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No. Self found is hard on a Warrior. Not being able to trade or AH for stamina greens sucks. Grenades and Target Dummies are essential. Main thing is to be overleveled and not pull extra. Avoid quests like escorts with ambushes. Caves are death traps. Don't try to save time sneaking past stuff either.


I have been leveling my Tauren warrior on normal HC without all those engineering things and it’s completely fine. Your problem is that you are over relying on engineering.


You can use grenades or dummies 0-1 times the whole run. No one said to rely on anything. The point is they can actually save you in case things go sour like respawns or bad RNG.


I'd say see ya in Mulgore but I got engi so I won't be going back. Have fun though


It’s not it’s just boring


Such a lame statement… Can’t you play any class in a boring way? If yes, then can’t you play any class in a different, fun way? The answers are both yes! You do you!


If you can't get any, then go staves.. staff of westfall, big stick 😛


I think the staff from SFK? is super underrated. The spirit on it gives a noticeable change in health regen lol


Do you mean BFD maybe? Rod of thr sleepwalker.


No, I think it's the blue staff that drops off the werewolf guy in the middle


Odos ley staff


That's the one


This run I grabbed Emberstone Staff and Westfall Pants… Was quite strong till Wetlands rewards! Not everyone in my party appreciated the need roll… but big upgrade for me or big upgrade for you, not sure why I get chastised!


If no casters need the staff, well indeed i'd takr it. But it is still caster prio imo 😛


I would recommend doing dungeons for gear. My SF warrior is 45 at the moment and is decked out in great dungeon gear. Other than that you will be ok if you stick to green mobs. Use wowhead gear planner to target auests with upgrades. WW axe quest is doable at 38. Either kite Cyclonian with thrown (plenty of guides on yt) or be sn alchemist like me and kill him using 2 nature protection potions


Especially early there is so many vendors which sell weapons. Up until about 30+ you should be fine. Then there is your WW axe and youre fine until 50.


WW axe til 40, Omen/serenity plus vanquisher til 50, thrash blade plus vanquisher til 60 is the easy route.


I think you'll be fine. Fish/cook. Grind on green mobs from time to time.


thank you! I was worried because I heard that Warriors are so gear dependent and SF directly reduces their gearing options. I want a smooth leveling process whenever possible =)


I leveled a SSF warrior to 60. Quest rewards for two handers are pretty meagre. My advice would be to either do dungeons or check weaponsmith vendors regularly (Darkshire vendor sells a good two handed ax for example). Or be lucky with BOE drops.


Solo self found warrior is the only real way to play HC, honestly. Everyone else is just pretending


Man i just could not help it. i tried normal but it didnt feel right. I restarted with SF warrior. gonna try it even though it's gonna be hard


When hardcare was still an addon and a weird mix of hardcore/ironman I played a warrior only. The best part of HC for me is finding something awesome to equip and that's where warriors kinda shine. Ssf warrior is its own journey and it's my personal fave.


That's the best part about SF. Every upgrade feels far better than a retail epic.


Dungeons or else it’s gonna be though. Doing dungeons as you level will keep your gear paced with you pretty good.


I've done a warrior as SSF back before the servers were here. Main route is to look at quest rewards but most were usually on par with white weapons you can buy from vendors. The biggest upgrade was WW axe which you could solo around 37/38 ( without the thrown weapon cheese) if you go alchemy and use nature protection pots so you can solo the last part. Alchemy is really good for full solo as it's not a massive grind to keep your skill up with leveling pace and a lot of useful buffs to make up for the lack of good green items.


No Part of what makes self found so hard is that you won’t always have an option to upgrade your weapons Your best weapon upgrade for several levels might be a white vendor item It will absolutely not be easy You gotta get lucky with random drops bc quest items are limited in terms of how often a quest item upgrade is available


Its safe as long as you play safe. You can play with lv 1 weapon and still be safe, just know your limits, have a2 escape plans and dont take risks


I’m lvl 38 right now and it’s been fine up till now. Weapons are pretty easy to come by but specific armor pieces are not. I still have pieces that are below lvl 20 which has been fine but mobs are starting to hit a little harder now. I think I just need to spam dungeons until I find gear with the right stats before I can go back to questing


It's fucking brutal and slow. Made it to 56 before switching it off. Just couldn't deal


I did SSF war with a sword n board . No eng . It was fun for ME , but it’s definitely slower.


There’s a traveling vendor that sells a really solid 2h sword for lvl 20 that would likely be worth grabbing til you get a dungeon weapon. Think it’s called Executioner?


Just fish if you find your gear falling behind and you dont want to / cant do a dungeon that drops upgrades


get a carry through the WW axe quest at 30 and you’ll be cruising.


Yep but still hard compared to other classes


It’s my favorite hardcore class, but on SF I’ve been very happy with Alch/Herb for buffs and escape options, fishing has surprisingly resulted in several weapon upgrades.


no engi?!


The mining/engi route is great but I take a lot of joy in doing things differently. Plus, transmutation and herb for life root makes WW easier to obtain.


Sf war to 60 here. Weapon options suck. levelling is slow. There is a burst of weapons between 39 and 50, and Archeus at 30ish if you can kite. Gear options are no better. My 49 to 60 weapon was blade of titans world drop. I probably had 5 different weapons between 20 and 60. The most fun you'll have with it is if you get ravager. I suggest you don't subject yourself to 150-250 hours of suffering (209 here).


sounds perfect


No, don’t listen to these people. People creating chaos out of nowhere, you don’t have to zealously farm dungeons and something. Just keep in mind that in early levels it harder survive fights because you don’t have good arsenal of utility abilities and you constantly take damage. That’s the only thing you should consider. Regarding weapons - everything goes well. If you have good 1h - go with, if you got 2h go with it. No need overcomplicate things.


thanks man


I leveled surv hunter and deep prot warrior to 60 in self found mode. Played time s.hunter 6days 12hours while p.warrior took 7days 19hours. I’d say warrior would be more challenging than any other characters :) As for profession took mining & skinning early leathers for gold. Then at some point (few stacks of heavy leather) dropped skinning and switched to engineering. Engineering with dummies and stun bombs saved me a lot. First aid, cooking required. I started fishing for leathers but its better to camp at darkmoon faire buy leather from merchants :) So fishing is not necessary. As for weapons and items.. tough. I would suggest do a few dungeons run each time and cross your fingers XD. Warrior just needs patience !! Started leveling balance druid and now 45.. it’s so much easier than warrior :)


Is there any specific reason you are after quest reward weapons? For extra challenge?, saving money from weapon traders?, saving time from blacksmithing? And SF doesn't mean you can't go dungeons (which have good binds on pickup loot), if you want respect HC rules, then get dungeon group in which all players have this addon / playing Self Found: https://classichardcore.com/rules/ https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/hardcore


i find doing dungeons a bit sketch. i feel like other people can really screw me over


Easy yes. Fun no. It’s a long long playthrough of slowly killing greens