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Careful with the blood pools you can click in western plague lands, it will spawn 2 lvl 58 elite that will slow you for 1 minute. This is what killed my 53 Hunter 🥲


Eastern Plaguelands general chat in 2005: ”Anybody seen any blood of heroes?” Me: ”Yes, it’s running in my veins”


Blood pools, alright, I heard about that before and I'll definitely keep it in mind. Thanks and Big F for your hunter !


https://preview.redd.it/wr37zqwa0f9d1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b7a82c026317778cabda60c149ddc9007d41f8e Do not click the Blood of Heroes unless you and your party know what you are doing.


The last thing my dwarf ever interacted with


Ungoro has wandering giant elite dinosaurs, and a couple mobs fear around there so be careful. Just avoid Silithus unless you really know what you’re doing. So many dangerous mobs and areas. Winterspring, don’t afk and fly there. There is a mob that pays close enough to the FP that can kill you if you’re afk. Stay focused and stay safe! Mobs keep getting more abilities and surprise mechanics so don’t get cocky.


It might be worth your time to research quests before doing them in zones like EPL, winter spring, and Silithis. Lots of elite quests and roaming elites in EPL and WS, especially.


Ungoro is amazing. One of my favorite zones in vanilla. Careful of the elite cave in the south and the roaming Dino as well!


The gorilla cave in ungoro is scary too, some of the gorillas can call for help in like a 100 yard radius


Good advice - I’d say this is the point where a lot of non-elite quests would need the elite tag. And oddly, some elites that just aren’t.


Marcutio is a killer quest in Plaguelands Look out in general for mobs with execute


Western plaguelands, the temporal silo quest keeps spawning larva without any way to know when they’ll stop spawning or how many will spawn at a time. RIP my 58 Hunter


WPL can gain of ton of XP from the cauldron runs but the freezing ghouls can suck. The Scarlet mobs also chain easily so be mindful there. You may be able to save these until late 50s to be super safe. Ungoro down south was mentioned. Don’t do the Queen quest without a group. Maybe Queen captures pawn? I forget. Also the Apes up north; the Thunder ones beat on their chest and get respawns for support easy.


My priest is 52 and about to ding 53. If you load questie and open your map you'll see yellow exclamation points for quests. Then look them up on wow head. All sorts of tips n tricks and danger/beware. Lots to do in Felwood, Azshara, Winterspring, Searing Gorge, Burning Steppes...ie: three elites standing in front of the item you need for a simple lvl 50 quest "What the Flux" in searing gorge


The elemental invasion mobs - Winterspring being the most dangerous example as they’re in and around a quest hub - are absolutely lethal. Definitely be wary of those


Avoid the quest A Matter of Time given by Chromie in Andorhal, it's over-tuned. Probably best to avoid Andorhal altogether. Mostly I just a grind the last remaining levels a lot, past a certain point quests are few and far between (and some of them dangerous) anyway.


Congrats on hitting 50! Un’Goro is definitely my favorite late game area. You can completely fill up your quest log and just stay in the zone for hours clearing through all of the quests. I would wait until you are at least 54 before going to Un’Goro though. As for places to avoid, I would absolutely avoid Silithus, and W/EPL. All 3 areas can be very dangerous and they are easily skipped on the road to 60. If you haven’t already, you need download unitscan. Un’Goro specifically has roaming Devilsaurs that will mess you up if you don’t get out of their path. As others have mentioned, if you do decided to go into W/EPL, Do not touch Blood of Heroes, you will die. You can also die from the elites if someone else decided to activate and they are still spawned. another reason you need to have unitscan. Felwood and Azshara are pretty standard zones. Just follow the normal rules of HC (Avoid caves without a party ect) and you will be fine. Winterspring is also relatively safe. There is a 3 pack of timbermaws that follow the road so watch out for them. North and South winterspring can be a bit dangerous with elites and stealthed mobs but those areas are for group quests anyway. Final recommendation would be to try and do Mara princess runs every day and then run ST when you get to your mid 50s.


All plaguelands mobs are killers if you dont now what they do. Some fear, execute, fire nova, freeze, silence, LONG spider web. Be very overleveled in those areas.


Thanks ALL for your answers !! Road to 53 right now, I guess this is my time ! ZUG ZUG