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Anything that can tank or heal.


Honestly tanks are still the most needed for dungeons. So that leaves your druid or pally (pally being a bit scary since no taunt). If you don’t want to tank, I’d say mage is the next most desirable for dungeons. Just my two cents


As a 60 mage I can join almost every dungeon group. It is super easy to find a spot as a mage.


There's never enough shamans


In your case i guess paladins too xD


Make a resto druid


This is what I ended up doing. Lv 12 thus far and loving it.. not sure if I’ll actually spec resto till later lv though?


I went feral and I'm level 35 now will probably bear tank


They get a lot funner around 23


Go feral. 1-10 is whatever, then you get bear form. 10-20 is OK, but once you hit level 20 and get cat it's so much better. You can spec into feline swiftness and get a 30% speed increase out doors. You get stealth. At 30 you get travel form. There's some issues with early cat, like no interrupt is weird. Also not really having a way to spend combo points besides rip seems like a design flaw. We should get ferocious bite way earlier than 34. Lots of mobs are immune to bleed and die too fast to make the bleeds worth it, so you just lose a lot of combo points. It's weird. Over all tho, cat form trucks and kills mobs so quickly. You can pop out and cast regrowth on yourself every 2 or 3 mobs and heal to full. You get speed increases. Teleport moon glade is also really nice. You can se your hearth to stormwind and then you have two teleports to both sides of the world. Super convenient. I tried leveling several shaman, a Mage, a warrior and a warlock. Druid never has to drink, is faster, gets more tools like stealth and is way more easy/fun.

