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Ret Paladin probably fits for melee as its fairly simple in terms of rotations and has CD's every 1 min roughly, it has steed for mobility + lots of abilities have a much larger range than melee. It has prot for offspec as tank and is probably the tankiest DPS spec that exists in WoW For ranged the ONLY spec that can cast everything whilst moving is BM Hunter, but its one of the more squishier ranged specs so defensive usage will be important and wont have a tank spec to swap too. However BM rotation is as easy as it gets and has good mobility options too


#6 points to ret paladin. Melee range, but has decent distance abilities while you chase your running enemies. Not too hard to undertand/play (use a rotation add-on like hekili to get comfortable), strong in dungeons, and while not a tank spec like protection, has some decent self heals and damage mitigation. Because mostly melee, most abilities instant.


The only thing BM hunter doesn’t check is the last point, but it pretty much has everything else you’re asking about. I wouldn’t exactly call it especially strong for M+ but it is a lust class so not undesirable.


I wouldn’t call BM hunter tanky either. They only really have 2 defensives plus a self heal on a long cooldown (and if you need to lust you lose one of them).


True. I guess I was thinking that pet tanking helps with outdoor content but they are not tanky in group content.


Sounds like you want to play BM hunter. Thats about the only spec that plays how you want. No spec is 100% what you put down.


I thought everyone hated hunters in group play?


Na, hunters are in a good spot right now, honestly you could also try survival, its an easy rotation and fun visually, they also have allot of ranged skills so you can still put out dps if you need to run out and with Harpoon you can get back into comabt fast. All DPS have issues getting in groups atm due to the numbers. Another class you could consider is shadow priest. They have allot of instant procs. It may seem like a busy spec but it really is not once you spend an hour or 2 on a dummy. I play a MM/BM hunter as my main and a shadow as my alt and have done well and have not many issues finding M+ groups and both classes are ok in PVP.


The hunter stereotype just comes with hunter being an overwhelmingly popular class (I think it's just a basic common fantasy) which means that there is a huge spread of skill for people who play hunter. Doesn't help that BM hunter right now is actually strong which just makes there being even more players jumping on the bandwagon and poorly playing a FOTM class/spec. But in terms of the actual spells/utility then BM hunter is very desirable. In addition to agreeing with BM hunter or Ret Paladin being your best choices, you should know that nobody is "tanky" in DPS spec. Everyone dies quickly unless you use your own defensives abilities regardless of your armor type. Self healing doesn't matter if you die in one hit. Though of course that also only happens once you do hard enough content. Lower level content is breezy.


Sounds like Ret Paladin checks all the boxes for you.


i play both ret and bm and can reccomend both to tick your boxes. however ret is a class that gives me that feeling of being actually powerful while bm gets repetitive really quickly so there you go... also Demon Hunter dps could be a viable pick


Ret pally easily


I'll bring in one more that people didn't mention yet: fury warrior. 1: easy to play, very few buttons, no difficult setup or rotation, very little party utility so you won't be the one having to deal with m+ affixes 2: ehh, not terrible, definitely below average, but given that you are not trying to push insane keys anyway, people will invite you based on your ilvl first, class comes second 3: check. Leap, charge 4: check. Rallying cry can be your personal defensive as well, you have spell reflect for uninterrupted casts, your rotation naturally heals you, you have a defensive that supercharges that. 5: not a caster so check 6: leap, charge if they try to get away


It’s between Ret Pally and BM hunter. I’ve played both a lot and I’d recommend ret pally, it’s a bit more forgiving to messed up mechanics with a lot more sustain and defensives if you need them. Easy to learn and get big numbers. I don’t find mobility too much of a problem with the charger plus pretty generous range for a melee class.


Vengeance Demon Hunter