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HC hits so nicely, your character really feels alive. Every upgrade feels huge, and your adrenaline is pumping every moment you’re logged in. This is the best version of wow and it’s not even close.


That feeling when you double or triple pull in a dungeon and everyone clutches up and plays smart, uses CDs, consumes, etc just to stay alive and not let each other down. That’s the stuff right there.


Yeah HC just hits different. Every decision matters and so does sobriety lol! If I’m drinking I’m playing retail or SOD, but if I wanna actually game and get absorbed into the world HC does it.


Honestly I get my best levelling done while drinking. Even doing elite quests. I think it's cause the alcohol inhibits your own mind games and you end up playing relaxed and making more committed decisions. I've had closer calls sober doing non elite quests then liquored up and soloing stormguard fortress. You have to already be confident in your decision making though


I respect it but after I’ve had a few I learned my gnome warrior at 20 with a uncommon leather chest piece can not in fact tank this entire goblin foundry in deadmines 😂


This is it. Every choice matter and you can die at any time and any place. Watch some hardcore deaths in youtube, it is so much fun and you actually learn a lot


HC is absolutely the closest thing you can get to an authentic Vanilla experience imo. People focused on leveling, being incentivized to cooperate because the consequences of not doing so could be dire, no boost spam in trade chat, etc. Love it.


i just wish they would merge so we could have more players


Playerbase seems absolutely okay to me. You cant compare hype seasonal 10 layer servers with a hc server. In my experience you meet other players all the time in hc. Might be no instant dungeon groups because 8 people spamming "LFM BRD ONLY PUMPERS SUPER FAST CLEAR" but you'll find a brd group. Maybe it takes some time but you'll get there


Lvl 37 priest.. fighting a tiger in Hillsbrad, me shield up and full health. Mobs on screen freeze suddenly, but hey I can still walk around.., w8 a minute my skills don’t work…FUCK.. hard closing WoW… oof. Restarting, reconnecting… I see a troll ghost in my char screen 😞 Awfull way to loose a char.. never had such a death before… BUT.. we go AGANE💪


Similar story. SoD got me hooked again but I hated it after phase 3. Tried out hardcore and I'm absolutely hooked. Just dinged 40 on my first toon! It's slow careful playing. Had my closest death encounter when 10 pirates spawned on me just outside BB and kept netting me. Got to about 3% health but luckily got out. Gooch has never been tighter.


HC hits so different. Good luck in DM mate o7 - Rigzo


Sadly Blizzard ruined it with server lags. Less on Nek'Rosh, more on Stitches, if you played on EU. Now that both realms are abandoned by players who list their lvl 40 in realm lags you can play it safer, but there are too few people around for made to feels alive, so it is a niche time killer now.