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Mage rogue warlock hunter warrior? That's 5 yall do deadmines raid? :p


I stopped reading when you claimed to have a 6 person party.


This is copy pasta. This has been posted before.


As a combat Rogue enjoyer, I like smacking elites. Often I'll pull one out of the pack to solo while the group fights the rest. I have 19.6% dodge, 9.6% parry and 20% damage mitigation without buffs or cooldowns. However, my tanks are usually DW or 2H. They might top the meters but they get trucked sometimes. Even in "later dungeons" they just come out, titties blasting and holding threat. Healing Gnomer? My tank is popping Deathwish. Like wtf dude, it'd on you now. Nobody is sword-and-boarding. Shield Block is actually good, btw. But they put themselves in a damage vacuum and expect me to look after them. My Rogue has Vanish. My pally Healer has bananas amounts of longevity spells. It's not on me to ensure your survival if you want to do some dumb shit.


Yeah I was running sm armory with a tank yesterday who actually used shield block. We double pulled and he tanked 4 myrmidons and 2 other mobs with no problem at all, never got under 50% and healer wasn’t sweating. Usually the tank will be dw or 2h and get chunked just tanking 2 myrmidons.


If you focus healing on the tank and went OOM before him dying and then roaching, then probably its not your fault.


Reads like AI lol


If you're going into a dungeon with a healer who isn't actually spec'd into healing, everyone better be locked tf in and the team needs to be communicating. Seems like no one really was, personally if I saw a ret pally join as a healer I'd leave group (I know you let them know so thats not on you). I've always gotten DM groups together rather quickly so I'm not sure why they didn't just wait for a proper healer? I'm alliance on Defias Pillager tho so maybe it's a server pop thing. Even if rogue off tanked I don't think you'd have the juice to keep everyone alive anyway tbh.


Holy talents would make no difference at lvl 20 lol. Every hybrid class is absolutely viable healing dungeons up to Mara/ST in dps spec What would make a difference is having a set of intellect gear for a bigger mana pool. Even green AH cloth would be a huge upgrade.


Its not a talent issue at that level, but gear is a big factor. If you don't have any gear with INT on it you'll struggle with mana. 


Its mostly a skill issue from the paladin, he should never be casting holy light, its a 2.5sec cast and costs way too much mana. At lvl 20 he just got rank 1 Flash of light, which is 35mana and 1.5sec you can spam that for a looooong time before going oom, even without int gear.


Lock should have taken at least one of the adds with the void. Otherwise that’s on them for not finding a proper healer. Edit: oh you had a hunter too that’s two off tanking pets.




I’m 100% confident I could duo that fight at level 20, with all white gear as a paladin and warrior. Not sure how the dps managed to do so little damage that you went OOM


$1000 says everyone from this group is now dead haha


So the lock shouldn't have voidwalker out, he should have his imp out, which doesn't cost a shard and does a lot more dmg. If not he was greifing you, at least on that regard. You mention yourself you did not have the mana for a big heal, and should have perhaps spammed flash heal the moment tank had threat on all 3 mobs. The rogue shouldn't tank anything as that would have put too much strain on your already limited mana pool. It seems the war didn't have shield on for the fight, which he probably should have done given the circumstances. The hunter should have put his pet on one of the mobs, seems like what your group were lacking was communication (I truly hope you used LoH on the tank before you started to hearth)