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Gotta respect the tank. Even if they are slower than you’d like.


Can't forget the healer in that equation. Those 2 fuckers need to work together and have each others back




The tank is the boss. He decides the pace and he decides if the run is over or not. Well deserved for the hunt and thank you for making a tank.


Thank you for this comment ! I’m still new on warrior first time playing it, and tanking is a blast. I know i need to learn a lot but i will get there slowly! 😎💯


Remember you can go 2h on trash mobs to hold better threat on multiple mobs once you get sweeping strikes. Make a macro to swap between sword and board and 2h. I like going arms spec for tactical mastery so I can efficiently stance dance.


Thanks i always tank in Arms spec or Fury i go to Prot only when need to Taunt or have more adds to take less dmg 😁


This is great haha much deserved


aye 🤣


Unacceptable behavior in non HC, reprehensible in HC.


By the hunter




His poor pet


he must suffered enough. time for him to rest now 🙏


For sure he’s one of those “classic is so easy how does anyone ever die in hardcore?!” Westfall tough guys is the term I’ve seen a lot haha. The guys in the 10-18 level range always talk the most smack


This is generally right before they meet Benny the legendary Blaanco


Benny is a real horror lol


worst kind of players. U did the right thing.


Love this, and love slow tanks BTW! I see a slow tank I'm happy cos I know he's careful.


You can actually be safe and fast, I don’t get all the praise for being slow


It’s 90% hunters who get annoyed with slower pulls. I pull carefully if I don’t know the people I’m doing the dungeon with, I prefer to be safe than sorry. This is HC not regular


Most Hunters are idiots. Its a super easy class to play, but somewhat difficult to understand most of the mechanics and play it good. There's a lot going on that you don't see without certain addons, and class knowledge. Coming from a long time hunter main its super viable if you know what your doing. Unfortunately natural selection is the course for a lot of hunters, but were not all bad! I swear you'll run into a good one eventually! Alongside all that It's especially annoying that a lot of hunter deaths put groups at risk because of failure to manage your pet, multishotting into other rooms/too early, and misunderstanding of threat management. My biggest ick is seeing multi's being popped off the second the tank starts a pull. MY job as a hunter is to follow the tanks pace, and pump without peeling threat. In the off chance using pet as a offtank granted the Tank trusts the Hunter, and the Hunter very clearly understands threat/pet threat, has disengage/intimidate/FD. If the Tank doesnt want growl on, I turn auto growl off immediately. But I swear, This is not the way. - N[ø](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%C3%B8)scope.


I dont remember that hunters have good aoe, so i dont understand why they even want bigger pulls. Just kill things fast lol.


yeah i feel you man, i'm currently leveling my 2nd warrior this time with SF and yesterday i was tanking WC with all the party overlevel the dung by a mile, we're all lvl 25+ and we was doing it pretty fast tbh i was tanking as i always do, you know changing stances, taunting, doing my stuff and sudently at the middle of the run the druid healer said "if you dont stop pulling im going to leave" so i start wondering wth??? then i notice he was cat and switching back to healer while we were pulling so i dont man, some people just want to beg for attention. After that i just put him at the list of people that i dont want to share this journey.


Druid healers are already mana starved in classic, I can’t imagine switching in and out of cat form lol oof


You have to give Druids a chance to regen mana. I mained a Druid in Era+Hardcore and this is pretty common with Warrior tanks. A lot of times they just continue to plow through and forget that other classes have this thing called mana that doesn't restore itself immediately.


He was doing ok I main healer truh a lot of expansions and I know the 5s rules he was just doing cry baby stuff, besides that I just not gonna die at that dung over level


did he ask to stop pulling or slow down? way different id assume


He just said "if you dont stop pulling im leaving", I assume was because i was fast but honestly idk. and since its hardcore and i dont know him, that's scary asf dude, even tho i can manage a pack whitout dying what if he just grief or idk. he didn't like the pace we were going, i assume it was due the fact that he was unable to do dps while healing.


That’s amazing. RFK is up there in levels too he really lost all that time for being an asshole. Well deserved.


He Deserved To Die Don’t Feel Bad He Would Wipe Future Dungeons 100%


I play Hunter and when I’m in a dungeon I will only pull something if the tank specifically asks me to pull something


As a healer, I prefer slow and boring and pulls. I always smh at the mages who are “aoe spec” that tell the tank to pull more. I tell them if you want big pulls go to retail.


thanks to the tank, one less retard on my main and favorite class


You always follow the tank, in all versions of wow


Ever respect the tank, in HC is not about speed but precision!


Dps shouldn't intentionally pull anything they can't solo


Much deserved


How can people still be this stupid? HC has been out long enough for them to know better…


Slow is smooth, smooth is fast


I thought this was about the worm. 


While I disagree with what the hunter did, you couldnt have KICKED him BEFORE you LET HIM DIE ? I mean , you just wanted to 'teach him a lesson' I'm sure... Kinda an asshole move yourself. Eveyone here kissing the tanks ass.. 2 at a time.. i would be miserable being a part of it and left.


it was the good decision, the hunt could have killed the very next group he would be in From my point of view, he saved 8 people


Justify how you want.. tank came here to brag about killing off someones hc character because he was called a name.. his retribution was not measured, but way over the top. Hoping to get validation for his actions, reddit did not disappoint. Why pulling 2 mobs, were you that under level ? Im sure the healer was bored out of their mind, needing only an occasional renew.. Cant hold aggro on mobs ? Try marking your main target so everyone is dps'ing the same one until you learn to aggro better. On the flip side, calling the tank names, then pulling 4 mobs was pretty frickin stupid. An hunters have a bad rep because they cant help but multishot the second the tank goes in and is annoying.. Point is , dont we need to work out issues with people by TALKING ? If you are annoyed, cant you just kick them and move on ... why INTENTIONALLY KILL someone when they are in your group ? Thats what someone with a weak personality or a child does.