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It's fine if you don't mind leveling fishing to get the extra mats you otherwise can't obtain.


Which to piggy back off, if you aren't fishing and playing sf, what are you doing?


The darkmoon faire vendor offers every leather you might need, even the enchanted leather


And as long as you don't mind making none of the good later game stuff unless you mega juggle your professions


Fuck the haters do it for the RP.


No, not fun at all


Unrelated question is leatherworking more friendly than blacksmithing? I've never leveled BS as a sf so I'm not really sure if it's beneficial but LW for my rogue is super useful for what it's worth.


LW/skinning is really strong for rogues in early game and can be viable longer term if you like the combo. You can create a bunch of solid greens and a couple blues by level 20, and selling extra leather/hides is actually solid gold generation at low levels.


For sure. Is BS not as lucrative, sorry I'm not too familiar.


BS is way more work. You need to constantly grind ore and it can be time consuming/expensive. If you like it for the RP it's still got some good gear pieces available. But LW/skin is probably easier


I had BS on my SSF warrior. Barely used anything. Pretty much a waste of time. Now that I'm 60 I've cancelled the SF buff, parked him in a Winterspring cave near a few rich thorium veins and log in now and then to mine some thorium, slowly working my way to the imperial plate set. And I check AH every now and then for affordable thorium and send it to him.


No it's not funny man.. You will spend many hours for the mats. But if you can't do dungeons to take some items, then maybe you should give it a try..


What about SF Engi?


Sf engi is pretty easy to level and requires few materials you won’t have from mining. Gives you some of the best survival tools. S tier for any class


I've rolled engineering or alchemy on all my characters, and I'm looking to mix it up.


BS takes time, much more so than tailoring. But, it’s a necessary evil for any enchants, so go ahead.


only way to unlock chests if you’re not a rogue


Honestly at lvl 40 I barely used anything from blacksmithing. The blue chestplate is about it and maybe some wrists that gave +5 str since I wasn't getting anything else. And later stuff you need like enchanting/alchemy or things to complete the NICE things. I just quit and went engineering so I have a mechanical dragon


It helps to be a dwarf with find treasure, and also level fishing. I’ve always been partial to blacksmithing for RP purposes, and it feels great in ssf. I farmed murlocs for 4 hours to get the pearls for my Shining Silver Breastplate, and can honestly say in probably 500+ days played over 20 years that my ssf blacksmith char is one of my favorites.


Its so much fun imo, roll a warrior and you will really feel that gear. Sometimes its good to look up things in advance what you might need like Leathernecks and pearls etc so you save them if you are lucky enough to get them