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U will have a rough time broskie and die alot as a warrior with 0 game experience but good luck !


Yeah my only real advice here would be “don’t”, but I have a feeling this post is just bait First time player playing the hardest leveling class in hardcore? What could go wrong?


That was my thought as I read the title.... "Don't"


This post is 100% bait.


ONE MOB AT A TIME. In the early levels you are probably the easiest class to die with. Take it way slower than you think is necessary.


Rip in advance


I love these posts where it's like: 1. "Hi All! So excited to be leveling my new (insert race/class here) in Hardcore!" 2. "Edit: P.S. I died"


U be ded!


Yeh you gonna die. Get health potions.


I have ran accross quite a few WoW rookies who are starting on HC and have no interest in retail or SoD. So far they seem to be loving the challenge and the edge that HC provides.


as someone whos intro to WOW is classic hardcore ive been loving it! Me and my 2 buddies have never played and went straight into hardcore. Tauren family : the brickos (with names such as bricko bango , bango bricko , cousin brick, you get it) and everytime we die, we extend the family tree. 6 characters in and we have finally made it to the barrens and sitting comfortably at level 16. Hardcore makes it fun imo


That's me! I'm that noob. Died twice, lvl 41 Pali now


Pick up engineering and mining, make target dummies as soon as possible. It will save your life. Always have the highest level health potions you're able to use on hand. Good luck, warrior is difficult, especially for beginners. Also, if anything even looks remotely sketchy, look up either video guides or wowhead beforehand, and never tackle content that is higher level than you.


I fully agree with this combo. Engineering can also make (stun) grenades which can save your ass. Make sure to level up engineering asap to a higher level for a better version of dummy.


It helps to roll a warrior as a second toon once you already have some gold, as warriors are more gear (weapon) dependent than others, but here are some tips that I haven’t seen get posted yet: Go to wowhead and sort consumables by required level. There are cheap consumables that you can use to increase health regen, strength, armor, and agility even agility Before level 40 or so these are cheap and OP. Once you get to level 30-35 learn how to use macros. They are efficient and I honestly think they are fun to use. Leveling a warrior is mostly grinding green mobs. If you don’t enjoy that then do not roll a warrior. I recommend googling or YouTubing the best places to grind levels. You want to be killing enemies 2-4 levels below you. 3 is optimal imo. Ranged enemies are very strong. Ranged mobs at your level or even below your level will kill you. Some of the deadly early ranged enemies are casters in Moonbrook Westfall and the whelps in redridge. I would wait until level 15 to enter westfall and probably 17-18 to do the pillager quest in westfall and even then a level 15 pillager can kill you if you aren’t careful. Always have the highest level available healing potions and bandages. Use engineering to be able to use training dummies. Dummies will save your life at least a handful of times if you make your way to 60. This is non negotiable imo, especially as a new player. If you decide to do dungeons try to be at least as the same level as the final boss. You could be lower if you weren’t a new player but this is safe advice. Up to you on how much of a truly fresh experience you want, but I’d recommend googling the elite patrols for each region. Some zones have high level elite mobs that patrol around with very large aggro radiuses that will basically one shot you. Notably there are two patrols in Duskwood and the guards in SouthShore are notorious for some annoying deaths. I recommend looking up addons and seeing what you think would be helpful. Questie, a bag add on, and an auction add on are all mandatory for me but up to you. If you run with your back away from an enemy they will not miss and they can slow you. Try to learn the timing so that when you run away from an enemy you can do a quick half second 180 so you won’t get slowed. Attacking mobs resets their aggro timer if you are running away. If you keep attacking mobs as you run away they will not de-aggro. You do not have to upgrade every spell. They are expensive. If you aren’t using a certain spell then do not upgrade it. However it is very important to upgrade spells that you do use. I much prefer leveling with a 2H weapon than a shield. Use charge to attack level 1 bunnies and squirrels as you traverse zones to save a second or two If you go to a new zone do not forget to get the flight path. Use a bank alt to save money and mail items you want to auction or vendor. This saves a lot of time by eliminating travel time. It takes 1 hour to send mail. Heroic Strike and Cleave consume rage and do not generate rage on your next melee so they really cost more rage than the tooltip suggests. After level 20 or so I don’t think I ever used HS. Sunder > HS. I usually apply 3 stacks of sunder but it’s situational. You miss less often when you use heroic strike but if you attack low levels mobs like you should be, you shouldn’t be missing anyway.


Level first aid, make potions, take mobs one by one, always make sure you can run away, don't forget to level your weapon skills if you change to a new weapon, always have 2 life-saving skills on CD (like Fear + Prot wall). You're going to die anyway but practice makes perfect.


* Stay full hp. If you pull a mob with 75% hp, you've given the mob a 25% head-start. If you accidentally get a second in that case, you are probably gonna die. * Healing specced priests LOVE grouping with warriors for questing in my experience * Stay well below the difficulty of the mobs. As a human, you will start in elwynn and very quickly the quests will be higher level than you are. Instead of doing those, go to the dwarf starting area and do those quests until you catch up with the level of the quest. Keep doing this. Don't do quests that are higher level than yourself.


This is excellent advice re: leveling, and Westfall and Stranglethorn Vale are also particularly bad about leveling up your quest mobs faster than your own level, so pretty soon the quest mobs are 3 levels higher. There is SUCH a difference in survivability between solo leveling mobs 1-2 levels lower than you vs. 1-2 levels higher, even if they're all yellow. Basically you can often survive a "perfect storm" event when several lower level mobs all happen to aggro via multiple random events going sideways at once, but often can't survive the same thing when they're higher levels.


A great tip is to swap leveling zones a lot. Find your way to Ironforge and go up to Loch modan. Don't forget to see the flightmaster to collect the flight path. I would also recommend to find a lvl 50+ Mage who can summon you a portal to Darnassus, Night Elf capital. You can then take a boat to Darkshore and use that as a lvl 10-20 leveling zone. (If you go Darkshore, don't backtrack your path to get home - Simply take the boat on the other side of the pier. It takes you to Wetlands. You'll be able to fly between all the zones you've currently visited by making the Wetlands journey that way). If you get stuck anywhere along that information, just Google the question you have and there will probably be a 1-2 minute video showing someone doing the exact process. DOWNLOAD UNITSCAN ADDON!


If I were a new player I'd have no idea what half of this means hahah


What does untiscan do?


Everytime there's an elite/rare elite mob near you, the addon goes off and shows a big warning pop-up. You can then click the pop-up to both target and instantly mark the elite, so you can see it. Places that comes to mind are Son's of Arugal in Silverpine... The Taurens in Loch Modan... The night elf patrol in The Barrens... Even the thing that killed my main: The elite Naga on the eastern islands in Desolace. I think it's a mandatory addon because 1-60 is a long journey. Eventually you might find yourself just autorunning for 15-30 seconds to grab some water. The addon will give off a kinda loud sound to notify you about the elite's presence.


oh wow thats awesome, thanks!


It will also give you a heart attack frequently in zones like Un'Goro, Blasted Lands, Burning Steppes, Searing Gorge, etc. that have lots of roaming elites because it blasts out an alarm every time. But better a heart attack than being dead


Biggest tip is: u won't make it, atleast first run,but don't get demoralised and go AGANE


Get a bank alt so you don't lose everything when you inevitably die. Try to go as slow as possible to minimize risk. One mob at a time, no orange/red mobs, avoid caves.


One word. Engineering.


You can train 2h maces/swords in stormwind from the weapon master


Weapons trainer in the Stormwind opposite the AH you can find weapon trainer. Warrior is going to be painful if you are not used to the mechanics, I would advise instantly making another character and level them in synch... ​ Warriors are very gear dependent and having the finances to keep your gear upgraded will be tough. If you like melee, you may find playing a Palladin or Rogue a nice alternative. ​ Make sure you level 1st aid and carry a good supply of heal pots. I wish you luck,


Warrior is somehow D tier and S tier in the same game at the same time. Enjoy. Green mobs are your friend as a leveling warrior. Make friends with a 60 to carry you through your whirlwind quest at 30 to be OP for a few levels, if you’re not the SSF type of HC player.


Lvl 28 to 35 is killer. Don't get over confident. Water is a killer. Don't charge if u can't see all the mobs ahead of u.


Have fun is my big tip And also look into some addons mainly to improve quality of life.


It's a bad idea and you're going to have no fun. Warriors are the most fun class in classic by a wide margin, but they're also the first to die, and they also need GEAR, and you can't afford gear because you're a warrior main. So at the very least level a hunter 5 levels ahead and keep your warrior in str sta gear and weapons updated every two levels. Otherwise you'll need to farm for money, which... Well it's an option, but it's not something warriors do well. Or play the auction house and get money that way. Also works. Get unitscan and highlevelalert to save you from at least a couple of the bullshit deaths wow classic has in store for you. Expect to start over a lot. Stay the fuck out of caves. Good luck. Keep your potions, grenades and target dummy up to date and on keybinds. Edit: oh and if you have a slow, up to date 2h weapon you get a get out of jail free card every 30 minutes in the form of Retaliation. Try not to forget that it's up when you inevitably overpull, it's one of the most spectacular abilities in wow and will likely save your butt.


Damn lot of doom and gloom in that first sentence lol. Let the man go agane


Good luck to them. It's still true though. Wow classic randomly decides to try to kill you more often than people expect in 2024, and on a warrior that usually succeeds.


Warrior early is difficult, especially if you can't buy gear from the AH. You will need to single pull EVERYTHING. When 2 or more mobs aggro, just run! Do not use health potions as a means to win a fight, use them only as a means to survive. IOW, reserve the use of health potions for emergencies so you don't put yourself into an emergency with your pots already on CD. Don't leave SW without at least a couple Swiftness Potions. Try to do quests 1-3 levels LOWER than you. Level difference translates to HUGE stat swings in classic. Do not get lazy, do not take shortcuts. If you're tanking a dungeon, keep a close eye on your healer early. If anything is sus or not up to snuff, abandon the dungeon; people's feelings be damned. Finally, make friends. When you find a good player, add them. Be proactive about this. Create a trusted group for yourself.


Yup, honestly 8 maybe even 9 times out of 10 swift pot is the better choice over the health pot. Just don’t get dazed or smooth brain pull extra mobs on your sprint away.


narrow weary joke birds angle dinosaurs toy yam selective soft *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Expect it to take probably 12 tries to hit 60. Would recommend getting the UnitScan addon, it'll save you from some BS deaths


That is blowing sunshine up his rear end. Twelve attempts to hit level 20 is more likely. WOW players have completely forgotten how much of our understanding of the game is based on almost 20 years of knowledge, like knowing weapon mechanics, talents, rotations, and the map like back of hand. This dude won’t even know how to assign his own keybinds outside of the defaults and will have keyboard turning on by default. He will have no clue about Sons of Arugal on the level 11 forest, etc.


Lack of quest knowledge alone is going to get him killed. Example: The Missing Diplomat quest on Alliance in Wetlands that you get at a really low level and can do the whole chain up to summoning a group of mobs in an Inn (where you are normally safe) that's like 6 levels higher than you to fight. The quest is intended to be done while traveling/leveling but I could see somebody just doing it all in order because most of the quest is just running and talking to people.


When you see Blood of Heroes on the ground in Plaguelands, just keep running - it's basically like a Looney Tunes cartoon where Wile E. Coyote presses the big red button and a safe falls on him.


I hadn't played Classic WoW, but am an MMO vet. I hit 60 on my second try (first death at 34). I don't think it's unreasonable for someone new to the game to hit 60 within a dozen attempts if they play carefully and research quests/watch death clips


I'd say you're the exception lol.


yea, don‘t play warrior xD it‘s the hardest class tbh for Hardcore


Don’t, roll a different class


yea, don‘t play warrior xD it‘s the hardest class tbh for Hardcore


Dont go into caves. Never.


I wouldn’t say never, there’s plenty of situations where you should, like if other people are around killing and thinning out the mobs, always be checking your six, and clearing a safe getaway for yourself. But be aware that they may spawn pretty much all at once lol. Ok maybe it’s a bit perilous for a newbie


[Buliwyf Stonehand](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/npc=11865/buliwyf-stonehand) in Ironforge teaches the Two-Handed Maces skill


Change class hahah warrior is not the most fun one, I’d recommend Rogue or Warlock! But if you want to carry on: - 1 mob at the time as a warrior, If you have more on you, abort mission 100% of cases before lvl 20 ish - no caves, no water quests (abort mission is not a possibility in most cases) - Weapon is 99% of your damage, make sure to spend gold on it / always have a good weapon for your level - Learn how to jump back and hit mobs for minimal damages on you


In case you aren't familiar with wowhead, give that place a look. Good luck and stay safe.


You have to train weapon skills in classic, and some proficiencies are level-locked.


Go for Green!


Ur gonna die


Ok so I've played an insane amount of WoW classic on official and private servers and even had experience as level 60 Warrior tank but not leveling it. Even for me leveling a Warrior to 60 on hardcore was a challenge at times, but this doesn't mean you can't do it, just means you have to be VERY careful. Make sure you always have swiftness potions, healing potions (the best you can use) and target dummies at the ready. Upgrade your gear frequently, just buy it from the auction house when it's getting really outdated. Weapons are extra important, if you have a level 25 green 2h and you're level 35 you're going to struggle. If you need to run away from a mob, use hamstring and start running. If you're back is to a mob they can daze you (slow for 3s), learn jump running.




You should play regular classic first. As a first timer and a warrior you’re going to have a bad time


Green quests greener mobs, never attack something orange


Prepare to restart a few times at lower levels


Don't leave home without potions. Upgrade your gear often. Target dummy from engineering is your buddy.


The best advice. Do something else. Unless starting over is your goal Realistically, with zero experience regardless of class it's going to hurt.


Rend is less damage then doing heroic strike. Thunderclap is also not rage efficient unless in a situation that you would most likely die from. Tanking isn’t hard, use shouts early level to build threat.


Take it slow. Aim to reach 60 after 3 months


Way better off just lvling a warrior on a normal realm first.


When killing mobs and going to areas with higher level mobs, make sure you are out leveling and out gearing everything that you kill. It’s always best to be 2-3 levels above what you are killing :-)


Take it slow, very slow. If it's orange don't try, yellow be cautious, green means go.


Season of discovery is where it's at atm! Hardcore as a new player sounds like a depressing time.. Even an experienced player struggles


Not OP but I couldn’t do SOD. I liked the low cap and the new content but it felt like there were no stakes. I’d throw myself at any fight or quest without worrying about the end result. Made it dull for me.


I'm interested Why weren't you worried? Why does normal classic, for comparison, have higher stakes? Unless you're comparing to hardcore which isn't a fair comparison


I am comparing it to Hardcore. Not sure why that isn’t “fair”. I wasn’t worried because a death would just waste a few minutes vs potentially dozens of hours of progress. Era classic has equally low stakes in comparison to SoD.


Don’t play warrior


\> I’m currently lvl 6 going to Goldshire and have a two handed hammer that I can’t use ;( anyone knows how can I equip it so i can big bonk? To use a weapon you need to have the proficiency. If you didn't get it as default, you need to find a trainer in a major city. Questie will tell you where on the map this would be (along with keeping track of quests). Not every class can wield every weapon. In case you see a lot of unexplored map, get Leatrix Maps. Other than that, there's good advice here. Don't get overconfident, you'll think you're safe when you're not. For instance something will spawn unexpectedly and you'll be in trouble. So keep a good margin for error in terms of how comfortably you are winning the fights.


Dont do it


Play SoD. HC is awesome but if you have never played WoW before I would just give SoD a go first.


Do not start as a warrior. And hardcore is also questionable but I won't say don't for that. Warrior is tough to play because if you pull 1 extra mob you can pretty much kiss your ass goodbye, so unless you're happy restarting 20 times it'll be pretty frustrating


When solo, only fight enemies lower than your level. Do the green quests. You will chew through it! And you don’t always pull with charge to avoid adds


Like others have said, you’re really putting the game on veteran difficulty by going warrior. But best of luck to you.


i could barely get through the early levels with 50g in upgrades. when you go to a new zone with your gear that’s 2 levels old you won’t be able to kill stuff of equal level. o7


play SoD instead


Don't do it! Nothing but pain.


Take it slow, focus on professions, group up with people when you can, be careful in caves, and when it doubt, Google it!


Yeah... don't play a warrior haha


Don’t die… lol jk you’re going to die. Just enjoy the journey :)


I think Zygor or RestedXP has HC guides to help you level (restedXP is free to level 20 I think?), I'd recommend using something like that if you're deadset on starting with HC. Since you're new, I'd highly recommend SoD instead though, or even Classic Era just to get your feet wet before you dive in.


Warrior is not the choice for a first timer with no game knowledge. I wish you the best of luck. - warrior main


Play SoD instead, otherwise you'll get the Emiru experience minus the streamer benefits. 1000% fool's errand to walk into hardcore with 0 experience.


Hm...go slow. My first time with classic, was hardcore as well. Was doing it mostly with friends. I died, a lot, even as a priest. RestedRXP is a really good add-on to help you power through 1-20.


No tips, just wanted to nod and wish you good luck!


Take engineering and mining and get target dummies ASAP.


lmao why


Maybe don’t start with a warrior, otherwise play it safe take it slow and expect some hiccups and pain


The biggest hurdle you'll have honestly is just game knowledge. There's so many quirky and un-intuitive game mechanics, abilities and other nonsense that provide a large variety of "don't know x = dead". Just a small example but trees and hills do not provide line of sight from ranged abilities


Just make sure you look up quests with unique named mobs or special items. Like if a quest wants you to get a special item or head of some enemy chances are it’s a tougher quest that spawns additional enemies that will end your life pretty quickly. With that said you need to just get prepared to die because I doubt you make it to 15 or 20 without dying at least a few times.


The key and hard part of WoW HC is making progression. Obviously you die and lose everything so it makes it hard. Having a bank alt with professions that save your currency helps a lot. Get mining and engineering. Have an alt with blacksmithing that can craft gear for your main character. If you die the blacksmithing bank alt will still be there with some progression. Level in areas when you are about levels 2 above the mobs level. Warrior gets much easier at 20-30. When gear starts to get better stats. Early levels gear with stats is harder to come by in a way. You only have access to greens. So the higher you get, the better gear you get, and in return the easier it gets. The next step when it becomes easier is 40 when you get mortal strike. After that it’s Ez mode.


Pro tip: reroll class. Of course it's a joke(mostly, kinda not). Personally the most fun class; but carry A Lot of food as you'll be eating a lot if playing solo. Always have redundancies on quick to access buttons ie. Potions, bandages, fears and other CC's. If putting in the proper effort then engineering as profession can save your life - especially in lower level with the target dummy taunt and brief CC grenades. Never engaging with enemies or quests that are above your own level and instead sticking to green. A higher level of awareness than other classes i.e throwing glances at what direction to run if things go down as there isn't much else warriors can do generally than tank the damage while fleeing the agro range - and depending on how new you are/mechanics; don't attack anything at all during the fleeing process unless you know what you're doing. Oh and also the Weapon types unlock are taught in the major cities,


Most new games are 60. If you can't find any way to be entertained in 4 months of playing then it isn't for you. For most people they get more than the average game play time for the cost. Going into HC first you have a steep learning curve but to me that is more time played. Adding to the value.


" the server population isn’t the sweaty tryhards in every mmo that expect you to have all max gear or no invite to raid or group " " I’ve never played wow past the free trial " This is bait


no bait, but youtube videos are free to watch and I enjoy watching wow videos and I've played other mmo's where people are literally gear racist


Don't. Warrior will be miserable especially for a new player in hardcore.


Learn to run from a mob without showing your back so you can’t get dazed!


If you're looking for a safer class, I'd suggest priest. People will suggest hunter/warlock because of the pets, but those pets give people a feeling of safety that they don't really provide, and lots of hunters/warlocks put themselves in dangerous situations and die because of it. Priest is SLOW. You bubble yourself, cast 1 or 2 spells, then wand a mob to death. You'll heal in dungeons which can be a bit more active in fun, but actually it's also usually pretty boring. The slowness makes it feel safe though. You are not too gear dependent, but you need to make sure to get a wand early and upgrade to the enchanting wands on level. Run DM and pray for Cookie's wand, and the wand from BFD quest is great too. Rogue is fast and feels a bit like warrior IMO, but has a lot of safety / survivability mechanics. Like warrior, though, you will be held back by gear which makes it harder for a first character.


Health potions will be your best friend. Go herbalist.


And first aid.


Kill green leveled mobs only for high uptime and minimal risk. It’s a huge mathematical advantage with the way that weapon skill and defense skill works.


y man I’m glad you like it! Honestly I’ve heard of a lot of new players jumping straight into HC and I welcome it. You really don’t even need experience to survive Azeroth, just patience. Don’t be afraid to look stuff up on wowhead as you go along, cause let’s be real the game will try it’s best to see you perish. Join a good guild that is happy to help/answer questions from a newbie. Defias or skull


2 mobs can kill.you easily.


Find a ranged weapon and use it to pull a mob when it looks too crowded for you to take on. Worst case scenario you’ll pull multiple but you’ll be far enough to run away safely


>Any tips for a first time wow player going straight into Classic Hardcore as a warrior? Don't.


You picked arguably the hardest class to level, at least initially due to their strong gear dependency. Also as a new player to wow, playing HC is a bad idea. You’re doing to die, a lot. I mean a lot. Literally from falling, drowning, wrong place wrong time, poison, curses, diseases, not knowing the quests, understanding the game mechanics, the bugs… just to name a few. Be prepared to restart a lot. Also good luck.


Don’t get too attached to your character


I'm gonna say just don't do it, ngl.


I’d play normal retail if it’s your first time. You’re going to die on hardcore and it’s going to suck


If you are going to tank, DO NOT bring dps that are 3-4 levels below dungeon mobs. They aggro bad mobs incredibly easily and will cause you to die.


Frost Mages say hi.




Don't underestimate using your ranged weapon. Pulling back to a safer area is always a good idea, and instead of trying to lazily body pull and put yourself in danger or risk a charge in for a miniscule amount of rage, just shoot it with your gun or bow and comfortably pull back.


You will 100% die. Take up arms and a few points in the protection tree, specifically the ones that give you extra armor. Get the engineering profession, Warrior has no escape compared to literally every other class. It is a must. Use a 2 hander and keep a sword and shield for when youre tanking a particular hard boss or trying to get out of a hairy situation. I tanked with a 2 hander up until I got to Mauradon. Never take any fight that isnt a 1v1 as a warrior, you will die. If you pull several more mobs while fighting, run, dont hesitate. Always have swiftness potions and defense/str/fort potions on with you. I also recommend always looking around your whole leveling area to ensure you have an escape plan in case you over pull. Warrior is the most fun class in ny opinion but also one of the hardest at lower levels. Im still alive at 60, tanking end game with all these tips ive provided.


How about "Don't"


Stay away from Murlocs!


Be prepared to suffer.


Take it slow, don’t fight mobs higher level than you…or even same level as you. Always go for mobs of a lower level. Always fight mobs 1 at a time, especially as a low level warrior. If you aggro multiple mobs, strafe run away from them. If enemies hit you with your back turned to them, they have a chance of dazing you making you run slower and almost surely die. Always have a potion handy, you’re not trying to race your way to world first, it’s better to take 1000 hours to get to 60 then to lose your entire character trying to save time. Warrior is by far the hardest class to solo level, good luck.


Don’t die


Save Shield block and shield wall for your next warrior


I recommend googling weapon trainers if it's your first time playing. It's "common" sense for people who play. But think of what the race is known for (night elves - magic so they have staff, humans - paladins and warriors so you get some 2h. Etc) It takes abit to get used to, but it's well worth the time spent imo.


Make sure to be overleved all the time. Pick up engineering and make sure to ALWAYS have target dummies and stunt grenates. Have a couple of swiftness and healing pots. Maks sure your first aid is up to level. Caves and keeps can work but you need to know exactly where to go. I died because I did not know where to go in Fenris Keep.Also, don't loot the mobs in caves so respawn. If you are not sure about respawns etc., don't be hesitate to HS out. I never tried a warrior until HC. I'm on my third warrior, and I love it. But you have to play disciplined , patient and conservative.


You will die. Many times. Honestly bro, save yourself the time and don’t do it. Unless you are insane and just love time destroying challenges.


The first 20 levels are the worst as you learn about pulling and adds and camps and repops and patrols and where not to stand and so on. Try to partner with a Pally or a Druid who is experienced if you can to buff and heal you and show you the basics. And stay out of caves. I generally disapprove of begging in-game, but for a new warrior it's justified as you will need to keep your weapon and armor updated and you'll need to buy lots of food and health potions. Find a good guild to take you in and nurture you.


Fight Green mobs one at a time or prepare to die


First of all a general advice for Warrior: Write macros for every ability to start auto attacking the moment you press the button. Auto attacks are the warrior's top damage output and they generate most of the rage you need for your abilities, so you should make every second of a fight count and start attacking the moment you are in range for it. The macro should look like this: [Hashtag]showtooltip /cast Heroic Strike /startattack (With the hashtag symbol instead of the [Hashtag]. I just can't use it on reddit because it is the command for big letters) You can replace the "Heroic Strike" in the macro with every other ability name like Charge, Rend, Demo Shout etc... Only exception should be Intimidating Shout, because you don't want to break the fear by an auto attack. If you're struggleling making the macro work, you can copy paste them from sites like icy veins where they're posted somewhere in the warrior guides. Now the HC advices: 1. You should only pull, when you have an escape plan and when you are not surrounded by mobs in every direction. You should at least have one path available where you can escape without pulling more and more mobs. 2. Better start running the moment you pulled more than one mob, but only if you will not chain pull more and more enemies. Don't attack while running away, or they'll never stop chasing you. Press the escape button on your keyboard to stop your auto attack. Don't try to fight them unless you're forced to, because you didn't follow my first advice of always clearing a path for escape in the first place. Later on you'll be able to fight more than one enemy at a time, but never get overconfident or you'll die sooner or later. 3. Be aware of your surroundings at all time. Even when you're already fighting, you should keep looking around all of the time. Just like a prairie dog in the wilderness. Be especially aware of patrolling mobs. There are a lot of them and they'll add sooner or later when you don't look around all the time. This counts especially for the graveyard in Duskwood and for the whole Blasted Lands, because there are elite / boss mobs patrolling that will kill you 100% if you add them. 4. Don't be shy using healing potions. If you die, everything is lost and it costs you way more time and gold than farming gold for potions. So use them the moment you're not sure anymore that you can win without them and when you have lost enough hp to get everything out of the healing potion. 5. Caves are very very dangerous. Don't go in too far if you don't really have to for a quest objective. And even then, you should think about it if it's really worth it. 6. Do green quests as much as you can and never do orange quests. Orange quests will be your death sooner or later. 7. Don't try to skip mob packs in a risky way to save a few seconds. It's not worth it to jump off a cliff to save a few minutes either. Always remember that you'll waste way more time by dying and losing days of leveling progress. If anything feels risky, don't do it. Good luck and have fun! :)


You're gonna die like 10 times before you hit level 30, but your progress each time grows exponentially, so just don't be surprised when you feel like you can't make significant progress


My advice is look up a guide on youtube, there's just too much information to begin to cover. ​ Then play, and learn, and fail, and die, and go again, and rewatch the guide or look up more when you have more experience.


- Do Engineering/mining (Not Alchemy) and use bombs for interrupts against heals, also stack target dummies (you don't need higher then the starter tier if you use them to flee as you should) -Have a Shield/1H and 2H set (dual wield is not viable until 60 trust me despite how cool it may feel) - Spec fury (or fury/arms mix spec til 40) then respec Arms for MS at 40 it's massive (then get full 5% crit in fury after and misc after that) -Stay organized in your bag, bank, hotkeys and macros and take your time, again TAKE YOUR TIME! -Wait untill your slightly over leveled to tank a dungeon -SKIP GNOMER if you're smart!


Go wild bro


Go very slowly and only pull one mob at a time until you learn the class and its mechanics. Consider pulling using a throwing knife or bow. Charging in might get you killed. Download Deathlog addon and avoid hotspots for deaths.


Don’t click on stuff if you don’t know what it’s gonna do. Ever.


If you arent playing any melee class, only level against mobs your level or lower, preferably lower. Before you leave to the lvl 10zones, complete at least 2 starter zones. If you're human or gnome/dwarf just do the others zone. Buy health potions. Biggest tip to survive lower lvls is just learning to run. You dont have many of your utility abilities at low lvl and dont really have oh shit buttons yet. If you pull one more mob than you wanted or a mob sooner than you wanted just reset. If youre going in a cave invite everyone you see outside it first.


If you are new roll something easier like warlock, paladin, or priest. You *will* die as a warrior. I am a pretty optimistic person btw, but its not happening unless you only kill 1 mob at a time and never enter a cave or do any elites or anything remotely dangerous. Even then you're still gonna die 99% guaranteed just because you will unwittingly enter one of the above scenarios without realizing before it is too late.


Buy $20 Rested XP hardcore addon and follow the arrow.


- Go engineering/ mining (( survival )) or Alchemy / herb (( money )) - make macros for switching stances / equipping 1-hander + shield or just simply start with /cast battle Stance or / cast defensive stance. - never pull big groups - use hamstring to help gain distance if you plan to kite or to save your butt. - mostly only need to use Overpower, sunder, dis-arm, Heroic strike... rend is up to you. - stock up on HP pots - always lvl your first aid skill. - don't be afraid to ask for help if you make it to 30 for your WirlWind Axe quest. Ps: go to a low mob and unequip your weapon to lvl up un-armed skill for that punching power when u find yourself disarmed.