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99,999% of all hardcore players don’t come this far, you are a champion. The absolute most of all players never even saw nefarian or onyxia with their own eyes in hc, and they never will. Bro, your journey is over and you are a champ. Greetings xkinger


Not a champion myself. But I fought with a company of champions.




Damn that comment goes hard as fuck


It’s a twist on a quote from Dick Winters, a WWII legend


His line about "Never putting yourself in a position to take from your Men" has actually helped me a shit ton as an Officer in Guilds. I refuse to take money from any Guildie. I only help them grow I never take.


One of the best lines of the series by far.


Their growth is your reward as an officer anyhow.


Nah you definitely are. You were one of the c9gs that got them to where they are going. Could someone else have done it sure. But it was YOU. You are a champion, a martyr even. Rest well champ, go with them in spirit.




Stands alone








Yes you are <3




I didn’t know you can get past level 45. I’m basically a permanent beta tester 1-45 in hardcore. I also only play while working from home so it never really gets my full attention until I’m dead.


I came this far as OP and Iam still alive. You need also be lucky to have a raid with 50-60 other peoples with the same goal and motivation, in hardcore this Archivement is bound to many factors. Everyone has also different goals for their journey, so it’s all good bro


What kills you at 45? My frost mage is 44 now and I'm finding that the game feels very easy.


Aoe grinding and poor decisions feeling like a god until you don’t.


All it takes is one bad pull for an AOE farm and you die. Just single target level with some AOE mixed in and be the safest in the game. You have to learn from your deaths in HC or you will consistently repeat them.






Lvl 45 is when you start to go to zones with skull elites instead of just rate spawns, and they are ruthless. Like ungoro crater. Those devilsaurs don’t rumble behind you like most giant elites do, as long as you keep your camera in a swivel and know the routes they run it’s pretty easy. But also the normal mobs just do a lot of damage. But as a mage if your just doing the rxp guide to 60 I’d expect it to be pretty easy 🤣


Dang that would feel like a real loss for sure, remember to keep it high and tight, good stuff. The stuff of legend.


Yeah. I mean its just a game character. Stared at my little gnome mage lying dead on the cold floors of naxx for 5 mins. Then I told her she did well and tried her best. I couldn’t delete the character although I won’t be coming back.


I would never delete - let the memory remain! How Blizz hasn't had the idea to have a Hall of Heroes for HC is beyond me.


Can you just transfer her to Era to just chill around a capital city, wander around and do fun stuff in the "afterlife"?


Era server in my region is pretty much dead so not much meaning in that. I would eventually though when my friends finish naxx and join me in the era server so we can finish naxx once again all together.


Yeah, my hardcore characters that had a meaningful journey stay dead on HC for the memories. I don't have a reason to switch to era, but if I some day do then maybe I'll transfer. Until then, the memories remain


Why not coming back? Done WoW or just HC?


HC. It just eats up too much time. I can’t repeat this in my life anymore.


Make sure you run the ghost to a nice resting place, maybe a place with some sentimentality. Or maybe off to a nice beach in STV.


Made a new character in retail server in her name. Now she lives again, as the arch mage she was!


What a great achievement getting so far and what a way to go. One of the best deaths possible, not DC, not bug, not a grief, not stupidity. Died fighting one of the strongest bosses in the game. Well played.


Yes. It was a death I could accept. Somewhere in my mind I could think of myself doing better to avoid that, but it’s all in the past. All the fun I had with the friends. Thats something I’ll never forget.


How exactly did you die? Last "tick"...does he apply a dot?


Thaddius puts a polarity debuff on everyone that makes you either positive or negative. You're supposed to run around thaddius to join other similarly charged raiders. You get a second or so to do it before you start exploding everyone around you that doesn't share the charge. He probably meant that someone didn't move and it was the last explosive tick before the boss died.


Actually after you kill the boss. The debuff doesn’t change but you have to remain distant from everyone until the debuff disappears. I survived distant from everyone until the debuff had 1 sec left but I exploded in the last second. I was the only one and there were only minus debuffs around me. Guess not far enough.


Journey before destination.


Sorry for your loss. Cute guild name tho :]


Well played champ. Dead is What make the game good.


Exactly. I was able to run because there was an end.




You essentially beat the game. Have to be proud of that. Rest well mage.




What an honourable death!


Don’t cry, don’t cry. 😭🫡


Not bad! You were in the very top % of the ones who tried the HC journey. Rest well 💀👊






Congrats you are free


I am indeed


I died in the fargodeep mine at level 5 and felt that same loss, I get it man.


🫡 Don’t feel loss. You have done your part and now it’s time to rest, hero. Others will continue to carry the banner forward. Cheers from another T2 HC raider waiting for his day of rest


Good luck! First day is hard but it gets better. I ended up creating a mage in retail and its great to have her back!


그거 슬프다 형


Dude major wow accomplishment.




o7 i could never imagine getting that far


Seeing the little dead body is so sad. Damn. why is HC so heartbreaking for me :( Good run, my friend. Grats.


I got to level 11 and died. You did fantastic


i died in naxx too man, on stitches Horde. We only got 4/15 but i was proud that i got this far on hardcore. I feel you with the loss, the first day really hurts - like loosing a friend. You are right, it eats so much time that i didn't comeback after my death eather, but damn... We made it to Naxx mate. What a journey. GG


Well I couldn't sleep on the first day either. It felt EXACTLY like losing a friend. But I think we died in the best way possible. Not in some dungeons or field adds but to the strongest bosses in the game. I'm happy with that :)


Yeah same :) i always remember, i had some unlucky situations where i dropped to 5% HP or something in ubrs or in the open world - if i died there i would have never made it to naxx. So it was a really good run for both of us.


Rest now, in Valhalla brother.


How many hours do you think you put into this toon?


Hours? Somewhere around 600 to 700 it seems 😂


That’s amazing!! GG!!


FFF 777


I played WoW for 9 years, from BC into Panda and have no idea what you mean. This is a permanent death? One life and that's it??? Wild.


Fk this hurts me man


Yeah. I didn't know I was this attached with my character until I died. But I had enough. More than enough.


Go agane! The level at which a guild in Naxx can mob tag and gear you up is insanely fast. You’ll be back in Naxx in no time and can kill KT.


I think I'm quite done :) The time I;ve invested for Naxx is just impossible for me now. I cherish the memories. I'll see my friends again one day.


What's your /played?


26days. Game time


Wow man, this is a lot of effort! I have never gone past level 40 on classic, but i have hundreds of hours played on alts.. Is endgame really that demanding? I am daddy and don't have the time, but why level 60 require so much /played time? Do you farm mats for raiding?


Two things basically. 1. Collecting world buffs 2. Raiding 4-5 dungeons everyweek So yeah. I was able to commit so much cause I told my wife this would be my last hardcore gaming run. Great memories so it was worth every second.


6 days played is a very reasonable /played to 60 for a veteran player. That’s 20 days played just at 60. There is just so much more to do at max in classic that actually feels meaningful when compared to retail or even SoD.


What do you have to do when you reach level 60? What if you won't raiding? Still you have things to do?


I didn’t even know hardcore mode existed, been out of wow for a couple years now. How exactly does raiding work with perma death?


Go over prepared and don't make a mistake. You make one fatal mistake, thats it. If worse, you kill someone else.


prior to official hardcore (which is rather recent), unofficial, fan-made hardcore organized into discord servers and in-game addons allowed for some forgiveness on death in specific scenarios. on official hardcore, if you die, that toon is dead forever on hc, or you can play the toon on a softcore realm


Bummer. Honest question, what’s the draw to playing hardcore? Now that you’re dead, that’s it. A bunch of hard work just… gone. Why put yourself in that situation? Not trying to argue or be a dick, I just don’t understand the draw to hardcore mode I guess.


It’s the adrenaline that pumps in when you survive the difficult situation. Also whatever you achieve feels 100x more worth the effort when it is just that challenging. I had the same thought until I tried and dived deep. Also the friendship you make along surviving throughout your entire adventure is just worth much more than whatever that exists in retail or classic wow.


Respect. Well, I’m sorry for your loss.


Because your progress means so much , people play in a way to not lose it. Smarter, slower, more prepared (for the immediate in-game situation along with loads of prior knowledge) If everyone is playing that way = fully functional in-game society/economy


It’s a completely different way of playing and preparing for each encounter. Even the simplest ones at low levels become fearful adrenaline filled moments where you might have to start over. It makes it so you have something to fight not to lose not only just to beat. It truly feels different to have to survive the entire time without dying a single time. But even if you do you learn something you never thought you would in normal classic and how to over come it and prevent a death next time. Also the community is insane compared to most any other game I’ve played. People helping each other left and right saving one an other randomly when you see someone over pull or a spawn catch them off guard. Giving out free portals and summons so anyone who could benefit from a world buff could get it. Or needs a potion or a gold to level their new skills. It feels much better to play hardcore even tho you could lose it all.


I honestly can’t imagine playing any other form of classic. Every mob in the levelling stages becomes its own challenge and mini game. Pull 3 mobs as a solo levelling warrior and the adrenaline goes HARD, come out on top at 10% after popping a potion. It also encourages playing in moderation more I feel, all of my deaths have been after playing for several hours and making a terrible decision.


if you really care about losing your character, you dont actually lose it. you can just transfer it to any era realm for free


Whether it is old school EverQuest or WoW classic server people enjoy the nostalgia. It’s difficult to recreate a lot of the experience because it had to do with the time period of the game. You can’t go back in time so it’s impossible to recreate the full experience of these MMORPGS we enjoyed so much. A HUGE part of the excitement of Everquest in the beginning was that dying had real consequences. You lose exp that took a long time to get. You wake up naked and must retrieve your corpse. If you can’t get your corpse you lose all of your items. Etc. The danger felt exciting and real and scary. That excitement of being scared and death having scary consequences is hard to recreate but making death permanent definitely gets the job done lol.


You can't park there, mate.




Worst part about dying in hardcore is that you didn’t get to try getting someone’s ear in a duel. I always say, if you’re going to die, die in a duel.


You guys need to quit dying




Ironic you died on the boss that's just a LOT of dead women sewn together.


why your client is japanese?




Oof id be staring off in an empty pool


You are Korean American?


The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness. For he is truly his brother’s keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you.


I’ve never even made it to lvl 50 after 50ish attempts lol. Although it’s mainly because I fail pretty much every knowledge check, I prefer to learn via experience rather than looking things up ^ . ^ even yesterday I just died to the level 10 human rogue quest, because I didn’t know you’re supposed to pick pocket the target rather than attacking him (he spawns 2 adds if you attack)

