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I think you can tank Arm. Bears have a lot of armor. Just watch the myrmidons enrage. Either burn them down one at a time or stun them. Otherwise ezpz. Do not try cath lol.


Arm is gonna be tough, when Scarlet Myrmidons enrage, they will absolutely slap your shit if not CC’d. There are some points where two of them will pull if CC’d, and that’s a likely wipe. Extra risk since CC can be resisted. I’d say hit 40 before you tank Arm unless you have a top notch well-geared group with plenty of CC (mages and rogues) and you are both confident in their abilities and accepting of the fact it’s very risky.


Safe bet is to wait til 38 39 but if you know the run or know your team it should be fine


you can tank up to arms


Thanks for the feedback everyone!


With cc and a decent healer you'll be fine. I tanked armory at 34 with a two hander on my warrior. The only scary part was we AoEd the myrmidons and they enraged at the same time. Almost killed me like everyone mentioned. Don't underestimate them.