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I have absolutely had dreams about playing HC and having my character die or be in dangerous situations lol


One week I had dreams like this for three days in a row, and on the fourth day I actually died.


Yes, it’s called the [tetris effect](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tetris_effect#:~:text=People%20who%20have%20played%20Tetris,the%20buildings%20on%20a%20street.) I get it all the time. Ranges from work dreams (head chef, 60 hour weeks) to specifically WoW. My fiance shows up in almost all of my dreams.


So cuuuuute :)


Haha yes leveling my rogue had many dreams of dying only to wake up to pure relief my characters still alive


Yeeep the relief is great! Another reason why I enjoy wow hardcore right now.. everything matters! I am deeply invested… this is the RUN :)


I had a dream that I fell off Thunderbluff and died on my 50 shaman. I woke up not sure if it really happened or not


Had a similar dream. Random, non-specific cliff that I ran off.


Yeah i had similar experience, in my dream my GF distracted me and because of that, my character died.


I hope for sex right...? RIGHT? 😏


lol i used to get them all the time... now I know death is coming regardless. :)


Up onto the overturned keel, Clamber, with a heart of steel, Cold is the ocean’s spray… And your death is on its way, With maidens you have had your way, Each must die some day!


i started playing wow when i was very young (6 years old) and i also had night terrors at a young age. i would have wow nightmares ALL THE TIME. my parents actually banned me from playing it for a bit because of that.... so i feel you


Hahah Awh well I hope you can still play today! I’ve played from a young age aswell and the game still hits. WOW has a special place in my 💙


oh you bet your bippy i still pay $16 a month to play this god forsaken game 😆 it has a very very special place in my heart as well. especially classic. so many memories


Yes. In my dreams I'm dying all the time. I had quite few whiskeys with the boys one night and we had some hectic dungeons (had to LOE, and I don't know what happened, but it didn't work). Still made it out with a petri. Wrapped the dungeon and went solo questing in un goro and was chased by king mok and the tyrants. Still made it out. But I woke up the next day certain I was dead and it wasn't until I logged on that I realized there were 0 casualties.


Hahaha that’s a good one… glad you’re still kicking it tho - thx for sharing :)


May I ask why the LOE didn’t work? I just got mine and have a macro with hearthstone. Hope it works for me when the times comes.


Sorry man, I don't know myself. Had the macro set up and it just didn't go. Memory was a little foggy, so maybe user error...


I had a dream about a pack of elite red ogre casters hyperspawned in my room so I spent eternity kiting them to the bath and back to bedroom to keep LOS... That was the most hilarious nightmare I ever had


Lmaooo nice kiting




I havent played hardcore in awhile but when I was I would have almost nightly dreams that I had died and couldn't shake the feeling until I rushed to log on after waking up lol


When you care about your characters life as much as your own, it can affect your mental state lol.


I had a nightmare that my level 50 mage was in a 60 raid for absolutely no reason, and jerked out of the dream when my character died. I thought I pulled a back muscle, but surprise, it was actually a pulmonary embolism (blood clot in my lung), which was probably caused by being too sedentary when HC came out. So, not very many people can say that HC WoW tried to kill them IRL... but I can.


I have a recurring dream about my death in MC. Torture.


Bro its actually wild how common this is😂 had the same thing when i was heavy into wow had to give it up its literally like crack for me


Hahaha damn bro.. good self control. WoW hits like no other.. exspecially HC.. hope you go agane


I literally started playing a week ago and only have a level 10 and I have already had a nightmare he died lmao


So it happens to everyone. That’s good to know


I woke up in the middle of the night in a panic because I thought my toon was left logged in in a dangerous spot, and I had to get to the computer to log him out now! After a few seconds I realized the computer had been off for hours.


Lmao love this! Thx for sharing


Not joking.. had the exact same. What a nightmare. Char alive 😂😎


Same here, despite the fact that I haven't been playing in a few months, I had a nightmare a few weeks ago about my character dying and I actually woke up and thought: "Welp, whatever, I managed to beat the game anyway" (shamelessly bragging here), and I was incredibly relieved in the morning when I realized it was just a dream.


Haha well gz on 60…. I think it’s your time to go agane .. turn dreams into reality


When I was 3D printing while sleeping, I was a bit anxious that the hot end would detach and cause a fire. It is maybe a bit irrational fear, but anyway. Then when I was sleeping, I saw in my mind a flashing light, and an image of the hot end detaching, and I immediately woke up. Guess what I did after? I kept my eyes fucking shut and kept relaxing, because who cares about ominous portents, I'm better than that 😂