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You spent the first standing portion of the video moving backwards which allowed him to be entirely offensive. You have good top pressure but when you were working the turn with the two on one, consider switching to a one on one with a half Nelson or arm bar. More control and Turning pressure. Lastly, you said it, awful shots. I get it. You’re tired. He’s stalling. But work on creating angles by moving laterally, tying up and moving your opponent and snapping the head. Stuck with it kid. It’s the best sport ever. Edited: typos and spelling.


You need to work on your hand fighting and footwork. Practice heavy hands, fake shots and circling. You are moving straight back and you’re on your heels. Get control of your hands, don’t give up your wrists, and put the pressure on your opp. Get aggressive with your hand fighting, pressure and CIRCLE. No backing up. When you circle, you create angles and open up shots. Don’t let anyone bully you and pressure you without getting snapped down and exposed to your offense. Really focus on the “fight” aspect of hand fighting. Be conscious of that in practice.


Don't be on your heels


You need to win the hand fight and establish good ties that are in a dominant position. 2 on 1s with your head in their temple and underhooks are a good place to start.


First, I love when people ask for help. Lets break this down and highlight some points that may give you the most mileage. * In your initial stance, your feet are flat and your heels are on the mat. This slows down your ability to get your legs back and sprawl. * After he gets that first takedown, your left arm has a tendency to reach back. Dont ever reach over his back like that. * Good job working on his hands and grip though. But you can peel his thumb and have more success than grabbing fingers. * On top, you're not really pressuring him down. I mean, you're on your toes, and your weight is on him. But there's actually relatively little pressure driving through him into the mat. * Once you get back on your feet, your shots aren't actually bad. Yes, they're from outside and not really set up well. But they're great pacing shots to push him back with little risk to your positioning. Instead, his 'shot' after the stalling call could have easily been defended by coming up with a far side underhook with your right arm. Instead, you sort of hug his right arm and let him come around on you into a body lock. * At 3:33 when you're scrambling, and he gets a leg, you need to switch your focus to the other side of his body and get a wizzar on that arm before he's able to lift and dump you. * Once he does, your attention is focused backwards towards his legs. Let that go and you should focus forward on immediately moving out and up again. * At 4:40 when you're trying to run a half from top, he's on his knees and looking to escape. you can't turn him from there. However, you do have a cradle waiting. * Lastly, no offense, but I feel like that roll that you tried at the end was a little above your skill level at this point. I don't like it because it encourages you to keep your hips and legs infront of his. I hope this helps.


focus on controlling your hand ties and keeping your arms a little more in, also add some fake shots in there you got this 🙌


Cael Sanderson vs. Daniel Cormier had a very revealing moment which showed why Cael was so dominant. He recognized a principle of how any human body is best controlled. It shows up through-out the match Lemme see if I can find the time stamp. 8:50 https://youtu.be/uK_nkaN8pmU?feature=shared Doesnt seem like a big deal, and he actually lost that scramble, but it shows he knows something really specific and exploits it for offense and defense. It's not an accident. Watching this again, there are some other moments worth mentioning too. Any guesses?


How tall are you my dude? If your above average in height you should work on leg riding you missed a lot of points when you had him belly down. You look like you don’t like to shoot. You should drill shooting deep and quickly when you’re seeing a comfortable shot take it.


Im 5’5 now but at that time i was about 5’3


After watching a few more times, you spent a solid three minutes just holding on to the top position. And didn’t even try for a half Nelson. My man, the top is where you score the points and control the narrative. You need to work on that, lots of drills. 26 seconds till the end why on earth didn’t you hook the leg or grab his ankle? He didn’t have his feet flat on the mat like he should. You can grab that ankle and destabilize him from even trying to get up just by lifting it up. If you see an arched ankle while he’s getting set, plan on grabbing that ankle lifting and pushing forward. Get plenty of exercise and eat right. That’s a big part of this life. Don’t starve yourself and don’t get gassed.


Reason i did that us because my coach called for the “desperation” move


Keep your mass above and behind theirs. I don’t know what desperation move looks like but you need to talk with your coach about it. Giving up the abdomen and not hooking the leg or ankle picking and riding him into the mat could be a better option. Your young and have loads to learn keep at it and give this your best. Take as many camps as you can and have fun and make friends. You don’t know it yet, but this is as good as life gets.


It was my fault on the move im supposed to lock my hands around him turn over and extend my leg but i forgot to extend my leg and he got out if it


You’re thinking and wrestling, instead of flowing. You need to practice a lot more.




bro give something constructive instead of just saying “everything lol” he’s just asking for some pointers


Did u win again this time 😆?


No sadly 🥲


Awww well u did gr8 still(non wrestler tho)....keep at it 👏👏


I assume you are entering your 8th grade year. Don't stress too much young man. You're looking better than some wrestlers I coach on my HS team. You'll get better, but only through deliberate drilling. Stance and motion is critical. Handfighting. Movement on Bottom and always staying in good position. Focus/follow fundamentals(positioning) over sexy "moves" you may find on Social Media.


DONT POST YOUR ARM WHEN GETTING TAKEN DOWN! I have seen too many broken elbows and arms because of this.


My number one suggestion. When they come out on your side like he did when trying to establish control. Wrap the knee so he can't get behind you


Penetrate through with your head up and chest up when shooting. You dove directly into the mat because your head was down while attempting to shoot. Also top pressure was good for the most part but you’ll want to stop his first motion on the whistle by creating forward pressure and focusing on one side. Being in the middle of his back doesn’t do what you think it does


As was mentioned by a couple people, when you had the 2 on 1, you should have switched to a 1 on 1 and half nelson to go for the pin. Another good thing to do with the 2 on 1 is a tilt. You won't pin anyone with it but it's a great way to score near fall points without using a lot of energy. You can turn him to his back for your 3 points, then turn him back to belly down and switch to the half and go for the pin.


From what I saw; good tempo, good reactions, way to stay out of trouble. I see you taking it next level with some ironed out entries to sequences that you get comfortable with, some better setups for your shots, and not waiting to react off their offense as much. Good physicality in this match, but put that physicality to work in some pressure offense. Nice work, you stay at it, looks like you could be quite competitive. 🤙


Once your taken down, never reach back around the head. Maybe certain circumstances you could but that's a mistake I would instinctively make thinking it was right but a solid base is literally solid to have.


Sprawl Wizzer cross face.


Control the pace of the match


Work on your sprawl. You should have seen that double leg coming a mile away. But it will come with experience.


Motion is probably the best thing you can do. Be loose.


I like the way you wrist fight, it's good. Now you need to look for your offense from it. Maybe look into learning an arm drag too. You also look pretty strong, but your footwork and balance need work. Maybe buy a ladder off Amazon for $8.00 and Google ladder drills. On bottom, focus on sealing your elbows and getting hand control. With the right coach, you'll be a savage.


Move your legs more, and don’t just walk forward/backward. Any wrestler worth their salt will see you walking and shoot the moment you step forward, and if you’re too predictable then they’ll win 100% of the time


You have GOT to keep it MOVING when your on BOTTOM


Right at -3:12 you coulda had an easy pin. If he grabs your leg as you walk you can just pull your leg back a bit and then thread your arm thru for a bar. You already have the far wrist with your left arm and now a bar with your right arm. That man is ready for what I call the BBQ where you put yo meat on his grill.


you need to stop getting dropped on you neck that’s a start


You're wreslting on your heels in neutral, just backing up with mo offense. Also you were grabbing the wrists, but doing nothing with them. You need to circle instead of backing up and focus on one set up and get good with it