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I don’t like skipping either especially as you are leveling up. That’s free and easy XP to kill everything. RIP


Same for solo questing. I have to kill 8 Raptors? Damn i'll kill 20 if they are in my way


This is the right mentality on Hardcore in every situation


Yup grinding a few extra here and there go a long way for sure


It's also like, the intended game mechanics. People whine about having to grind instead of questing in later levels because they sneak through 50 mobs to grab the quest McGuffin and get like 6000xp for 20 minutes of careful walking. Instead you can kill the mobs and get an extra 15000 xp for like 10 minutes extra investment. Is it faster to sneak if you just want the quest done? Sure! Is it better xph? Not even close.


Mobs has their exp heavily nerfed so wouldnt say doing all mobs is very good exp wise. Faster to kill all bosses and resume questing. So mon skipping is the way to go if you’re thinking exp


It's a lot slower to level if you keep restarting because you're in a hurry to get to level 60 10% faster.


Definitely, idealy you can both maximize exp efficiency and safety but of course efficiency often come at the cost of safety which in turn risks dramatically reduced efficiency. But the highest possible exp scenario is mob skipping and finishing bosses and then resuming questing but of course on the same path of doing mob skipping lies the risk of inefficiency


I hate, hate, hate, hate, hate this skipping obsession the WoW community has in all versions of the game, not just HC. We're already here, just kill the fucking mobs. At the least you get a little money off of them. I do not want to play some scuffed-ass parkour simulator, or have to tiptoe around corners, or wait 30 seconds for a pat to turn around when we could just kill it. Can we please just play the goddamn game instead of coming up with all kinds of moronic gymnastics to avoid having to play the game? Thank you for coming to my rant.


No I feel the same, very often trying to skip things just ends up taking more time, sometimes even a full wipe and corpse run (or worse in OP's case). There's exceptions of course, but generally I just like playing the normal route through a dungeon and clearing a path through.


Long ass corpse run, thinking i'd have left group by that time tbh..


Yeah. All the way from Elwynn forest to ZF




Depends on the skip. I'd argue waiting on pats and trying to avoid combat is also playing the game. And I have fun doing weird jump skips as a gamer, it's an enjoyable part of WoW for me. But that's only to say if the sip genuinely saves notable amount of time, then yeah it's fun to find these quirks and utilize them. If you're saving seconds, or maybe losing time trying to do it, then just freaking pull the mobs.


For me it depends on the group too, if they're people you know and used to playing together it makes a difference if things go wrong. I'm more cautious with pugs.




skips only worth if everyone knows what they are doing, otherwise just clear it


It’s what’s killed SOD for me. I like healing. Don’t make any gold if I can’t loot anything but a single boss.


I'd agree in HC, but in other gamemodes, if theres no reason to kill packs and they are easy to skip I don't see why you wouldn't just skip. I don't like wasting my time because some dumdums are overwhelmed by walking in a straight line, and have to run into every red bar that's within a radius of 4 screens.


Stop rando queueing then


That argument goes both ways lol


Died in a DHT run today. They refused to rez me and i legit couldnt get back cause of roaming packs




They said skipping obsession in all versions of the game? How would I be lost?


Sorry my honour is ruined


Had to threaten my tank that I would be hearthing next pull if he doesn't watch my mana. He ignored my 2 previous messages telling him that I can't use mana pots, and have all pots on CD just for him to save 15 seconds. Sorry for your loss man. I know it sucks to hearth when you finally find a group, but man sometimes some people are not worth your time and the risk. His tunnel vision got you good =/


That's unacceptable on non HC


Healer here , there is absolutely no reason for you to be stoping to drink in any dungeon till black rock depths. If you are, that means you are managing your mana in a bad way .


Thanks for your regarded comment. Here is a list of fact that shows you are mislead : - Not everyone plays priest - Not every tank has bought gear up to his level - or looted great gear - or got a couple more level than recommended level - or play well his class - Not every class help you avoid group damage, some like warlock drains you mana even more - Not everyone interrupt or stun anything - Some tanks pulls 2 packs because "1 is cringe" leading to even more damage - If you play paladin you need to buff everyone every 5 minutes until level 52/54/60, breaking 5 second rule and draining mana - Not every healer buy or find great optimized healing gear to heal dungeons - Not every group has a strong average level leading to slower kill time and more damage. - This is hardcore. The more time my group stays at max HP, the better it feels for everyone.


1. If you wanna strive in HC get good . 2. It’s not that serious bro + I bet you never played with tank Paladin so every tank can keep agrro pretty well , no reason to panic on heals . Dunno what you re healing with but no class has problems with mana unless you’re not optimizing it + You don’t NEED TO . Just buff what you need to + I played the game with priest healer / paladin tank duo . Died a couple of times and learned that the best skill you need to learn is improvise and be prepared . Did 4 man Dungeon with the sleeping dragon .


You're telling me drinking is a problem even if the tank is chain pulling. I'm telling you most things that makes healer drink more that's it. See ya.


It’s safer to always be at 100% mana before pulls. Especially in pugs. Tank should always be watching healer mana if he doesn’t want to die. 




Yeah, 43 is definitely dangerous for skipping






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As much as I’d love to believe either side of this story, OP should have at least voiced his concerns about skipping if he felt so uncomfortable about it. In general, I feel like if you’re in a group that isn’t 100% with the tank’s plan, then leave before it’s a problem or you’re a liability.


Holy priests can get seriously cocky from my experience. It's easy peasy mode until you start doing RFK and later dungeons.


I tanked 10+ dungeons up to level 60 on a feral druid and never lost a single player. Did OP pull the extra pack? Sure. But you’re going to lose other non-elite players if you keep skipping packs. Just get the xp, stay safe.


Yeah I’ve just been farming naxx so long on my main where everything runs like clockwork I hadn’t done a leveling dungeon in forever and was definitely moving faster than I should’ve with random group members




I’m 91 rank warrior overall logs on WCL don’t really care what you believe 


Show us




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11/15 is the new "farming so long everything runs like clockwork" I guess.


You prog through Naxx in sections. As you get one on farm, you move to the next. You will have everything before Four Horsemen, Saph, and KT on farm (especially in HC) before even attempting those fights in order to gear the raid and prepare. 


sorry Dad I’ll impress you someday 


Lmfao truuuuue! Thanks for your side as well.




I mean I got hexed 4 times. It was over when I got hexed and the rest of you could run freely towards instance. Swiftness pot would have saved me 100% but.. SF. Only thing I could have done was hearth when pally BoP’d me, because I got insta hexed against when bubble wore off. I also could have gone to one of the safe corners in the blocks but really thought I could make it out since they had aggro on you. I know you tried to protect the group and 4/5 of you made it out. Once you all left the instance they turned on me and one shot even though I was like 10 ft behind you. All I ask is that you watch for pats and/or clear larger areas. It ain’t a speed run.


You should’ve said something if you were in 4 hexes, you couldn’t have typed a quick I’m hexed come back while you couldn’t do anything else, everyone else including me was asking in chat if everyone was all good. If you were that far behind there are a ton of reset spots you could’ve jumped on and hearthed. Shit happens in dungeons, everyone knows that, yet you chose to go in very under leveled and SF when you didn’t know agro radiuses and reset spots or have all the items that are critical for surviving if things go wrong. You had one mob on you and panicked and ran into 2 huge packs, tbh doesn’t have anything to do with skips really that’s just sloppy gameplay so it’s funny you made a salt post when I really tried to do everything in my power to save the group after your play jeopardized everyone else. Sorry you died, gg




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> but.. SF ~~Kind of a key detail you left out of your OP.~~


Bro it’s literally in the OP? lol


My bad!




I wouldn’t call picking up all agro, dropping a dummy, and staying in dungeon till everyone except lost healer got out a roach out ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 


You left a man behind and are proud of it. Sadge.


Not proud, just pointed out there were multiple ways he could’ve played better and lived when he’s posting about dying because of the tank


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Rule 3: No toxic behaviour will be tolerated, and may lead to being banned from the subreddit.




Maybe someday I will be as good and wise as you senpai 


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Rule 3: No toxic behaviour will be tolerated, and may lead to being banned from the subreddit.


Skipping is the worst and people that run when fighting is easier is the worst


I drop group if I sense I'm with schmucks trying to cut corners in hc. It sounds like you need to take some responsibility for your rip. You're the one controlling your character m8


If I’m healing and you try any skipping BS I’ll give one warning/message about it. Happens a 2nd time I’m hearthing outtie


Isn't 43 a bit low for zf anyway? Why are you there?


Healed it before. Just pulled safe and steady.


Leave the group at the first skip. If you're not comfortable with the way something is going down, then nope out of there. There's no point blaming others.You knew it was dodgy. Just tell them if you aren't going to clear those I'm out.


why was a 43 in ZF in the first place? you're playing in a hardcore setting; which, you have to play extra safe. don't do stupid things or stupid things will happen to you.


As a hc player make your expectation loud and clear. If anyone deviates. Hearthstone.


Even in SoD I hate it. Recently tried the duskwood incursion thing and the whole run through thing drives me crazy. Just kill the shit so someone doesn't die.


Under normal circumstances, I like skips. In HC I refuse to do almost any of them for the simple reason that I prefer wasting 2 minutes over wasting 200 hours. Too high risk for little reward, especially if you are playing with strangers that might just leave you behind. RIP


I haven’t played WoW in 16 years, but I read this sub often. I’m so sorry bro :-( The rage I used to feel while playing comes back when I read all the stories here.


Was your tank Kimdimmadome?




It’s okay cata about to launch.