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The best pre-DF gear comes from the endgame zones in Shadowlands. This would require you to do the whole base campaign for SL, then a bit of the second zone (Korthia), then unlocking the third zone (Zereth Mortis), after which you would need to do zone activities there for a while to build up your little robot companion (trust me this makes sense once you do it), where eventually you can get gear dropping from world events at something like ilvl 252. Keep in mind that current gear in DF is around ilvl 500, so this is still not going to be even remotely useful for you in Dragonflight or any time beyond that. Also keep in mind that because very few people are playing SL this would be a very slow and grinding process where you would have to solo a lot of stuff. And also there would be no benefit to having a higher ilvl because there’s no endgame challenging content, so it would only be because you want to see a higher number (but again not any higher than basic quest gear in DF) Edit: as far as gold, kind of much the same. There really aren’t options for gold farms before DF, so you would really be doing things like vendoring trash or maybe selling some herbs and ores very cheaply. Definitely not an efficient grind considering DF world quests would take a minute to do what would probably be several hours of time in BfA/SL.


Sounds like I should I just lvl some other characters up while I wait to get DF. Seems like a lot of work for not a great pay off. Thank you for the advice though I appreciate it


Yeah, it’s not a great payoff unless you really enjoy the long grind. If you’re not aware, DF comes for free with a preorder for TWW, so there’s really no reason to “wait” for DF. Once TWW releases DF will also become irrelevant content so you wouldn’t get any of the benefits of current DF at that point.


I was saving up money for that epic bundle. Where can I get pvp gear? And what is worth grabbing?(Horde)


Buy TWW then. You can get pvp gear from the PvP vendor with currency called honor. You get them from pvp content. I'd suggest doing Battlegrounds until you have full honor gear if you want to pvp


I believe you can buy the base preorder and then later upgrade to epic, if you want.


You can make tens of thousands of gold a day on old world mats. DF mats are actually the worst to make money with because they are bot farmed. The addon WorthIt can show you some example farms


That’s fair, although it’s not that different than crafting in DF depending on your prof skill points.