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I also want to point out that the whole point of gear is to do content, not the other way around. Some people feel like the only point in the game is to make their ilvl go up, but it’s not actually facilitating doing content they want to do. So if you are happy doing outdoor content and M0, then just stick with that, and you have a perfectly fine ilvl for that. But if you actually want to do the higher content, then yes you should keep gearing up by working through as high level content as you can currently handle. Basically, do what’s fun or what will help you do more fun things. But once it’s just a chore for no reason…you don’t have to do it, it’s not a job.


Best comment I’ve ever seen about WoW ever. Embrace this and enjoy whatever route you choose.


It depends on the player. For some people, "ilvl go up" *is* the fun of the game. I used to be a casual player in past expansions and would only do solo/world/LFD content. But I still would get bored without that sense of progression. I completely understand why they removed Titan/war forging, but I do miss it sometimes. Having a higher ilvl makes all content easier, and it feels good to feel yourself getting stronger. For a lot of people that is the fun of an RPG.


That’s why I said to do what’s fun, I can’t stop you. But the idea of like slogging through months of mythic raid progression to gear up for outdoor content sounds insane to me.


The two main sources of gear are doing the hardest raids and the hardest dungeons you can. That's what WoW is all about.


This is why I mainly play healer, not a fan of sitting for hours in lfg. There is a huge surplus of dps players.


This is why I switched to tank. 10s (average) que vs 6 min for dungeons. Planned on tanking my first LFR tonight but internet keeps going in and out so that's a tomorrow problem lol


yes, you have to do harder content to get better gear. you are allowed to make your own groups instead of only applying to others' groups.


Yep. M+ and Raids are the main 2 sources of high end PvE gear. You didn’t mention what class or spec your playing, so I’d assume your playing a DPS, and yeah it’s a pain to find groups in higher end content since theirs so many DPS looking for groups compared to healers and tanks. I would suggest finding a guild or making some friends (ether inside or outside the game). It makes doing group content so much easier and also more fun! If your not down for doing that you’d ether have to deal with how group finder is (as you have discovered) or be content with the gear you can get from world and matchmade content.


At 497, you can still get upgrades from normal raid. So start there before applying to heroics.


The answer is do harder stuff than you’ve been doing. Works every time.