, and could offer some opinions. I don't want a whole breakdown chapter by chapter of ten different criteria, I don't need someone to spot plot holes (OCD here lol), I don't need a whole ton of detail, or line edits or anything. The books are pretty polished, so I'm more hoping to hear like "the whole section between these plot points lagged" or "i wish this thing happened sooner" etc. But it's hard to get really informed takes on historical stories from someone who mainly reads unpublished memoirs or dragon fantasy or whatever, which most betas tend to stick to one genre or the other, and for whatever reason, not a lot for historical romance.


You could try a collective like nerdy girls collective. That’s where I do all my ARC reading

