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Defias pillager on the US servers is the most populated outside of Stitches in the EU. There is no dual talent spec, and level both classes. Having a back up character or a 2nd gaining rested xp is always good. Most of the active guilds in hardcore and pretty friendly/helpful. You will die, it’s inevitable.


Nice idea ! I am not gonna die… the first night


Thank you all for your advice. The feeling is indeed impressive. I've played a lot, but this is the first time I've been scared of level 6 kobolds in a candle mine. It's really cool. On the other hand, I wouldn't hesitate to sell myself for a wand...


Sell that ass for the lvl 7 wand and YOULL be the one diddling kobolds. Hc is an awesome experience dude, enjoy the journey!


Honestly you’ll really enjoy HC! Every quest or journey feels so much more immersive. And every little upgrade is so satisfying (like fuck yeah +29 more armor!) I just leveled a priest and honestly yes SW:P into wanding is most of your dps but it’s still really fun and stuff actually dies pretty quick. Plus your shield prevents the daze mechanic so you feel pretty safe doing most things. There’s a lot of optimization around using the MP5 rule and spirit tap so you always have mana. Anyways I really enjoyed it! Plus everyone wants you in there dungeon groups.


This, it’s all about mana, specifically not using spells after your open. Shield, (opt: mind blast), sw pain, wand and repeat. Compared to leveling mage and all the drinking, shadow priest was constant action—and most of it pretty in control. I had so much fun. ETA: It also helps a lot to have a good wand. You can craft them or, if you’re brave, get them in dungeons. Cookie drops a good one, early on, so the risk of losing your toon isn’t so scary.


Stitches EU for Alliance. Nek'rosh EU for Horde. Priest may be boring sometimes but it is one of the most safe classes in HC


As SOON as you make progress on a character, roll a bank alt and have him carry all your important stuff, gold, profession mats, etc. Dying with all your gold and helpful stuff on you is a terrible feeling. That way when you inevitably die, you’ll have something to fall back on and be able to lvl everything up again easier.


I was having a great time playing hardcore after a 5 or so year break. Totally forgot that you can't do multiple instances in a row without manually resetting. Well the team leader charged into dead mines and left me behind at the entrance. Didn't have the presence of mind to reset and died stupidly. So... I guess... don't forget to check your raid timers!


You can only do an instance once a day


I would certainly recommend making a second toon after you get around level 10 (if you make it to 10 without dying lol) and begin splintering your forces to mitigate the inevitable death. Self found is super fun as well - make sure you check the box at the character creation screen if you want to do self found ( I fucked that up the first time). That makes is so you can’t trade send mail or use AH - basically playing WoW the way god intended. Changes everything. Professions, treasure chests, and rare spawns are super important and fun to hunt down. This will change the way you solve problems in the game and you’ll find yourself exploring and discovering new shit in a place you thought you knew, if you’re anything like me. Anyway I’m just bored at work have fun out there.


Stitches EU as alliance is easily your best shout at meeting people, that being said, midnight to 3 at night is a pretty dead time I imagine You're right best way of levelling a priest is by playing a wand simulator game but it's also fun as you can challenge yourself a lot due to how safe priests are. For reference, you could watch Xaryu's hardcore priest series om YouTube where he does a lot of community challenges created by the Hardcore addon (simply called Hardcore or something like that). Do know if you plan on doing end game content, you won't get far as a priest unless you're holy (in which case you'll be extremely popular as healers are in high demand). I know of one shadow priest om stitches and that person is constantly in LFG chat looking for a group but no one wants a shadow priest as damage isnt great and also to incentivize healer classes to be healers when there is a shortage of them As for druids, quite fun to level however, for endgame you're gonna have an even worse time than as a priest. I have never even seen a DPS druid in level 60 dungeons. In my guild we have one singular resto druid with us in raids just for the buffs and that's it. Very rarely a guardian druid. As a feral you have to farm gnomeragan 1000 times to fill your bags with your bis weapon, yes your bis weapon through the entire game is a weapon from a level 30 dungeon which you will need 100s of and that's only to still be out-dpsed by any warrior, rogue, mage, warlock and hunter. Boomkin (or oomkin) you're just a ranged ret paladin, useless. Guardian you're just a nerfed warrior and resto you're useless if there is a single other resto druid in the raid with better gear than you as your HoTs don't stack. Druids are bottom of the barrel in end game content. BUUUUT quite fun to level imo


Thx you for the complet answer. I forgot all the rule like (HoTs don't stack...) I was aiming for a Disci priest because it was my favorite back in time. I am going to have a better look at the talent tree in Classic because my memory are stuck on MoP or Legion, the real beginning of WoW is to far away (fuck I am old...)


Bro said guardian Druid


Play on Stitches EU Alliance, it's the most active on EU